Mary Nickum, Patricia Mazik, John Nickum, and Don MacKinlay, editors
640 pages, hardcover
Published by American Fisheries Society, 2005
ISBN 1-888569-69-7
Symposium 44
This book contains the peer-reviewed technical papers presented at a June 2003 symposium examining the effective use of fish culture as a tool for fisheries resource management.
The symposium identified information gaps in technical knowledge, debated the appropriateness of assumptions and current theories being used to make resource management decisions, and attempted to reconcile philosophical differences that have become an obstacle to science-based resource management. Ten AFS Sections collaborated in this effort that showcased several themes:
Table of Contents
Successes and Failures of Large-Scale Ecosystem Manipulation Using Hatchery Production: The Upper Great Lakes Experience Gary E. Whelan and James E. Johnson
Overview of Lake Stocking for Recreational Fisheries in Interior Alaska James T. Fish
Stocking Red Drum: Lessons Learned Wallace E. Jenkins, Theodore I. J. Smith, and Michael R. Denson
Pacific Salmon Hatcheries in British Columbia Don D. MacKinlay, Susan Lehmann, Joan Bateman, and Roberta Cook
Increasing Red Drum Abundance in South Carolina: Monitor, Regulate, and Stock Hatchery Fish Theodore I. J. Smith, Wallace E. Jenkins, Michael R. Denson, and Mark R. Collins
An Evaluation of Fresh Water Recoveries of Fish Released from National Fish Hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin, and Observations of Straying Stephen M. Pastor
Short-Term Survival of Small Walleye Fingerlings Stocked into Wisconsin Lakes Jeffrey M. Kampa, Martin J. Jennings, and Gene R. Hatzenbeler
Increasing Predation through Walleye Fingerling Stocking: A Recovery Tool for Saginaw Bay, Lake Hur David G. Fielder
Using a Fish-Stocking Database to Demonstrate Temporal Changes in Stocking Patterns George W. LaBar and Tom Frew
Fishery Management Perspectives
Trends in Agency Use of Propagated Fishes as a Management Tool in Inland Fisheries James R. Jackson, Jeff C. Boxrucker, and David W. Willis
Fundamentals of Fisheries Management, 2003: Developments in Wyoming since 1994 Robert W. Wiley
Perceptions about Science and Scientism in Fisheries Management: An Angler’s View Michael L. Smith
The Promise of Hatchery-Reared Fish and Hatchery Methodologies as Tools for Rebuilding Columbia Basin Salmon Runs: Yakima Basin Overview William J. Bosch
Lessons in Rehabilitation Stocking and Management of Lake Trout in Lake Huron James E. Johnson, Ji X. He, Aaron P. Woldt, Mark P. Ebener, Lloyd C. Mohr
Use of Propagated Fishes in Altered Environments in Texas William C. Provine, Richard W. Luebke, Roger L. McCabe, David R. Terre, Robert K. Betsill, Bobby Farquhar, and Todd Engeling
Recreational and Economic Benefits of Tennessee’s Reservoir and Tailwater Stocking Programs Francis C. Fiss, Timothy N. Churchill, and William C. Reeves
Management of Tropical Freshwater Fisheries with Stocking: The Past, Present, and Future of Propagated Fishes in Puerto Rico J. Wesley Neal, Richard L. Noble, Maria de Lourdes Olmeda, and Craig G. Lilyestrom
Managing Hybrid Bluegill Fisheries: Estimating and Predicting the Effects of Young Anglers Dana L. Winkelman and Clifton Sager
Risk Evaluation and Decision Making
Salmon Supplementation: Demography, Evolution, and Risk Assessment Daniel Goodman
Release of Captively Reared Adult Anadromous Salmonids for Population Maintenance and Recovery: Biological Trade-Offs and Management Considerations Barry Berejikian, Thomas Flagg, and Paul Kline
Managing the Intersection of Aquaculture Development and Invasive Species Gary C. Matlock
Critical Need for Rigorous Evaluation of Salmonid Propagation Programs Using Local Wild Broodstock Patrick L. Hulett, Cameron S. Sharpe, and Chris W. Wagemann
Uncertainty and Research Needs for Supplementing Wild Populations of Anadromous Pacific Salmon Reginald R. Reisenbichler
Practical Approaches for Assessing Risks of Hatchery Programs Kenneth P. Currens and Craig A. Busack
A Modified Suitability Index to Guide Selection of Stocking Waters for Juvenile Tiger Muskies Keith Koupal
A Historical Perspective on the Philosophy behind the Use of Propagated Fish in Fisheries Management: Michigan’s 130-Year Experience Gary E. Whelan
