Planning and Standard Operating Procedures for the Use of Rotenone in Fish Management: Rotenone SOP Manual, 2nd Edition

2 Rotenone Project Planning Procedures


The size and complexity of the rotenone project will dictate the amount of planning required. A rotenone project usually will have five stages: (1) preliminary planning, where the project concept and alternatives are developed, public input is invited, and acceptance is encouraged; (2) public and agency review where the scope of the project is refined based on public input, regulatory compliance and environmental assessment; (3) final planning and project implementation, involving development of project-specific work plans to accomplish the goals of the project; (4) performing the treatment; and (5) completion of the project’s goals and critique of the project into a final report (Figure 2.1).

A small treatment performed on private land or a government-owned hatchery may require little planning before implementation, while a large project involving a public water supply may require two or more years of planning, discussions, and conflict resolution. The goals of the project should be consistent with and supported by the current Fish Management Plan when applicable.

Preliminary planning is critical to the success of fish reclamation and sampling projects using rotenone. The project plan should be based on facts and tactics that firmly stand throughout the whole process. Key ingredients in preliminary planning usually include: (1) public involvement; (2) FMP; (3) statement of need; (4) determination of applicable laws and regulations; and (5) internal agency review and approval. Once these elements have been completed, an outline of a preliminary treatment plan is usually beneficial to define the scope of the rotenone project for future planning.