
Biology, Management, and Protection of Catadromous Eels

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Douglas A. Dixon, editor

388 pages, hardcover

Published by American Fisheries Society, 2003

Symposium 33

This book explores strategies for providing effective management and protection of eels, in the face of increasing challenges to resource agency managers and operators of water resource projects, such as hydroelectric operations. The principal source for scientific information on catadromous eels, this title explores the rapid evolution of technical information, and offers information exchange and dialog for addressing management methods, protection needs, and protection measures.

There is no other single source for such information; in fact, not since 1977 has a book or edited volume of technical papers including eel biology been produced.

Table of Contents

Part I: Early Life History, Recruitment, and Habitat Utilization

Annual Variability in the Effects of Water Temperature, Discharge, and Tidal Stage on the Migration of American Eel Elvers from Estuary to River Brian M. Jessop

Annual and Seasonal Variability in the Size and Biological Characteristics of the Runs of American Eel Elvers to Two Nova Scotia Rivers Brian M. Jessop

Migration and Recruitment of Tropical Glass Eels to the Mouth of the Poigar River, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia Takaomi Arai, Daniel Limbong, and Katsumi Tsukamoto

Upstream Migration by Glass Eels of Two Anguilla Species in the Hacking River, New South Wales, Australia Bruce Pease, Veronica Silberschneider, and Trudy Walford

Contrasting Use of Daytime Habitat by Two Species of Freshwater Eel Anguilla spp. in New Zealand Rivers Don J. Jellyman, Marty L. Bonnett, Julian R. E. Sykes, and Peter Johnstone

Response of Otolith Sr:Ca to a Manipulated Environment in Young American Eels Richard T. Kraus and David H. Secor

Estuarine Habitat Use by Hudson River American Eels as Determined by Otolith Strontium:Calcium Ratios Wendy E. Morrison, David H. Secor, and Philip M. Piccoli

Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Habitat Use of American Eel Anguilla rostrata in the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay Patrick J. Geer

Size and Age of American Eels Collected from Tributaries of the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay Stephen J. Owens and Patrick J. Geer

Recruitment of American Eels in the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain: Provision of Upstream Passage as a Regional-Scale Solution to a Large-Scale Problem Richard Verdon, Denis Desrochers, and Pierre Dumont

Upstream Migratory Movements of American Eel Anguilla rostrata between the Beauharnois and Moses-Saunders Power Dams on the St. Lawrence River Richard Verdon and Denis Desrochers

Studies of Upstream Migrant American Eels at the Moses-Saunders Power Dam on the St. Lawrence River near Massena, New York Kevin J. McGrath, Denis Desrochers, Carole Fleury, and Joseph W. Dembeck IV

Part II: Eel Fisheries

Effect of Changes in Growth and Eel Pot Mesh Size on American Eel Yield per Recruit Estimates in Upper Chesapeake Bay Julie A. Weeder and James H. Uphoff, Jr

Effect of Harvest on Size, Abundance, and Production of Freshwater Eels Anguilla australis and A. dieffenbachii in a New Zealand Stream Benjamin L. Chisnall, M. L. Martin, and Brendan J. Hicks

Enhancement and Management of Eel Fisheries Affected by Hydroelectric Dams in New Zealand Jacques Boubée, Ben Chisnall, Erina Watene, Erica Williams, David Roper, and Alex Haro

Age, Growth, and Catch-Related Data of Yellow Eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) from Lakes of the Erne Catchment, Ireland Milton A. Matthews, Derek W. Evans, Charles A. McClintock, and Christopher Moriarty

A Review of Eel Fisheries in Ireland and Strategies for Future Development Christopher Moriarty

The Exploitation of the Migrating Silver American Eel in the St. Lawrence River Estuary, Quebec, Canada Guy Verreault, Pierre Pettigrew, Rémi Tardif, and Gontrand Pouliot

Estimation of the Population Size, Exploitation Rate, and Escapement of Silver-Phase American Eels in the St. Lawrence Watershed François Caron, Guy Verreault, and Eric Rochard

An Estimation of American Eel Escapement from the Upper St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario in 1996 and 1997 Guy Verreault and Pierre Dumont

Eel Fishing in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence River System During the 20th Century: Signs of Overfishing Jean A. Robitaille, Pierre Bérubé, Serge Tremblay, and Guy Verreault

Part III: Spawning Migration and Protection

Lunar Cycles of American Eels in Tidal Waters of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada David K. Cairns and Peter J. D. Hooley

Do Stocked Freshwater Eels Migrate? Evidence from the Baltic Suggests “Yes” Karin E. Limburg, Håkan Wickström, Henrik Svedäng, Mikael Elfman, and Per Kristiansson

Life History Patterns of Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica in Mikawa Bay, Japan Wann-Nian Tzeng, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Yoshiaki Yamada, and Hideo P. Oka

Downstream Movement of Mature Eels in a Hydroelectric Reservoir in New Zealand Erina M. Watene, Jacques A. Boubée, and Alexander J. Haro

Surface and Midwater Trawling for American Eels in the St. Lawrence River Kevin J. McGrath, Joseph W. Dembeck IV, James B. McLaren, Alan A. Fairbanks, Kevin Reid, and Stephen J. Cluett

Differentiating Downstream Migrating American Eels Anguilla rostrata from Resident Eels in the St. Lawrence River Kevin J. McGrath, Julie Bernier, Scott Ault, Jean-Denis Dutil, and Kevin Reid

Development of Hydrosonic Telemetry Technologies Suitable for Tracking American Eel Movements in the Vicinity of a Large Hydroelectric Project Kevin J. McGrath, Scott Ault, Kevin Reid, David Stanley, and Fred Voegeli

Behavioral Study of Downstream Migrating Eels by Radio-Telemetry at a Small Hydroelectric Power Plant Caroline Durif, Claude Gosset, Jacques Rives, François Travade, and Pierre Elie

Simulated Effects of Hydroelectric Project Regulation on Mortality of American Eels Alex Haro, Theodore Castro-Santos, Kevin Whalen, Gail Wippelhauser, and Lia McLaughlin

Evaluation of Angled Bar Racks and Louvers for Guiding Silver Phase American Eels Stephen V. Amaral, Frederick C. Winchell, Brian J. McMahon, and Douglas A. Dixon

Review of Research and Technologies on Passage and Protection of Downstream Migrating Catadromous Eels at Hydroelectric Facilities William A. Richkus and Douglas A. Dixon