Planning and Standard Operating Procedures for the Use of Rotenone in Fish Management: Rotenone SOP Manual, 2nd Edition


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Brian Finlayson, Don Skaar, Jon Anderson, Julie Carter, Dan Duffield, Mark Flammang, Chad Jackson, Joe Overlock, Jarle Steinkjer, and Roger Wilson.

163 pages, paper
Published May 2018
ISBN-13: 978-1-934874-49-3


The AFS’s Fish Management Chemicals Committee, in cooperation with the rotenone registrants and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, developed the 2nd edition of the Manual. The Manual is considered labeling and must be present along with the label at the project work site. The revised Manual contains four chapters, beginning with an expanded introduction that contains up-to-date information and references on the environmental fate, fish and wildlife toxicity, and public health studies on rotenone, and product stewardship concepts to reduce environmental impacts. The second chapter provides general guidance on streamlined project planning procedures, and the third chapter contains a summary of various sampling and analytical techniques used to monitor potential impacts on the aquatic environment. The fourth chapter contains reformatted and easier to read Standard Operating Procedures that complement the label directions including the partial/selective treatment of lakes, treatment of upwelling groundwater that confound treatments, and determining the connectivity of surface and groundwater when sampling of wells is required.


Common Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms

1. Introduction
1.1 Registration, Label Directions, and SOPs
1.2 Fish Management Tool
1.3 Formulations
1.4 Environmental Fate
1.5 Toxicity to Fish and Wildlife
1.6 Public Health and Concerns
1.7 Interaction with the Public
1.8 Product Stewardship
1.9 Rotenone SOP Manual Structure, Updates and Terminology
1.10 References

2. Rotenone Project Planning Procedures
2.1. Preliminary Planning
2.2. Public and Agency Review
2.3. Project Implementation and Management
2.4. Treatment
2.5. Project Critique
2.6. References

3. Biological Sampling and Monitoring
3.1. Purpose and Need
3.2. Sample Design and Resource Consideration
3.3. Temporal and Spatial Considerations for Sampling
3.4. Sample Metrics
3.5. Samping Equipment and Techniques
3.6. References

4. Standard Operating Procedures
1.1 Public Notification and Treatment Area Restrictions
2.1 Supervisory Training and Qualifications and Regulatory Compliance
3.1 Safety Training and Hazard Communication
4.1 Rotenone Storage, Transportation, and Spill Containment
5.1 Treatment Rates and Strategies
6.1 Treatment Areas and Project Areas
7.1 Chemically Induced Deactivation
8.1 Semi-Closed Probe Systems for Application of Liquid Rotenone
9.1 Semi-Closed Aspirator Systems for Application of Powdered Rotenone
10.1 Transferring (Mixing/Loading) Liquid Rotenone
11.1 Drip Cans, Peristaltic Pumps, and Propwash Venturi for Application of Liquid Rotenone
12.1 Sprayers for Applying Diluted Liquid Rotenone
13.1 Treatment of Seeps, Springs, and Upwelling Groundwater
14.1 In-Situ Bioassays to Monitor Efficacy
15.1 Collection and Disposal of Dead Fish
16.1 Monitoring Rotenone Concentrations in Surface and Ground Waters

Additional information

Rotenone Manual 2nd ed

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