Book Review: Native Fishes of Idaho Book Review
Richard L. Wallace and Donald W. Zaroban
213 pages, paper, index, full color throughout
Published by the American Fisheries Society, April 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-934874-35-6
This field guide provides accounts of 44 taxa (species, subspecies, and morphotypes) of fish native to Idaho. Of these, 25 have no defined studies of their distribution or ecological attributes in Idaho. The account for each taxon contains descriptions of the physical attributes, distribution, habitat, diet, ecology, and Idaho conservation status.
Includes color illustrations of species, distribution maps, references, glossary, and index.
Idaho Surface Water Drainages
Zoogeography of Fishes Native to Idaho
Key to Native Idaho Fish Species
Species Accounts and Distribution:
Petromyzontidae – lamprey
Acipenseridae – sturgeon
Salmonidae – trout, salmon, whitefish, and char
Cyprinidae – minnows
Catostomidae – suckers
Percopsidae – trout perch
Gadidae – cod
Cottidae – sculpins
Appendix A