Micheal S. Allen, Steve Sammons, and Michael J. Maceina, editors
697 pages, Symposium 62
Published by the American Fisheries Society
Publication date: January 2009
ISBN: 978-1-934874-06-6
Professionals from a broad range of disciplines describe both historical and current-day issues associated with balancing fisheries management with other uses of water in impounded systems.
Describes how water allocation issues can present economic and legal constraints to fisheries management and influence fishery quality. Reviews unique ways to approach reservoir management by considering the tools available in the watershed. Additional reservoir management topics addressed include conflict resolution and human dimension issues, new ways to evaluate fish species interactions, stocking programs, prey composition and abundance, and fish habitat.
The book will be appreciated by fisheries administrators, managers, and researchers working to optimize fisheries resources that are subject to constraints within large and small impounded river basins.
Balancing Fisheries Management and Water Uses for Impounded River Systems: An Introduction (Micheal S. Allen, Steve Sammons, and Michael J. Maceina)
Coping with Competition: Reservoir Water and Related Resources (Ernie Niemi and Tatiana Raterman)
Fisheries Management in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin in Response to Water Demands (James M. Long, and Christopher R. Martin)
Fish Soup—An Australian Case Study (Neville Fowler)
A Comprehensive Approach to Balancing Water for Fish and People (Christopher J. Goudreau, Richard W. Christie, and D. Hugh Barwick)
Resolving Disputes over the Management of Federal Reservoirs: Evaluating the Litigation Alternative (Lewis B. Jones)
Extending the Scale of Reservoir Management (Leandro E. Miranda)
Peace in the Valley: Competing Interests on Tennessee Valley Authority Reservoirs (George D. Scholten, Timothy N. Churchill, and Wayne L. Poppe)
Operation of the Missouri River Reservoir System and Its Effect on Fisheries Management (Jack W. Erickson, Mark D. Rath, and Diane Best)
The White River Fisheries Partnership: A Template for Cooperative Fisheries Management in Arkansas and Missouri (Christopher B. Vitello and Michael L. Armstrong)
Ecological Succession and Fragmentation in a Reservoir: Effects of Sedimentation on Habitats and Fish Communities (Tim Patton and Cris Lyday)
Trends over Time for the Arkansas River Fishery: A Case History (Jeffrey W. Quinn and Robert L. Limbird)
Citizen Advisory Committees as a Reservoir Fishery Management Tool: Experiences from Three Cases in Arkansas (Michael L. Armstrong, Diana L. Andrews, Thomas R. Bly, and Carl A. Perrin)
Communicating with Anglers in the Face of Conflict: A Lake Norman Case History (Christian T. Waters and Brian J. McRae)
Practices and Perceptions of Texas Anglers Regarding Voluntary Release of Largemouth Bass and Slot Length Limits (C. Craig Bonds, John B. Taylor, and Jeremy Leitz)
Crowding and Response: Angler Perceptions on Western North Carolina Reservoirs (David L. Yow, Kinnon B. Hodges, A. Powell Wheeler, and Jacob M. Rash)
Hydrilla Management in Lake Conroe, Texas: A Case History (Earl W. Chilton, II, Mark A. Webb, and Richard A. Ott, Jr.)
