Karin E. Limburg and John R. Waldman, editors
370 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, August 2003
Symposium 35
As the seminal volume to address shad status, biology, and conservation, the proceedings of “SHAD 2001: A Conference on the Status and Conservation of Shads Worldwide” provides a comprehensive review of the world’s shads.
The shads-¾an entire subfamily of herrings, the Alosinae-¾include more than 30 species that range across six continents. Most shads are anadromous and face anthropogenic pressures in both the freshwater and marine environments. These include the multiple, compounding stresses of overharvesting, pollution, and habitat loss.
This volume:
* provides the most current, fundamental biological information on the group; * describes the status of individual species; * synthesizes global trends in shad populations; and * develops conservation strategies to broaden the understanding of shads for fishery managers, researchers, and students alike.
Table of Contents
Incorrect Use of the Names “Alosidae” and “Alosid” when Referring to the Shads in the Subfamily Alosinae (Teleostei, Clupeidae) J. E. Olney
Introduction to the Shads J. R. Waldman
Shads and Diadromy: Implications for Ecology, Evolution, and Biogeography R. M. McDowall
African Shads, with Emphasis on the West African Shad Ethmalosa fimbriata E. Charles-Dominique and J.-J. Albaret
Biology, Fisheries, and Status of Tropical Shads Tenualosa spp. in South and Southeast Asia S. J. M. Blaber, D. A. Milton, D. T. Brewer, and J. P. Salini
Middle Eastern Shads B. W. Coad, N. A. Hussain, T. S. Ali, and K. E. Limburg
Shads of Eastern Europe from the Black Sea: Review of Species and Fisheries I. Navodaru and J. R. Waldman
Biology, Population Dynamics, and Culture of Reeves Shad Tenualosa reevesii H.-P. Wang
The Allis Shad Alosa alosa: Biology, Ecology, Range, and Status of Populations J. L. Baglinière, M. R. Sabatié, E. Rochard, P. Alexandrino, and M. W. Aprahamian
Biology, Status, and Conservation of the Anadromous Atlantic Twaite Shad Alosa fallax fallax M. W. Aprahamian, J. L. Baglinière, M. R. Sabatié, P. Alexandrino, R. Thiel, and C. D. Aprahamian
American Shad in Its Native Range K. E. Limburg, K. A. Hattala, and A. Kahnle
American Shad in the Columbia River J. H. Petersen, R. A. Hinrichsen, D. M. Gadomski, D. H. Feil, and D. W. Rondorf
Status of Alabama Shad and Skipjack Herring in Gulf of Mexico Drainages M. F.Mettee and P. E. O’Neil
Status of River Herring Stocks in Large Rivers R. E. Schmidt, B. M. Jessop, and J. E. Hightower
Intraspecific Variation in Batch Fecundity of American Shad: Revisiting the Paradigm of Reciprocal Latitudinal Trends in Reproductive Traits J. E. Olney and R. S. McBride
Migration and Spawning Habitat of American Shad in the Roanoke River, North Carolina J. E. Hightower and K. L. Sparks
Feeding Behavior of American Shad during Spawning Migration in the York River, Virginia J. F. Walter III and J. E. Olney
A Meta-Analysis of the Habitat Carrying Capacity and Maximum Reproductive Rate of Anadromous Alewife in Eastern North America A. J. F. Gibson and R. A. Myers
New Insights into the Life History of Tenualosa ilisha and Fishery Implications S. J. M. Blaber, D. A. Milton, G. Fry, and S. R. Chenery
First Results on the Behavior of Young Stages of Allis Shad Alosa alosa V. Véron, P. Jatteau, and A. Bardonnet
Ecosystem-Level Consequences of Migratory Faunal Depletion Caused by Dams M. C. Freeman, C. M. Pringle, E. A. Greathouse, and B. J. Freeman
Sensitivity of American Shad to Changes in Fishing Mortality J. Boreman and K. D. Friedland
A Statistical, Age-Structured, Life-History-Based Stock Assessment Model for Anadromous Alosa A. J. F. Gibson and R. A. Myers
Toward Validation of a Juvenile Index of Abundance for American Shad in the York River, Virginia M. L. Wilhite, K. L. Maki, J. M. Hoenig, and J. E. Olney
Intraspecific and Interspecific Molecular Differentiation of American Shad and Alabama Shad: a Synthesis K. A. Nolan, J. R. Waldman, and I. Wirgin
Culture and Transplant of Alosines in North America M. L. Hendricks
Case Studies
A Case History: American Shad Restoration on the Susquehanna River R. A. St. Pierre
Signs of Recovery of American Shad in the James River, Virginia J. E. Olney, D. A. Hopler, Jr., T. P. Gunter, Jr., K. L. Maki, and J. M. Hoenig
Beneficial Effects of Increased River Flow and Upstream Fish Passage on Anadromous Alosine Stocks D. W. Cooke and S. D. Leach
Boshers Dam Vertical Slot Fishway: A Useful Tool to Evaluate American Shad Recovery Efforts in the Upper James River L. A. Weaver, M. T. Fisher, B. T. Bosher, M. L. Claud, and L. J. Koth
The Effects of Exploitation on Alewife and Blueback Herring Stock Composition at the Mactaquac Dam, Saint John River, New Brunswick B. M. Jessop
The World’s Shads: Summary of Their Status, Conservation, and Research Needs J. R. Waldman and K. E. Limburg