David A. Sear and Paul DeVries, editors
376 pages, Symposium 65
Published by the American Fisheries Society
Publication date: October 2008
ISBN: 978-1-934874-03-5
This timely volume presents recent research on the interactions between physical habitat and the ecology of salmon. Salmon habitats have been under increasing pressure from catchment management and river management activity, resulting in a decline in available habitat.
North American and European scientists review the processes that control habitat availability, explore the issues impacting the quality of this habitat, and assess the biological factors affecting habitat use and the interaction between habitat quality and salmon reproductive success.
The Science and Practice of Salmonid Spawning Habitat Remediation (David A. Sear, Paul DeVries, and Stuart M. Greig)
Adaptation of Salmonids to Spawning Habitats (Yolanda E. Morbey and Andrew P. Hendry)
Salmonid Embryo Development and Pathology (G. Russell Danner)
Density-Dependent Constraints on Spawning and Incubation (Correigh M. Greene and Kimberly R. Guilbault)
Hierarchical Physical Controls on Salmonid Spawning Location and Timing (Tim Beechie, Hamish Moir, and George Pess)
Factors Controlling Availability of Spawning Habitat for Salmonids at the Basin Scale (Daniel J. Miller, Kelly Burnett, and Lee Benda)
Bed Disturbance Processes and the Physical Mechanisms of Scour in Salmonid Spawning Habitat (Paul DeVries)
The Significance and Mechanics of Fine-Sediment Infiltration and Accumulation in Gravel Spawning Beds (David A. Sear, Lynn B. Frostick, Gavin Rollinson, and Thomas E. Lisle)
Salmon Bioturbation and Stream Process (Allen S. Gottesfeld, Marwan A. Hassan, and Jon F. Tunnicliffe)
Hydrological Influences on Adult Salmonid Migration, Spawning, and Embryo Survival (Chris Gibbins, Jeff Shellberg, Hamish Moir, and Chris Soulsby)
Hyporheic Influences on Salmon Embryo Survival and Performance (Iain A. Malcolm, Stuart M. Greig, Alan F. Youngson, and Chris Soulsby)
Assessing Physical Quality of Spawning Habitat (G. Mathias Kondolf, John G. Williams, Timothy C. Horner, and David Milan)
Spawning Habitat Remediation as Part of National and Regional Scale Programs to Recover Declining Salmonid Populations (Jill A. Marshall, Paul DeVries, and Nigel Milner)
Evaluating Changes in Salmon Spawning Habitat and Spawners in the Elwha River Following Dam Removal (Phil Roni, Mike McHenry, George Pess, and Tim Beechie)
Spawning Habitat Rehabilitation: Advances in Analysis Tools (Gregory B. Pasternack)
Enhancing Salmonid Populations via Spawning Habitat Restorative Actions (Dudley W. Reiser)