by Mauricio Ramírez-Rodríguez Publications that involve the identification of important fisheries species generally do not relate scientific names to common names in landing records. For this reason, and in order to contribute to improving the quality of fisheries statistics and the works based on them, Mexico’s National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA) and the National Polytechnic Institute convened to compile a list of common names, scientific names, and codes for the recording of commercially important fisheries species in the Mexican Pacific. This list was recently published as an electronic book (Ramírez-Rodríguez 2013) that includes information on 924 species referenced in the literature as important for commercial, recreational, and ornamental (aquarium or craft) uses, or as incidental catch. The book is available online at or from the author. The objective of the book is to facilitate the identification of species for landing records by associating the scientific name of each species with its common name(s) and defining unique codes that consider different groupings….to read the rest of this article in Fisheries magazine (February 2015), visit: