Larry R. Brown, Robert H. Gray, Robert M. Hughes, and Michael Meador, editors
423 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, 2005
Symposium 47
As human populations continue to grow, the effects of urbanization on streams and other habitats will become increasingly important to aquatic resource managers and land use planners. Urbanization of watersheds is almost invariably accompanied by loss and alteration of aquatic habitats, two of the most frequently mentioned causes for losses of aquatic biota.
This book includes a variety of case studies addressing the effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems at locations ranging from Brazil to Southern California to New York. Of special interest is a group of five papers resulting from an interdisciplinary comparative study of urbanization in Boston, Massachusetts, Birmingham, Alabama, and Salt Lake City, Utah. These papers address regional variations in study design and responses of habitat, benthic algae, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish to urban development.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems Larry R. Brown, Robert H. Gray, Robert M. Hughes, and Michael R. Meador
The Effects of Urbanization on Biodiversity and Water Quality in the Rio das Velhas Basin, Brazil Paulo S. Pompeu, Carlos Bernardo M. Alves, and Marcos Callisto
Urbanization Consequences: Case Studies in the Hudson River Watershed Karin E. Limburg, Karen M. Stainbrook, Jon D. Erickson, and John M. Gowdy
Effects of Landscape Change on Fish Assemblage Structure in a Rapidly Growing Metropolitan Area in North Carolina, USA Jonathan G. Kennen, Ming Chang, and Bryn H. Tracy
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Introduction for Noneconomists Christopher F. Dumas, Peter W. Schuhmann, and John C. Whitehead
Urbanization Effects on Fishes and Habitat Quality in a Southern Piedmont River Basin David M. Walters, Mary C. Freeman, David S. Leigh, Byron J. Freeman, and Catherine M. Pringle
Effects of Urbanization on the Geomorphology, Habitat, Hydrology, and Fish Index of Biotic Integrity of Streams in the Chicago Area, Illinois and Wisconsin Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Matthew W. Diebel, Mitchell A. Harris, Terri L. Arnold, Michelle A. Lutz, and Kevin D. Richards
Physiological Stress Response of Brown Trout to Stormwater Runoff Events in Rapid Creek, Rapid City, South Dakota Jack W. Erickson, Scott J. Kenner, and Bruce A. Barton
Impacts of Land-Use Changes and Hydrologic Modification on the Lower Boise River, Idaho, USA Dorene MacCoy and David Blew
Hydrologic Changes in Urban Streams and Their Ecological Significance Christopher P. Konrad, and Derek B. Booth
Setting Limits: The Development and Use of Factor-Ceiling Distributions for an Urban Assessment Using Macroinvertebrates James L. Carter and Steven V. Fend
Relationships of Field Habitat Measurements, Visual Habitat Indices, and Land Cover to Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Urbanized Streams of the Santa Clara Valley, California Steven V. Fend, James L. Carter, and Faith R. Kearns
Managing Conflicts on the Lower American River—Can Urban and Agricultural Demands Be Met while Maintaining Healthy Fisheries? Leo Winternitz and Elizabeth Holtz
Relations between Fish Assemblages and Urbanization in Southern California Coastal Streams Cindy J. Lin and Richard F. Ambrose
Assessing Water Source and Channel Type as Factors Affecting Benthic Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton Assemblages in the Highly Urbanized Santa Ana River Basin, California Carmen A. Burton, Larry R. Brown, and Kenneth Belitz
Aquatic Assemblages of the Highly Urbanized Santa Ana River Basin, California Larry R. Brown, Carmen A. Burton, and Kenneth Belitz
Use of an Urban Intensity Index to Assess Urban Effects on Streams in Three Contrasting Environmental Settings Cathy M. Tate, Thomas F. Cuffney, Gerard McMahon, Elise M. P. Giddings, James F. Coles, and Humbert Zappia
Urbanization Effects on Stream Habitat Characteristics in Boston, Massachusetts; Birmingham, Alabama; and Salt Lake City, Utah Terry M. Short, Elise M. P. Giddings, Humbert Zappia, and James F. Coles
A Comparison of the Influences of Urbanization in Contrasting Environmental Settings on Stream Benthic Algal Assemblages Marina Potapova, James F. Coles, Elise M. P. Giddings, and Humbert Zappia
Effects of Urbanization on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Contrasting Environmental Settings: Boston, Massachusetts; Birmingham, Alabama; and Salt Lake City, Utah Thomas F. Cuffney, Humbert Zappia, Elise M. P. Giddings, and James F. Coles
Fish Assemblage Responses to Urban Intensity Gradients in Contrasting Metropolitan Areas: Birmingham, Alabama and Boston, Massachusetts Michael R. Meador, James F. Coles, and Humbert Zappia