Grenadiers of the World Oceans: Biology, Stock Assessment, and Fisheries


SKU: 54063P Category:


Alexei M. Orlov and Tomio Iwamoto, editors

484 pages, Symposium 63

Published by the American Fisheries Society

Publication date: August 2008

ISBN: 978-1-934874-00-4



Grenadiers or rattails are widely distributed in the oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic. This is the first book to examine different aspects of the distribution, ecology, life history, stock assessment, and fisheries of different grenadier species in the oceans. The 25 chapters, written by 65 international experts, provide the most current data on the biology and fisheries of grenadiers.

This volume will appeal to a wide spectrum of professionals, including fisheries scientists and managers, marine biologists and ecologists, and oceanographers.


History of Grenadier Studies

A Brief Taxonomic History of Grenadiers (Tomio Iwamoto)

Species Composition and Distribution

Species Composition and Distribution Pattern of Grenadiers (Family Bathygadidae, Macrouridae, and Macrourididae) from Taiwan (Kwang-Tsao Shao, Tomio Iwamoto, Hsuan-Ching Ho, Tun-Yuang Cheng, and Ching-Yi Chen)

Grenadier Fishes from the Colombian Caribbean: What Do We Know? (Camilo B. García and Juan Pablo Caldas)

Grenadier Fishes from Chilean Waters: Some Aspects in Relation to Fisheries (Germán Pequeño)

Information About Grenadiers from Bottom Trawl Surveys in the Gulf of Cadiz (Juan Gil, Jesús Canoura, Yolanda Vila, and Ignacio Sobrino)

Species Composition and Abundance Patterns of Grenadiers on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Iceland and the Azores (Odd Aksel Bergstad, Å. S. HØines, Alexei M. Orlov, Tomio Iwamoto, J. Galbraith, I. Byrkjedal, and F. Uiblein)

Distribution and Biology of Grenadiers off the West Coast of Canada (Ashleen J. Benson and Gordon A. McFarlane)

Distribution and Relative Abundance of Main Grenadiers (Macrouridae, Gadiformes) from Mozambique (Juan Gil, Ignacio Sobrino, Jorge Baro, José González, Paula Santana Afonso, and Eduardo Balguerias)

New Data on the Distribution of Young Roundnose Grenadier in the North Atlantic (Vladimir I. Vinnichenko and Vladimir N. Khlivnoy)

Grenadiers in the Demersal Community off Northern and Central Chile (Enzo Acuña, Alex Cortés, and María Teresa Cabrera)

Biology and Ecology

Coryphaenoides armatus, the Abyssal Grenadier: Global Distribution, Abundance, and Ecology as Determined by Baited Landers (N. J. King and I. G. Priede)

Length/Weight Relationships of Three Macrourid Fishes in the Eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey (Halit Filiz and Ertan Taskavak)

A Review on the Reproduction of Grenadiers in the Mediterranean with New Data on the Gonad Maturity and Fecundity (Gianfranco D’Onghia, Porzia Maiorano, and Letizia Sion)

Feeding Ecology of Three Congeneric Grenadiers in Waters of Northeastern Taiwan (Chin-Chao Lee, Hsuan-Wien Chen, Kwang-Tsao Shao, and Chien-Chung Hsu)

Energetics of Grenadier Fishes (Jeffrey C. Drazen)

Some Ecological and Biological Features of Giant and Popeye Grenadiers in the Pacific Waters off the Northern Kuril Islands and Southeastern Kamchatka (Alexei M. Orlov and Alexei M. Tokranov)

Biology and Distribution of Grenadiers of the Family Macrouridae around the Falkland Islands (Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Alexander Arkhipkin, and Paul Brickle)

The Most Abundant Grenadiers of the Russian Far East EEZ: Distribution and Basic Biological Patterns (Vladimir N. Tuponogov, Alexei M. Orlov, Leonid S. Kodolov)

Fisheries and Stock Assessment

An Analytical Assessment of the Roughhead Grenadier Stock in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 (Fernando González-Costas and Hilario Murua)

Biology and Fisheries of Roughhead Grenadier in the Barents Sea (Andrey V. Dolgov, Konstantin V. Drevetnyak, Konstantin M. Sokolov, Andrey A. Grekov, and Igor P. Shestopal)

Grenadiers of the Northeast Atlantic Distribution, Biology, Fisheries, and their Impacts, and Developments in Stock Assessment and Management (P. Lorance, P. A. Large, O. A. Bergstad, and J. D. M. Gordon)

Russian Investigations and the Fishery of Roundnose Grenadier in the North Atlantic (Vladimir N. Shibanov and Vladimir I. Vinnichenko)

The Giant Grenadier in Alaska (David M. Clausen)

Grenadier Bycatch in the Toothfish Longline Fishery in the Ross Sea, Antarctica (Stuart Hanchet, Richard O’Driscoll, Sira Ballara, and Alistair Dunn)

Population Trends and Status of Two Exploited Northwest Atlantic Grenadiers, Coryphaenoides rupestris and Macrourus berglax (Jennifer A. Devine and Richard L. Haedrich)