Glossary of Aquatic Habitat Inventory Terminology


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Neil B. Armantrout, compiler

150 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society

Publication date: 1998



This book contains clear, concise explanations for more than 2,200 aquatic habitat terms. This glossary was developed to encourage the consistent and standard use of terminology used by workers who conduct inventories and analyses of aquatic habitats. Standardization of terms and definitions provides a common language for habitat work and ensures the applicability and accuracy of inventory methods.

With growing demands for the multiple-use of aquatic resources, the importance of aquatic resource inventories and knowledge of the complex interactions of hydrology, hydraulics, and geomorphology is extremely important to understanding the overall effect of biological, chemical, and physical factors on an entire ecosystem. While hydrologic processes and aquatic habitats exhibit consistent patterns, terminology and methods for aquatic habitat inventories vary among organizations, agencies, and disciplines. The resulting confusion and misunderstanding limit exchange and comparison of data. Researchers and managers are hindered from sharing data because terminology and methods are not standardized. With the rapid development of computer programs, the need for standardization of inventory systems has grown in concert with increased opportunity for data analysis at the local and landscape scale.

The book was prepared with a broad perspective on aquatic habitat terminology. Because of the interactive and integrative nature of aquatic systems with the landscape, it includes many terms from the disciplines of remote sensing, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, and geomorphology. Inventory and analysis of aquatic ecosystems have evolved from a localized approach to a watershed or landscape perspective and so are intertwined with ecology, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, and geology.

This book is intended for researchers, educators, managers, writers, and all others concerned with habitat protection, conservation, and restoration.