Landscape Influences on Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages


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Robert M. Hughes, Lizhu Wang, and Paul W. Seelbach, editors

698 pages, paper

Published by the American Fisheries Society, 2006



Symposium 48

In this book, authors from the United States and Canada synthesize current knowledge about landscape–river relationships, river research, and river management; compile large regional, spatially referenced, survey data sets on river network characteristics; explore and describe patterns and relationships across survey sites, reaches, and catchments; and develop management and decision tools.

The book evaluates the potential for watershed management and instream restoration, and identifies knowledge gaps in order to direct future research in linking landscape features and instream physicochemical and biological conditions.

Includes chapters on (1) GIS and statistical tools that best link landscape with stream conditions, (2) effects of natural landscape features on stream conditions (3) effects of human induced land cover on stream conditions, and (4) influences of spatial and temporal scales on the effects of the natural landscape and human-induced land cover on stream conditions.

The book will appeal to a wide spectrum of resource professionals ranging from academic researchers to agency managers.

Table of Contents

Preface Reviewers

Introduction to Landscape Influences on Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages Lizhu Wang, Paul W. Seelbach, and Robert M. Hughes

Initial Classification of River Valley Segments across Michigan’s Lower Peninsula Paul W. Seelbach, Michael J. Wiley, Matthew E. Baker, and Kevin E. Wehrly

A GIS Framework for Collecting, Managing, and Analyzing Multiscale Landscape Variables across Large Regions for River Conservation and Management Travis O. Brenden, Richard D. Clark, Jr., Arthur R. Cooper, Paul W. Seelbach, Lizhu Wang, Stephen S. Aichele, Edward G. Bissell, and Jana S. Stewart

Effects of Adjacent Streams on Local Fish Assemblage Structurein Western Virginia: Implications for Biomonitoring Nathaniel P. Hitt and Paul L. Angermeier

Landscape Clusters Based on Fish Assemblages in the Conterminous USA and Their Relationship to Existing Landscape Classifications Alan T. Herlihy, Robert M. Hughes, and Jean C. Sifneos

Influence of Landscape Features on Summer Water Temperatures in Lower Michigan Streams Kevin E. Wehrly, Michael J. Wiley, and Paul W. Seelbach

Importance of Land Use, Streamflow, and Water Quality on Stream Toxicity in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee River Watersheds Michael R. Rosen, Timothy G. Rowe, Steven L. Goodbred, Douglas O. Shipley, and Jorge A. Arufe

Landscape- and Reach-Scale Predictors of Large Wood Abundance in Low-Gradient Streams Lucinda B. Johnson, George E. Host, Jennifer H. Olker, and Carl Richards

Comparing Riparian and Catchment Influences on Stream Habitat in a Forested, Montane Landscape Kelly M. Burnett, Gordon H. Reeves, Sharon E. Clarke, and Kelly R. Christiansen

Effects of Levels of Human Disturbance on the Influence of Catchment, Riparian, and Reach-Scale Factors on Fish Assemblages Lizhu Wang, Paul W. Seelbach, and John Lyons

Island Biogeography of Native Fish Faunas among Great Plains Drainage Basins: Basin Scale Features Influence Composition Christopher W. Hoagstrom and Charles R. Berry, Jr.

Fish–Habitat Relations across Spatial Scales in Prairie Streams Keith B. Gido, Jeffrey A. Falke, Robert M. Oakes, and Kristen J. Hase

Habitat, Land Use, and Fish Assemblage Relationships in Iowa Streams: Preliminary Assessment in an Agricultural Landscape Jeremiah D. Heitke, Clay L. Pierce, Gregory T. Gelwicks, Gregory A. Simmons, and Gary L. Siegwarth

The Importance of Multiscale Habitat Relations and Biotic Associations to the Conservation of an Endangered Fish Species, the Topeka Shiner Steven S. Wall and Charles R. Berry, Jr.

Relationships between Land Use and Stream Ecosystems: A Multistream Assessment in Southwestern Michigan Ashley H. Moerke and Gary A. Lamberti

Relationships among Channel Shape, Catchment Characteristics, and Fish in Lower Michigan Streams Dana M. Infante, Michael J. Wiley, and Paul W. Seelbach

The Influence of Physical Habitat and Land Use on Stream Fish Assemblages in Southeastern Michigan Matt Diana, J. David Allan, and Dana Infante

Influence of Landscape Characteristics on Local Habitat and Fish Biomass in Streams of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula Troy G. Zorn and Michael J. Wiley

Land-Use Effects on Catchment- and Patch-Scale Habitat and Macroinvertebrate Responses in the Adirondack Uplands Thomas Woodcock, Timothy Mihuc, Edwin Romanowicz, and Eileen Allen

Local and Landscape Effects of Past Forest Harvest on Stream Habitat and Fish Assemblages Nathanial A. Hemstad and Raymond M. Newman

Geomorphic and Anthropogenic Influences on Fish and Amphibians in Pacific Northwest Coastal Streams Philip R. Kaufmann and Robert M. Hughes

A Spatially Explicit Approach for Evaluating Relationships among Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Habitat, and Disturbance in Small Oregon Streams Robert E. Gresswell, Christian E. Torgersen, Douglas S. Bateman, Troy J. Guy, Steven R. Hendricks, and J. E. B. Wofford

Landscape Influences on Longitudinal Patterns of River Fishes: Spatially Continuous Analysis of Fish–Habitat Relationships Christian E. Torgersen, Colden V. Baxter, Hiram W. Li, and Bruce A. McIntosh

Relative Influence of Environmental Variables at Multiple Spatial Scales on Fishes in Wisconsin’s Warmwater Nonwadeable Rivers Brian M. Weigel, John Lyons, Paul W. Rasmussen, and Lizhu Wang

Comparison of Coarse versus Fine Scale Sampling on Statistical Modeling of Landscape Effects and Assessment of Fish Assemblages of the Muskegon River, Michigan Catherine M. Riseng, Michael J. Wiley, R. Jan Stevenson, Troy G. Zorn, and Paul W. Seelbach

Modeling Brook Trout Presence and Absence from Landscape Variables Using Four Different Analytical Methods Paul J. Steen, Dora R. Passino-Reader, and Michael J. Wiley

A Broadscale Fish–Habitat Model Development Process: Genesee Basin, New York James E. McKenna, Jr., Richard P. McDonald, Chris Castiglione, Sandy S. Morrison, Kurt P. Kowalski, Dora R. Passino-Reader

Effects of Percent Impervious Cover on Fish and Benthos Assemblages and Instream Habitats in Lake Ontario Tributaries Les W. Stanfield and Bruce W. Kilgour

Using a Landscape Approach to Identify the Distribution and Density Patterns of Salmonids in Lake Ontario Tributaries Les W. Stanfield, Scott F. Gibson, and Jason A. Borwick

Hindcasting Reference Conditions in Streams Bruce W. Kilgour and Les W. Stanfield

Associations among Catchment- and Site-Scale Disturbance Indicators and Biological Assemblages at Least- and Most-Disturbed Stream and River Sites in the Western United States. Thomas R. Whittier, John L. Stoddard, Robert M. Hughes, and Gregg A. Lomnicky