The Ecology and Management of Wood in World Rivers


SKU: x54037xm Category:


Stan V. Gregory, Kathryn L. Boyer, and Angela M. Gurnell, editors

444 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society

Publication date: December 2003



Symposium 37

This book is the proceedings of the International Conference on Wood in World Rivers held in Corvallis, Oregon. The volume (1) synthesizes world knowledge about large wood in streams and rivers in relation to physical and ecological processes and stream restoration; (2) presents the status of knowledge of the physical dynamics and ecological interactions of large wood in streams and rivers in different geographical regions; (3) creates a framework for interpreting and potentially applying the results of research in different geographical regions and management systems; (4) identifies different management systems for large wood in rivers; (5) assesses physical and biological responses of large wood in stream restoration; and (6) explores links between primary information of the physical and ecological dynamics of large wood resource management systems, and the communities and cultures in which they are applied.

Table of Contents


The Limits of Wood in World Rivers: Present, Past, and Future Ken J. Gregory

Geomorphic Effects of Wood in Rivers David R. Montgomery, Brian B. Collins, John M. Buffington, and Tim B. Abbe

Wood Recruitment Processes and Wood Budgeting Lee Benda, Daniel Miller, Joan Sias, Douglas Martin, Robert Bilby, Curt Veldhuisen, and Thomas Dunne

Wood Storage and Mobility Angela M. Gurnell

Hydraulic Effects of Wood in Streams and Rivers M. Mutz

Dynamics of Wood in Large Rivers Herve Piegay

Decomposition and Nutrients Dynamics of Wood in Streams and Rivers Robert E. Bilby

Influence of Wood on Invertebrate Communities in Streams and Rivers Arthur C. Benke and J. Bruce Wallace

Fish Relationships with Large Wood in Small Streams C. Andrew Dolloff and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.

Fish Relationships with Wood in Large Rivers Maciej Zalewski, Magorzata Lapinska, and Peter B. Bayley

Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects of Beaver Dams and Their Influence on Fishes Michael M. Pollock, Morgan Heim, and Robert J. Naiman

Wood and Wildlife: Benefits of River Wood to Terrestrial and Aquatic Vertebrates E. Ashley Steel, William H. Richards, and Kathryn A. Kelsey

Influence of Wood on Aquatic Biodiversity Steven M. Wondzell and Peter A. Bisson

Dynamics and Ecological Functions of Wood in Estuarine and Coastal Marine Ecosystems Charles A. Simendstad, Alicia Wick, Stan Van de Wetering, and Daniel L. Bottom

Dynamics of Wood in Rivers or the Context of Ecological Disturbance Futoshi Nakamura and Frederick J. Swanson

Wood in Rivers: A Landscape Perspective Frederick J. Swanson

Modeling the Dynamics of Wood in Streams and Rivers Stan V. Gregory, Mark A. Meleason, and Daniel Sobota

Wood in Streams and Rivers in Developed Landscapes Arturo Elosegi and Lucinda B. Johnson

Restoring Streams with Large Wood: A Synthesis Michael Reich, Jeffrey L. Kershner, and Randall C. Wildman

Wood in River Rehabilitation and Management Timothy B. Abbe, Andrew P. Brooks, and David R. Montgomery

Trends in Using Wood to Restore Aquatic Habitats and Fish Communities in Western North American Rivers Peter A. Bisson, Steven M. Wondzell, Gordon H. Reeves, and Stan V. Montgomery

Riparian Management for Wood in Rivers Kathryn L. Boyer, Dean Rae Berg, and Stan V. Gregory

Rivers and Wood: A Human Dimension Geoff Petts and Robin Welcomme