Toxic Prymnesium parvum: A Potential Threat to U.S. Reservoirs (David R. Sager, Aaron Barkoh, David L. Buzan, Loraine T. Fries, Joan A. Glass, Gerald L. Kurten, John J. Ralph, Elizabeth J. Singhurst, Greg M. Southard, and Eric Swanson)
Walleye Response to Rainbow Smelt Population Decline and Liberalized Angling Regulations in a Missouri River Reservoir (Brian D. S. Graeb, Steven R. Chipps, David W. Willis, John P. Lott, Robert P. Hanten, Wayne Nelson-Stastny, and Jack W. Erickson)
Effects of Catch-and-Release Tournament Fishing on Dispersal and Population Metrics of Black Bass in Lake Martin, Alabama (Benjamin R. Ricks, Jr. and Michael J. Maceina)
The Potential Importance of Reservoirs in the Western United States for the Recovery of Endangered Populations of Anadromous Steelhead (Frank P. Thrower, John E. Joyce, Adrian G. Celewycz, and Patrick W. Malecha)
Trade-Offs for Efficiently Passing Juvenile Salmonids through Bonneville Dam on the Lower Columbia River (Gene R. Ploskey, Mark A. Weiland, and Jina Kim)
Exploring Stunted Body Size: Where Have We Been, What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go? (D. Derek Aday)
Using Available Prey Estimates to Inform Largemouth Bass Stocking Strategies (Mark W. Rogers and Micheal S. Allen)
Evaluation of Walleye Stocking in Two Large Missouri Reservoirs (Paul H. Michaletz, Jasper L. Allman, and Timothy J. Banek)
Long-Term Stocking Success of Largemouth Bass and the Relationship to Natural Populations (Matthew J. Diana and David H. Wahl)
Evaluating the Success of Fingerling Trout Stockings in Henrys Lake, Idaho (Dan Garren, Jim Fredericks, Rob Van Kirk, and Damon Keen)
A Survey of Fishery Agency Supplementary Largemouth Bass Stocking Practices in Large United States Reservoirs (Michael J. Siepker and Michelle Casto-Yerty)
Business Intelligence Principles and Reservoir Fisheries Data: How Combining the Two Might Improve Customer Relationship Management (Greg Summers and Mike Costello)
Bringing Diverse Stakeholders Together: The Lake Havasu Fisheries Improvement Program (William B. Jacobson and Kirk L. Koch)
Relating Impoundment Morphometry and Water Quality to Black Crappie, Bluegill, and Largemouth Bass Populations in Iowa (Randall D. Schultz, Zachary J. Jackson, and Michael C. Quist)
The Use of Herbicides for Managing Aquatic Vegetation in Southern Reservoirs (Michael D. Netherland)
Development of Statewide Standardized Regulations for Minnesota Lakes Using Crappies as an Example (Jeffrey R. Reed, Michael C. McInerny, and Linda Erickson-Eastwood)
Assessing Fish Biomass and Prey Availability in Ohio Reservoirs (R. Scott Hale, Donald J. Degan, William H. Renwick, Michael J. Vanni, and Roy A. Stein)
Use of an Incremental Triploid Grass Carp Stocking Strategy for Maintaining Vegetation Coverage in a Riverine Texas Reservoir (Earl W. Chilton, II and Stephan J. Magnelia)
Risky Business: Evaluation of U.S. Consumption Advisories for Freshwater Sport Fish (John J. Ney and John P. Ney)
Assessment of Lake Sturgeon Reintroduction in the Coosa River System, Georgia–Alabama (Justin Bezold and Douglas L. Peterson)
Abundance and Cove Fidelity of Adult Crappies during Spawning Seasons in a Nebraska Irrigation Reservoir (Nicolas J. Fryda, Keith D. Koupal, and W. Wyatt Hoback)
Management of a Cutthroat Trout Predator to Control Utah Chub in a High-Use Sport Fishery (Alan Ward, Justin Robinson, and Roger B. Wilson)
Changes in Reservoir Larval Fish Assemblages Following the Extirpation of Gizzard Shad (Mark T. Porath and Jeffrey J. Jackson)
Mortality of Walleyes and Saugers Caught in Live-Release Tournaments (Harold L. Schramm, Jr., William E. French, and Bruce Vondracek)
Review of Gizzard Shad Population Dynamics at the Northwestern Edge of Its Range (Melissa R. Wuellner, Brian D. S. Graeb, Matthew J. Ward, and David W. Willis)
Conduct of a Reservoir Multimetric Bioassessment to Address a Clean Water Act Section 316(a) Demonstration for Georgia Power Company’s Plant Branch, Lake Sinclair, Georgia (Terry E. Cheek, Anthony R. Dodd, Ronald G. King, Scott Hendricks, and Bill Evans)
Tropical Reservoir Fisheries in Puerto Rico: Adaptive Management through Applied Research (J. Wesley Neal, Craig G. Lilyestrom, and Darien Lopez-Clayton)