T. P. Nesler and E. P. Bergersen, editors
199 pages; Published by American Fisheries Society; Publication date: 1991
Symposium 9: Proceedings from the Mysid — Fisheries Symposium, 1988
Introductions of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta outside of its natural range offer a classic example of the ecological distortions caused when managers try to fill an empty niche without first evaluating possible side effects. Out of this headlong introduction came a continuing series of hard lessons about the consequences of establishing populations in a wide range of lakes. Fourteen papers document the results of this introduction without sufficient planning.
Table of Contents
Mysids and their Impacts on Fisheries: An Introduction to the 1988 Mysid-Fisheries Symposium T. P. Nesler and E. P. Bergersen
Success, Problems, and Control of Introduced Mysid Populations in Lakes and Reservoirs T. G. Northcote
Comments on the Roles of Native and Introduced Mysis relicta in Aquatic Ecosystems D. C. Lasenby
Kootenay Lake: an Inappropriate Model for Mysis relicta Introduction in North Temperate Lakes A. D. Martin and T. G. Northcote
The Mysids and Lake Trout of Lake Tahoe: A 25-Year History of Changes in the Fertility, Plankton, and Fishery of an Alpine Lake R. Richards, C. Goldman, E. Byron, and C. Levitan
Effects of Mysis relicta on the Zooplankton Community and Kokanee Population of Flathead Lake, Montana W. D. Beattie and P. T. Clancey
Interactions of Zooplankton, Mysis relicta, on Fisheries in Northern Idaho E. C. Bowles, B. E. Rieman, G. R. Mauser, and D. H. Bennett
Habitat Use by Zooplankton, Mysis relicta, and Arctic Char in Lake Jonsvatn, Norway T. F. Naesje, A. J. Jensen, V. Moen, and R. Saksgard
Impact of Predation by Mysis relicta and Fish on Zooplankton in Four Oligotrophic, North Temperate Lakes A. Langeland, L. M. Carl, F. J. Hicks, and B. Monroe
Impact of the Introduction of Mysis relicta on the Zooplankton and Fish Populations in a Norwegian Lake A. Langeland, J. I. Koksvik, and J. Nydal
Changes in Plankton Biomass and Species Composition in Lake Jonsvatn, Norway, Following the Establishment of Mysis relicta J. I. Koksvik, H. Reinertsen, and A. Langeland
Entrainment of Mysis relicta in the Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Power Plant M. A. Maiolie and E. P. Bergersen
Effects of Reservoir Escapement of Mysids on Two Colorado Tailrace Trout Fisheries R. B. Nehring
Effect of Environment on Reproduction and Growth of Mysis relicta A. M. Beeton and J. E. Gannon
Tenagomysis chiltoni and Fish in New Zealand’s Waikato Region: Some Consequences of Environmental Disturbance M. A. Chapman, D. C. Lasenby, and J. Hayes
Culturing the Estuarine Mysid Mysidopsis bahia: a Synopsis of Three Case Studies D. R. Nimmo, R. J. Mirenda, C. A. Carlson, and R. R. Williams
Life History and Toxicological Comparison of Temperate and Subtropical Mysids S. M. Lussier, A. Kuhn, M. J. Chammas, and J. Sewall
Techniques to Enhance Laboratory Culture of Mysidopsis bahia S. H. Ward
Increased Reproduction by Mysids (Mysidopsis bahia) Fed with Enriched Artemia spp. Nauplii A. H. Kuhn, D. A. Bengtson, and K. L. Simpson