Salmon Hatcheries in Alaska—Plans, Permits, and Policies Designed to Provide Protection for Wild Stocks Steven G. McGee
Guidelines for Use of Captive Broodstocks in Recovery Efforts for Pacific Salmon Herbert A. Pollard, II and Thomas A. Flagg
Managing Imperiled Fish
Comparison of the Distribution and Recapture Rates of Acclimated and Nonacclimated Razorback Sucker Stocked into the Green River Timothy Modde, Garn J. Birchell, and Kevin D. Christopherson
Growth and Survival of Larval Razorback Sucker in Natural Floodplain Depressions Inhabited by Nonnative Fish in the Green River, Utah Garn J. Birchell and Kevin D. Christopherson
Use of Propagated Shortnose Sturgeon as Surrogates for Wild Fish Mark R. Collins, Theodore I. J. Smith, Vincent A. Mudrak, Robert Bakal, and Kent Ware
Dilemma on the Kootenai River—The Risk of Extinction or When Does the Hatchery Become the Best Option Vaughn L. Paragamian and Raymond C. P. Beamesderfer
Application of Captive Broodstocks to Preservation of ESA-Listed Stocks of Pacific Salmon: Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Case Example Thomas A. Flagg, W. Carlin McAuley, Paul A. Kline, Madison S. Powell, Doug Taki, and Jeffrey C. Gislason
Evaluating Reintroduction Strategies for Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Progeny J. Lance Hebdon, Paul Kline, Doug Taki, and Thomas A. Flagg
Managing Introduced Fish
Fish Assemblage Structure in an Oklahoma Ozark Stream before and after Rainbow Trout Introduction Maureen G. Walsh and Dana L. Winkelman
Unauthorized Fish Introductions: Fisheries Management of the People, for the People, or by the People? Frank J. Rahel
Managing Southwestern Native and Nonnative Fishes: Can We Mix Oil and Water and Expect a Favorable Solution? John N. Rinne, Larry Riley, Rob Bettaso, Roger Sorenson, and Kirk Young
A Tale of Two Parks: Management of Nonnative Lake Trout in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, Wyoming, USA Scott Bosse
Diet Overlap of Introduced Rainbow Trout and Three Native Fishes in an Ozark Stream Daniel B. Fenner, Maureen G. Walsh, and Dana L. Winkelman
Genetics Considerations
Effects of 70 Years of Freshwater Residency on Survival, Growth, Early Maturation, and Smolting in a Stock of Anadromous Rainbow Trout from Southeast Alaska Frank P. Thrower and John E. Joyce
Improving Vulnerability to Angling of Rainbow Trout: A Selective Breeding Experiment Joseph R. Kozfkay, Daniel J. Schill, and David M. Teuscher
Introgressive Hybridization between Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Native Rainbow Trout in Big Creek, Idaho Michael P. Peterson, Matthew R. Campbell, Christine C. Cegelski, and Madison S. Powell
Stable Isotopic Composition of Otoliths from Hatchery and Wild Chinook Salmon in Makah Bay, Washington Yongwen Gao, Russell Svec, Steve Joner, Joe Hinton, and Dave Zajac
Fish Health Considerations
Evaluating and Understanding Fish Health Risks and Their Consequences in Propagated and Free-Ranging Fish Populations Christine M. Moffitt, Alf H. Haukenes, and Christopher J. Williams
Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Traffic in the Columbia River Basin Gael Kurath, Kyle A. Garver, and Ryan M. Troyer
Susceptibility of Rainbow Trout Resistant to Myxobolus cerebralis to Selected Salmonid Pathogens Jerri L. Bartholomew, M. Mattes, Mansour El-Matbouli, Terry S. McDowell, and Ronald P. Hedrick
Hatchery Reform
A Scientific and Systematic Redesign of Washington State Salmonid Hatcheries H. Lee Blankenship and Elizabeth Daniels
A Review of Recent Studies Investigating Seminatural Rearing Strategies as a Tool for Increasing Pacific Salmon Postrelease Survival Desmond J. Maynard, Thomas A. Flagg, Robert N. Iwamoto, and Conrad V. W. Mahnken
Salmon Hatcheries for the 21st Century: A Model at Warm Springs National Hatchery Douglas E. Olson, Bob Spateholts, Mike Paiya, and Donald E. Campton
Conservation Hatchery Protocols for Pacific Salmon Thomas A. Flagg, Conrad V. W. Mahnken, and Robert N. Iwamoto
Genetic Diversity, Kinship Analysis, and Broodstock Management of Captive Atlantic Sturgeon for Population Restoration Anne P. Henderson, Adrian P. Spidle, and Tim L. King
Fish Culture System Design for the Future Brian Brazil, Brian Vinci, and Steve Summerfelt