Call for Abstracts – Oral and Poster Presentations
Abstract Submission Opens: March 25, 2024
Abstract Extended Deadline: May 3, 2024
The American Fisheries Society (AFS), President Cecil Jennings, the AFS Western Division, and AFS Pacific Islands Chapter are excited to host the 154th AFS Annual Meeting, September 15-19, 2024, in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Symposia related to the meeting theme “Conserving Fishes and Fishing Traditions through Knowledge Co-Production” and other sessions offer a wide range of topics focusing on the past, present, and future of fisheries conservation and management as we bring together professionals from across North America, the Pacific Islands, and countries throughout the world.
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts can be submitted for a live, in-person presentation. All presenters will be asked to provide a recorded version of their presentation prior to the meeting. The recorded presentations will be made available to conference registrants, during and after the meeting. We will not be able to accommodate live, remote presentations during the conference. Presentation guidelines and additional instructions will be provided in future correspondence.
During the submission process you will indicate if you were invited to speak as part of a symposium session. Abstracts submitted to symposium sessions that are not selected for inclusion will be considered for inclusion in a contributed topic session.
Abstracts should include the following:
- Primary Author, Affiliation, and contact information.
- Title (12-word limit)
- Short title (under 30 characters)
- Abstract (300-word limit)
- Session – Session information can be found here
- Abstract Type (Oral -12 minutes, Lightning – 5-minutes, or Poster)
- Keywords (maximum of 5)
- Student Presentation
- Co-Authors, affiliations, and emails
Questions: Please contact the Program and Symposia Chair Julie Carter ([email protected]) for questions about abstract submissions related to symposia. Please contact Program Co-Chairs, Tim Grabowski ([email protected]) for questions related to contributed papers and Yinphan Tsang ([email protected]) for questions related to posters (unrelated to a specific symposium). Please contact Tricia Fry ([email protected]) for information on your submission or the submission process.