572 pages, hard cover, index
ISBN: 978-1-934874-55-4
List price: $79.00
AFS member price: $55.30
Published September 2019
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Edited by Charles C. Krueger, William W. Taylor, and So-Jung Youn
This book provides eyewitness “good news” accounts of true stories of successful fishery management in action that have resulted in bringing fish populations from the brink of extinction to full recovery with viable naturally reproducing, self-sustaining, and productive populations. The text provides incontrovertible evidence that good things can indeed happen with well- thought out and implemented fish management programs, demonstrating that fishery professionals working together with their stakeholders can make a difference in restoring and maintaining fish and their habitats to productive levels.
Contains 22 case histories of fishery management success spanning rivers, lakes, and marine systems. Each account ends with the authors’ reflections of lessons learned that could be applied to other fisheries.
The book will be useful as a college text and invaluable to natural resources researchers, managers, and their allied publics.
Fishery Management Success: Action, Collaboration, Communication, and Commitment (Charles C. Krueger, William W. Taylor, and So-Jung Youn)
Lessons Learned from More than One-Hundred Years of Golden Trout Management and Recovery in California (Molly R. Stephens, Stanley J. Stephens, and Charles C. Krueger)
Overcoming Challenges to Native Fish Restoration in a National Park (Stephen E. Moore and Matt A. Kulp)
Chasing an Illusion? Successful Restoration of Okanagan River Sockeye Salmon in a Sea of Uncertainty (Kim D. Hyatt and Margot M. Stockwell)
Snake River Sockeye Salmon—A Perspective on Twenty-Five Years of Effort to Recover a Population in Central Idaho, USA (Paul A. Kline, Thomas A. Flagg, Christine C. Kozfkay, Danny J. Baker, Desmond J. Maynard, and William C. McAuley)
Restoring the Vindel River, Sweden for Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout (Gustav Hellström, Christer Nilsson, Stig Westbergh, Daniel Palm, Kjell Leonardsson, Daniel Holmqvist, Stefan Ågren, Johanna Gardeström, Anders Alanärä, and Hans Lundqvist)
Recovery of Willamette River (Oregon, USA) Fish Assemblages: Successes and Remaining Threats (Robert M. Hughes, Brian L. Bangs, Stanley V. Gregory, Paul D. Scheerer, Randall C. Wildman, and Jeffrey S. Ziller)
Restoration of Anadromous Sea Lamprey to the Connecticut River and Adjacent Watersheds (Stephen R. Gephard)
Recovery of a Great River Fishery: The Story of the Ohio River (Jeff A. Thomas, Jerry G. Schulte, Peter A. Tennant, and D. Ryan Argo)
Degradation and Recovery of the Scioto River (Ohio, USA) Fish Assemblages from Presettlement to Present-Day Conditions (Chris O. Yoder, Edward T. Rankin, Vicki L. Gordon, Lon E. Hersha, and Charles E. Boucher)
Evidence of Recoveries from Tropical Floodplain Fisheries: Three Examples of Management Gains for South American Giant Arapaima (Daniel J. Gurdak, Caroline C. Arantes, Leandro Castello, Donald J. Stewart, and L. Cynthia Watson)
Adirondack Brook Trout and Acid Rain: Environmental Legislation Fosters Successful Restoration (Clifford Kraft)
Walleye Management in the Red Lakes, Minnesota: Collapse, Recovery, and Cooperative Management (Gary C. Barnard, Anthony J. Kennedy, William P. Brown, and Donald L. Pereira)
Community Management of Fish Refuges in Cambodian Rice Field Fisheries (Miratori Kim, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, and Kathryn J. Fiorella)
Species Salvation: Saving the Owens Pupfish from Extinction (Edwin Philip Pister)
Restoration of Lake Trout in Lake Superior through Interagency Cooperative Management (Michael J. Hansen and Charles R. Bronte)
Recovery of Saginaw Bay Walleye, Lake Huron (David G. Fielder and James P. Baker)
Back from the Brink: Sustainable Management of the Lake Erie Walleye Fishery (Christopher S. Vandergoot, Matthew D. Faust, James T. Francis, Donald W. Einhouse, Richard Drouin, Charles Murray, and Roger L. Knight)
Lake Ontario Deepwater Sculpin Recovery: An Unexpected Outcome of Ecosystem Change (Brian C. Weidel, Michael J. Connerton, Maureen G. Walsh, Jeremy P. Holden, Kristen T. Holeck, and Brian F. Lantry)
Caspian Kutum Rutilus kutum: A Story of Exploitation, Survival, and Revival (Nukhkadi I. Rabazanov, Alexei M. Orlov, Akhma S. Abdusamadov, Ruslan M. Barkhalov, and Kurban M. Akhemedkhanov)
A Long and Participatory Process towards Successful Fishery Management of Gökova Bay, Turkey (Vahdet Ünal and Zafer Kizilkaya)
Atlantic Striped Bass: An Interjurisdictional Fisheries Management Success Story (Ronald J. Essig, R. Wilson Laney, Max H. Appelman, Fred A. Harris, Roger A. Rulifson, and Kent L. Nelson)
From Sustainability to Catastrophe to Recovery: The Need for Using an Ecosystem Approach for Responsible Fishery Management (Devin M. Bartley)