Stephen V. Amaral, Dilip Mathur, and Edward P. Taft, III, editors
239 pages, Symposium 61
Published by the American Fisheries Society
Publication date: August 2008
ISBN: 978-1-934874-02-8
Authors who are leaders in their field examine a wide range of new research associated with fish passage (upstream and downstream), water intake fish protection technologies, sampling technologies, and techniques for assessing fishway performance and migration behaviors, aquaculture, and habitat restoration and enhancement.
Using Juvenile Sturgeons as a Substitute for Adults: A New Way to Develop Fish Passage for Large Fish (Boyd Kynard, Martin Horgan, Don Pugh, Erika Henyey, and Tim Parker)
The Impact of the Channeled Part of the Aulne River (France) on the Upstream Migration of Returning Adult Atlantic Salmon as Determined by Radio-Tracking (Olivier Croze)
A Free Surface Model of a Vertical Slot Fishway to Numerically Predict Velocity and Turbulence Distributions (Andrew F. Barton, Robert J. Keller, and Christos Katopodis)
Characterization of Velocity Gradients Inhabited by Juvenile Chinook Salmon by Habitat Type and Season (David L. Smith, Mark A. Allen, and Ernest L. Brannon)
An Engineered Natural Channel for Coho Salmon Rearing (David L. Smith, Tom W. Bumstead, and Ernest L. Brannon)
Reductions in Bacterial Microorganisms by Filtration and Ozonation of the Surface Water Supply at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Fishery Center (Patricia Barbash, John Fletcher, Anthony Carta, Steven Summerfelt, and Duncan Creaser)
Description and Assessment of the Surface Water Filtration and Ozone Treatment System at the Northeast Fishery Center (Steven Summerfelt, Julie Bebak-Williams, John Fletcher, Anthony Carta, and Duncan Creaser)
Assessment of Downstream Fish Bypasses for Atlantic Salmon Smolts at Four Hydroelectric Facilities on the Ariège River (France) (Olivier Croze)
Turbine Passage Survival of Late Running Adult American Shad and Its Potential Effect on Population Restoration (Paul G. Heisey, Dilip Mathur, Joanne L. Fulmer, and Enn Kotkas)
Relating Dam Passage Time of Adult Salmon to Varying River Conditions (Richard W. Zabel, Brian J. Burke, Mary L. Moser, and Christopher A. Perry)
Effects of Spillway Structural Modifications on Fish Condition and Survival (Paul G. Heisey, Dilip Mathur, John R. Skalski, Robert D. McDonald, and George Velazquez)
Surface Flow Bypass Bioengineering Study at Bonneville Dam’s First Powerhouse: A Prototype Home Run (Blaine D. Ebberts, Noah S. Adams, Thomas J. Carlson, Derrek M. Faber, Matthew D. Hanson, Robert L. Johnson, Karen A. Kuhn, Gene R. Ploskey, Dennis W. Rondorf, Carl R. Schilt, Charles E. Chick Sweeney, and Mark A. Weiland)
Outfall Site and Type Selection for a New Surface Flow Outlet to Pass Juvenile Salmonids at Bonneville Dam’s Second Powerhouse, Columbia River (Gary E. Johnson, Blaine D. Ebberts, Albert E. Giorgi, Karen A. Kuhn, Randall T. Lee, John H. Plump, David A. Stensby, and Charles E. Sweeney)
Laboratory Evaluation of an Aquatic Filter Barrier for Protecting Early Life Stages of Fish at Water Intakes (Jonathan L. Black, Timothy W. Hogan, Gregory S. Allen, Elgin S. Perry, and Kent D. Zammit)
Light Tags for Observing Behavior of Surface-Oriented Migrating Salmonids (Mark S. Bevelhimer and Charles C. Coutant)