David Stanley and Ann Scarborough-Bull, editors
238 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, August 2003
Symposium 36
This volume is the proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Fish and Fisheries meeting, focusing on the impact and effects of oil and gas development on fish and fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. The book covers (1) an evaluation of natural and artificial reef productivity, (2) fisheries management in the Gulf of Mexico, (3) a compilation of offshore petroleum platform assemblage research, (4) the impact of outer continental shelf (OCS) development on the marine community, (5) OCS and deepwater marine ecology, and (6) artificial reefs and fisheries management. The volume provides new information and research and updates the 1991 AFS symposium “Fisheries and Oil Development on the Continental Shelf.”
Table of Contents
The Role of Fishermen and Other Stakeholders in the North Sea Rigs-to-Reefs Debate Mark Baine and Jon Side
Comparison of Plankton Net and Light Trap Methodologies for Sampling Larval and Juvenile Fishes at Offshore Petroleum Platforms and a Coastal Jetty off Louisiana Frank J. Hernandez, Jr. and Richard F. Shaw
The Across-Shelf Larval, Postlarval, and Juvenile Fish Assemblages Collected at Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Frank J. Hernandez, Jr., Richard F. Shaw, Joseph S. Cope, James G. Ditty, Talat Farooqi, and Mark C. Benfield
Red Snapper Recruitment to and Disappearance from Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico David L. Nieland and Charles A. Wilson
Impacts of Red Snapper Mortality Associated with the Explosive Removal of Oil and Gas Structures on Stock Assessments of Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico Gregg R. Gitschlag, Michael J. Schirripa, and Joseph E. Powers
Importance of Geology to Fisheries Management: Examples from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Kathryn M. Scanlon, Christopher C. Koenig, Felicia C. Coleman, and Margaret Miller
Fish Assemblages around Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Developing a Survey Design Kevin R. Rademacher and Jeffery H. Render
Seasonal and Spatial Variation in the Biomass and Size Frequency Distribution of Fish Associated with Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico David R. Stanley and Charles A. Wilson
Red Snapper Discards in Texas Coastal Waters–a Fishery Dependent Onboard Survey of Recreational Headboat Discards and Landings Barbara A. Dorf
Zooplanktivory by Blue Runner Caranx crysos: a Potential Energetic Subsidy to Gulf of Mexico Fish Populations at Petroleum Platforms Sean F. Keenan, Mark C. Benfield, and Richard F. Shaw
Site Fidelity and Dispersion of Red Snapper Associated with Artificial Reefs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico William F. Patterson and James H. Cowan
Secondary Productivity within Biotic Fouling Community Elements on Two Artificial Reef Structures in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Carl Beaver, Susan Childs, and Quenton Dokken
Occurrence and Pelagic Habitat of Reef Fish Larvae in the Gulf of Mexico David S. Hanisko and Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz
Preliminary Trophodynamic Carbon Budget for the Sigsbee Deep Benthos, Northern Gulf of Mexico Gilbert T. Rowe, Angela Lohse, Gregory S. Boland, Elva Escobar Briones, Fain Hubbard, and Jody Deming