Craig P. Paukert and George D. Scholten, editors
443 pages
Published by the American Fisheries Society
Publication date: December 2009
ISBN: 978-1-934874-12-7
This timely book provides reviews and recent research on the biology, conservation, and management of paddlefish. Paddlefish are a unique species found throughout the Mississippi River drainage that are managed as a sport and commercial fish in some states, but are considered protected or a species of special concern in other states.
The 27 chapters range from an overview of the biology of the species to specific studies on paddlefish propagation, ecology, and management. In addition, chapters that emphasize new information related to genetic conservation and propagation and the potential effects of invasive species on paddlefish provide updated information on the status, threats, and conservation of paddlefish in the United States. This book will be a valuable reference for anyone working on paddlefish conservation and management.
PART I. Distribution, Ecology, and Life History
Biology and Life History of Paddlefish in North America: An Update (Cecil A. Jennings and Steven J. Zigler)
Status of Paddlefish in the United States (Phillip W. Bettoli, Janice A. Kerns, and George D. Scholten)
Paddlefish Populations in the Alabama River Drainage (Dennis R. DeVries, Gregory M. Lein, and R. John H. Hoxmeier)
The Feeding Ecology of Paddlefish in the Mermentau River, Louisiana (Nicole A. Smith, Richard E. Condrey, and Bobby C. Reed)
Paddlefish Movements in the Lower Mobile River Basin, Alabama (Maurice F. Mettee, Patrick E. ONeil, and Steven J. Rider)
Population Characteristics of Paddlefish in Two Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Habitats (Daniel M. OKeefe and Donald C. Jackson)
Spawning Migrations and Reproductive Dynamics of Paddlefish in the Upper Missouri River Basin, Montana and North Dakota (Patrick J. Braaten, David B. Fuller, and Ryan D. Lott)
Exploitation, Survival, Reproduction, and Habitat Use of Gravid Female Paddlefish in Ozark Lake, Arkansas River, Arkansas (Steven B. Donabauer, Joseph N. Stoeckel, and Jeffrey W. Quinn)
Swimming Performance of Juvenile Paddlefish: Quantifying Risk of Entrainment (Jan Jeffrey Hoover, April Turnage, and K. Jack Killgore)
Morphological Variation in Juvenile Paddlefish (Jan Jeffrey Hoover, Krista A. Boysen, Catherine E. Murphy, and Steven G. George)
PART 2. Threats to Paddlefish
Threats to Paddlefish Habitat: Implications for Conservation (Joseph E. Gerken and Craig P. Paukert)
Potential Effects of Invasive Species on Paddlefish (Mark A. Pegg, John H. Chick, and Brenda M. Pracheil)
Harvest of Paddlefish in North America (Jeffrey W. Quinn)
Paddlefish Harvest in Oklahoma (Brent Gordon)
Joint Management of an Interjurisdictional Paddlefish Snag Fishery in the Missouri River below Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota and Nebraska (Gerald Mestl and Jason Sorensen)
Management of the Arkansas River Commercial Paddlefish Fishery with Check Stations and Special Seasons (Jeffrey W. Quinn, William R. Posey, Frank J. Leone, and Robert L. Limbird)
PART 3. Paddlefish Conservation and Management
Current Management of Paddlefish Sport Fisheries (Kirk A. Hansen and Craig P. Paukert)
Management of Commercial Paddlefish Fisheries in the United States (George D. Scholten)
Genetic Conservation and Paddlefish Propagation (Brian L. Sloss, Robert A. Klumb, and Edward J. Heist)
Mortality and Movements of Paddlefish Released as Bycatch in a Commercial Fishery in Kentucky Lake, Tennessee (Janice A. Kerns, Phillip W. Bettoli, and George D. Scholten)
Commercial Harvest of Paddlefish in the Upper Mississippi River (Michael C. Quist, Michael J. Steuck, and Michelle M. Marron)
PART 4. Paddlefish Stocking and Culture
Propagation and Culture of Paddlefish (Steven D. Mims, Richard J. Onders, and William L. Shelton)
Establishing and Maintaining Paddlefish Populations by Stocking (Joanne M. Grady and Brian S. Elkington)
Paddlefish Restoration to the Upper Ohio and Allegheny River Systems (David G. Argent, William G. Kimmel, Rick Lorson, Paul McKeown, Douglas M. Carlson, and Michael Clancy)
Influence of Cladoceran Composition and Abundance on Survival of Age-0 Paddlefish (Steven R. Chipps, H. Denise Symens, and Herbert Bollig)
Ecology and Habitat Use of Age-0 Paddlefish in the Unimpounded Middle Mississippi River (Quinton E. Phelps, Sara J. Tripp, James E. Garvey, David P. Herzog, David E. Ostendorf, Joseph W. Ridings, Jason W. Crites, and Robert A. Hrabik)
PART 5. Future Directions
Where We Are Today in Paddlefish Conservation and Management (Craig P. Paukert and George D. Scholten)