Reservoir Fisheries Management: Strategies for the 80s


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G. E. Hall and M. J. Van den Avyle, editors

327 pages, Published by American Fisheries Society, Publication date: 1986


Proceedings of a national symposium on managing reservoir fishery resources. Fifty-four papers and poster abstracts address the challenge of sustaining sport fish harvest in maturing reservoirs and suggest future programs to meet that challenge.

Table of Contents

Preface F. Harris and G. E. Hall Keynote Address R. A. Jantzen

TECHNICAL PAPERS Development of Management Programs and Measurement of Economic Values

Economic Characteristics of Reservoir Fisheries W. L. Fisher, J. J. Charbonneau, and M. J. Hay

Measuring the Value and Benefits of Reservoir Fisheries Programs A. S. Weithman

A Simulation Model for Managing Fisheries in Reservoirs on the Rio Grande of New Mexico R. Cole, T. Ward, F. Ward, and R. Deitner

Management of Fisheries on Large African Reservoirs – An Overview J. M. Kapetsky

Why Are They Here and How Much Do They Spend? A Survey of Muskellunge Angler Characteristics, Expenditures, and Benefits L. C. Belusz and D. J. Witter

Assessment of Fish Populations and Measurement of Angler Harvest

Indices as Predictors of Fish Community Traits R. F. Carline

Measuring Angler Effort, Success, and Harvest M. J. Van Den Avyle

Methods and Parameters Used in Evaluating Bass Length Limits on Pomme de Terre Lake, Missouri R. J. Dent, Jr.

Comparison of Rotenone and Trawling Methodology for Estimating Threadfin Shad Populations J. R. Siler

A Method of Qualitatively Assessing White Crappie Populations in Missouri Reservoirs M. A. Colvin and F. W. Vasey

Management of the Physical and Chemical Environment

Effects of Water-Level Changes on Reservoir Ecosystems, with Implications for Fisheries Management G. R. Ploskey

Modifying Reservoir Fish Habitat with Artificial Structures A. M. Brown

Limnological and Ecological Changes Associated with Reservoir Aging B. L. Kimmel and A. W. Groeger

Review of Water Level Management on Kansas Reservoirs D. W. Willis

Effects of Environmental Factors on Growth of Largemouth Bass in Texas Reservoirs L. E. Miranda and P. P. Durocher

Spatial Heterogeneity in Fish Parameters within a Reservoir J. R. Siler, W. J. Foris, and M. C. McInerny

Management of Reservoir Fish Communities by Influencing Species Interactions

Predator-Prey Interactions in Reservoir Communities R. L. Noble

A Review of Introduction and Maintenance Stocking in Reservoir Fisheries Management W. E. Keith

Evaluation of Stocking Inland Silversides as Supplemental Forage for Largemouth Bass and White Crappie J. Boxrucker

Fish Population Trends in Texoma Reservoir following establishment of Striped Bass J. L. Harper and H. E. Namminga

Filling the Void: Development of a Pelagic Fishery and its Consequences to Littoral Fishes in a Virginia Mainstream Reservoir C. C. Kohler, J. J. Ney, and W. E. Kelso

Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in Columbia Basin Reservoirs G. A. Gray and D. W. Rondorf

Management of Reservoir Fish Populations by Harvest Regulation

The History and Development of Warmwater Fish Harvest Regulations L. C. Redmond

Commercial Fishing as a Reservoir Management Tool A. W. Fritz and H. L Wight

Stockton Lake: Prolonging the “Boom,” Managing a New Large Reservoir with Minimum Length Limits J. A. Goddard and L. C. Redmond

Effects of Commercial Harvest on the Fish Community of Lovewell Reservoir, Kansas J. L. Stephen

Evaluation of Harvest Regulations for Largemouth Bass Populations in Reservoirs: a Computer Simulation A. J. Zagar and D. J. Orth

Management Implications of Energy Development

Fishery Management in Cooling Impoundments L. L. Olmsted and J. P. Clugston

An Overview of Reservoir Fisheries Problems and Opportunities Resulting from Hydropower N. S. Prosser

Fisheries Problems Associated with the Truman Dam Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in West Central Missouri K. R. Richards, R. J. Dent, Jr., and W. H. Dieffenbach

Management of Largemouth Bass in a Perched Cooling Pond in Illinois J. A. Smithson, K. F. Kurzawski, and T. V. Clevenger

Ash Basin Effluents as a Concern of Fisheries Managers: A Case History and Perspective L. L. Olmsted, D. F. Degan, J. S. Carter, and P. M. Cumbie

Management of Reservoir Releases

Improving the Downstream Environment by Reservoir Release Modifications R. J. Ruane, C. E. Bohac, W. M. Seawell, and R. M. Shane

Enhancing Tailwater Fisheries J. C. Peters

Effect of a Hypolimnetic Discharge on Reproductive Success and Growth of Warmwater Fish in a Downstream Impoundment G. D. Hickman and K. W. Hevel

Walleye Migration through Tygart Dam and Angler Utilization of the Resulting Tailwater and Lake Fisheries F. Jernejcic


Needs of Reservoir User-Groups S. L. Spencer