Barbara A. Knuth and William F. Siemer, editors
187 pages
Published by the American Fisheries Society
Publication date: April 2007
ISBN-13: 978-1-888569-90-2
This topical book presents the most current thinking about how to define, foster, and evaluate desirable aquatic stewardship behaviors as well as how to develop the educational programs and other motivating forces underlying such behaviors. This effort represents a partnership among academics, aquatic resource educators, fishery management professionals, and the fishing and boating industries to develop a shared understanding of desired characteristics of aquatic resource stewardship.
Symposium 55
PART I Stewardship Definitions and Management Challenges
PART II Fostering Stewardship: Theory and Practice
3 Fostering Aquatic Stewardship with the Help of Best Education Practices (Elaine Andrews)
5 Environmental Communication for Aquatic Stewardship (Brian Day)
7 Fostering Boating-Related Aquatic Stewardship: Reaching the Boater (Ryck Lydecker)
8 The Trout Unlimited Experience Teaching Aquatic Stewardship to Youth (Duncan Blair)
10 Citizen Science: Stewardship Education in Washington State (Margaret Tudor and Michael O’Malley)
PART III Measuring Stewardship: Indicators and Outcomes
13 Measures of Aquatic Stewardship Behavior from the Boating Perspective (Andrew J. Loftus)
14 Measures of Aquatic Stewardship from a Fisheries Perspective (Phil T. Seng and Gwen M. White)
17 A Test of Aquatic Education and Stewardship Relationships among Youth (Anthony J. Fedler)
PART IV Future Directions for Aquatic Stewardship Education