Pam L. Fuller, Leo G. Nico, and James D. Williams
622 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, 1999
AFS Special Publication 27
Whether termed exotics, transplants, or aliens, nonindigenous species are those that enter an ecosystem beyond their historic range. This book is based on an extensive and ongoing electronic database of more than 500 nonindigenous fish taxa (species, hybrids, and unidentified forms) in U.S. inland open waters, and is comprised primarily of summary accounts of each taxa. Also, the book summarizes the historical trends and spatial patterns of fish introductions nationwide and gives an overview of the database itself, which is a major subset of a larger research database of other nonindigenous aquatic species.
This book includes:
* scientific and common names * references to aid in species identification * maximum size for adults * native range * nonindigenous occurrences * means of introduction * reproductive status and persistence * impacts from introduction * voucher specimens for foreign species * remarks * range map * reported occurrences
Studying these species is critical to determining their possible effects on the native organisms and the physical environment. This book will be useful to those who want or need to understand the control and management of species already introduced as well as those being considered for introduction.
This book is intended for:
* state fish and game agency employees * fishery and environmental biologists * managers of aquatic systems and resources * land and refuge managers * ichthyologists * students in the above areas * citizens involved in natural resource issues * anglers
Table of Contents
Status of Nonindigenous Fishes
Summary of Reported Occurrences of Nonindigenous Fishes
Arrangement and Format of Species Accounts
Species Erroneously Reported as Introduced
Reporting Problems and Requests for Information
Literature Cited
Personal Communications
Appendix A – List of Species Included in this Report
Appendix B – Glossary
Appendix C – Foreign Fish Matrix
Appendix D – Native Fish Matrix
Appendix E – Hybrid Fish Matrix
Nonindigenous Species Database Voluntary Reporting Form