Churchill B. Grimes, Richard D. Brodeur, Lewis J. Haldorson, and Stewart M. McKinnell, editors
247 pages, Symposium 57
Published by the American Fisheries Society, November 2007
ISBN: 978-1-888569-95-7
Understanding the interaction between Pacific salmon and their environment is critical for salmon management. This book presents recent advances in our understanding of the ecology of salmon in the North Pacific and Bering Sea and the influence of ocean climate on the life history and population dynamics of Pacific salmon stocks. Focuses on regional comparisons of salmon ecology south and north of the British Columbia transition zone where ocean conditions effect salmon production in opposite phase.
An Introduction to the Ecology of Juvenile Salmon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Regional Comparisons (Churchill B. Grimes, Richard D. Brodeur, Stewart M. McKinnell, and Lewis J. Haldorson)
The Ocean Ecology of Salmon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean An Abridged History (William G. Pearcy and Stewart M. McKinnell)
Comparisons of the Coastal Distributions and Abundances of Juvenile Pacific Salmon from Central California to the Northern Gulf of Alaska (Joseph Fisher, Marc Trudel, Arnold Ammann, Joseph A. Orsi, Jack Piccolo, Cynthia Bucher, Edmundo Casillas, Jeffrey A. Harding, R. Bruce MacFarlane, Richard D. Brodeur, John F. T. Morris, and David W. Welch)
Stock-Specific Migrations of Juvenile Coho Salmon Derived from Coded-Wire Tag Recoveries on the Continental Shelf of Western North America (John F. T. Morris, Marc Trudel, Mary E. Thiess, Ruston M. Sweeting, Joseph Fisher, Susan A. Hinton, Emily A. Fergusson, Joseph A. Orsi, Edward V. Farley, Jr., and David W. Welch)
Epipelagic Fish Assemblages Associated with Juvenile Pacific Salmon in Neritic Waters of the California Current and the Alaska Current (Joseph A. Orsi, Jeffrey A. Harding, Suzan S. Pool, Richard D. Brodeur, Lewis J. Haldorson, James M. Murphy, Jamal H. Moss, Edward V. Farley, Jr., Ruston M. Sweeting, John F. T. Morris, Marc Trudel, Richard J. Beamish, Robert L. Emmett, and Emily A. Fergusson)
Infestations of Motile Salmon Lice on Pacific Salmon along the West Coast of North America (Marc Trudel, Simon R. M. Jones, Mary E. Thiess, John F. T. Morris, David W. Welch, Ruston M. Sweeting, Jamal H. Moss, Bruce L. Wing, Edward V. Farley, Jr., James M. Murphy, Rebecca E. Baldwin, and Kym C. Jacobson)
Regional Comparisons of Juvenile Salmon Feeding in Coastal Marine Waters off the West Coast of North America (Richard A. Brodeur, Elizabeth A. Daly, Molly V. Sturdevant, Todd W. Miller, Jamal H. Moss, Mary E. Thiess, Marc Trudel, Laurie A. Weitkamp, Janet Armstrong, and Elizabeth C. Norton)
Regional Variation in the Marine Growth and Energy Accumulation of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon along the West Coast of North America (Marc Trudel, Mary E. Thiess, Cynthia Bucher, Edward V. Farley, Jr., R. Bruce MacFarlane, Edmundo Casillas, Joseph Fisher, John F. T. Morris, James M. Murphy, and David W. Welch)
Mortality Rates of Chum Salmon during Their Early Marine Residency (Alex C. Wertheimer and Frank P. Thrower)