Salmon 2100: The Future of Wild Pacific Salmon


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Robert T. Lackey, Denise H. Lach, and Sally L. Duncan, editors

629 pages, hardcover, color illustrations throughout

Published by the American Fisheries Society

Publication date: September 2006



Restoring wild salmon to the Pacific Northwest is a daunting challenge. In this innovative book, 36 salmon scientists, resource managers, and policy experts identify realistic options to restore and sustain wild salmon runs in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and southern British Columbia through this century.

The policy prescriptions offered are candid, sometimes uncomfortably radical, and occasionally sobering. Most authors conclude that major, sometimes wholesale modification of core societal values and priorities will have to occur if significant, sustainable populations of wild salmon are to be present in the region through 2100.

This work will be appreciated by those involved in the policy and science of salmon recovery, as well as by nonexperts who care about the resource.

Table of Contents


Scientific and Policy Context

Introduction: The Challenge of Restoring Wild Salmon Robert T. Lackey, Denise H. Lach, and Sally L. Duncan

Wild Salmon in Western North America: The Historical and Policy Context Robert T. Lackey, Denise H. Lach, and Sally L. Duncan

Wild Salmon in Western North America: Forecasting the Most Likely Status in 2100 Robert T. Lackey, Denise H. Lach, and Sally L. Duncan

Policy Prescriptions

Wild Salmon in the 21st Century: Energy, Triage, and Choices Kenneth Ashley

Follow the Money Larry L. Bailey and Michelle L. Boshard

Legacy David A. Bella

Learning to Decide and Deciding to Learn: Conduits to Wild Salmon in 2100? Gustavo A. Bisbal

Engineering the Future for Wild Salmon and Steelhead Ernest L. Brannon

The Philosophical Problem in Salmon Recovery James L. Buchal

Lasting Wild Salmon Recovery versus Merely Avoiding Extinction Jeff Curtis and Kaitlin L. Lovell

Commitment, Strategy, Action: The Three Pillars of Wild Salmon Recovery Jeffrey J. Dose

Human Numbers—The Alpha Factor Affecting the Future of Wild Salmon Gordon F. Hartman, Thomas G. Northcote, and C. Jeff Cederholm

Caught in the Web David T. Hoopes

Science and Technology Are Essential for Sustaining Salmon Populations and Their Ecosystems E. Eric Knudsen and Eric G. Doyle

Got Wild Salmon? A Scientific and Ethical Analysis of Salmon Recovery in the Pacific Northwest and California Steven A. Kolmes and Russell A. Butkus

The Keys to Success: A Landscape Approach and Making Economics Work for Conservation John H. Lombard

Salmon in the 21st Century: Managing Human Activities to Achieve Long-Term Sustainability of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Populations Don D. MacDonald, E. Eric Knudsen, and Cleveland R. Steward

Climate and Development: Salmon Caught in the Squeeze James T. Martin

People, Salmon, and Growth in Western North America: Can We Accommodate All Three? John H. Michael, Jr.

Saving Salmon—and People—in the Next Century Jay W. Nicholas

A Proactive Sanctuary Strategy to Anchor and Restore High-Priority Wild Salmon Ecosystems Guido R. Rahr and Xanthippe Augerot

Human Nature, the Growth Imperative, and the Precarious State of Wild Pacific Salmon William E. Rees

Saving Wild Salmon: Moving from Symbolic Politics to Effective Policy Brent S. Steel

Thanksgiving 2101: A Salmon Story Benjamin B. Stout

Salmon Restoration—A Native American Perspective from the Columbia River André J. Talbot and Peter F. Galbreath

Lifestyles and Ethical Values to Sustain Salmon and Ourselves Jack E. Williams and Edwin P. Pister

Concluding Comments

Can We Get There from Here? Salmon in the 21st Century Denise H. Lach, Sally L. Duncan, and Robert T. Lackey

Without a Change of Direction, We’ll Get Where We’re Going: Writing a Future for Wild Salmon Sally L. Duncan, Denise H. Lach, and Robert T. Lackey
