Carol Ann Woody, editor
129 pages, 11-page color gallery
Publication date: May 2007
ISBN-13: 978-1-888569-88-9
The importance of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka to commercial and subsistence fisheries around the Pacific Rim has led to over a century of research on their evolution and ecology. This volume compiles 12 manuscripts or extended abstracts from the 2005 symposium “Sockeye Salmon Ecology, Evolution, Life History, and Management” in Anchorage, Alaska. Exciting work in all four major themes is included. 11 full-color pages.
Sockeye Salmon Ecotypes: Origin, Vulnerability to Human Impacts, and Conservation Value (Chris C. Wood)
Physiological Mechanisms of Homing Ability in Sockeye Salmon: from Behavior to Molecules Using a Lacustrine Model (Hiroshi Ueda, Yuzo Yamamoto, and Hiroshi Hino)
Electromyogram Telemetry, Nondestructive Physiological Biopsy, and Genetic Markers: Linking Recent Techniques with Behavioral Observations for the Study of Reproductive Success in Sockeye Salmon Mating Systems (Kimberly A. Hruska, Scott G. Hinch, Michael C. Healey, and Anthony P. Farrell)
Concordance of Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Markers in Detecting a Founder Event in Lake Clark Sockeye Salmon (Kristina M. Ramstad, Carol Ann Woody, Chris Habicht, G. Kevin Sage, James E. Seeb, and Fred W. Allendorf)
Assessment of Marine-Derived Nutrients in the Copper River Delta, Alaska, Using Natural Abundance of the Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Carbon (Thomas C. Kline, Jr., Carol Ann Woody, Mary Anne Bishop, Sean P. Powers, and E. Eric Knudsen)
Kokanee Exploit Large Prey in the Absence of Limnetic Predators (Joe L. Miller, Troy Hamon, Tahzay Jones, and Fred West)
Dynamic In-Lake Spawning Migrations by Female Sockeye Salmon (Dan B. Young and Carol Ann Woody)
Variability in Freshwater, Estuarine, and Marine Residence of Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka within the Copper and Bering River Deltas, Alaska (Sean P. Powers, Mary Anne Bishop, Steve Moffitt, and Gordon H. Reeves)
Expression Profiling of Fraser River Late-Run Sockeye Salmon: Migration Physiology Uncovered Using cDNA Microarray Technology (Kristina M. Miller, Karia Kaukinen, Shaorong Li, Anthony P. Farrell, and David A. Patterson)
The Hatchery and Native Origin of Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon from Stable Isotopic Records of Otoliths (Yongwen Gao, Dave B. Sones, and Russell A. Svec)
Are 5 Years of Population Estimation and 3 Years of Radio Telemetry Enough to Manage Alsek River Sockeye Salmon? (Kathleen A. Jensen, B. Waugh, and Pete Etherton)
Efficiently Estimating Salmon Escapement Uncertainty from Systematically Sampled Data (Joel H. Reynolds, Carol Ann Woody, Nancy E. Gove, and Lowell F. Fair)