
Global Trends: Fisheries Management

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E. K. Pikitch, D. D. Huppert, and M. P. Sissenwine, editors

352 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society, 1997


Symposium 20: Proceedings from the symposium “Global Trends: Fisheries Management” held in Seattle, Washington, USA, June 14-16, 1994

This proceedings reflects cooperative efforts among education, research, and management communities worldwide to improve communication about the array of problems that face fisheries management: overfishing, overcapitalization, environmental degradation, habitat loss, and bycatch. The papers communicate trends in the fisheries themselves, trends in the scientific information available to guide fisheries management, and trends in the way fisheries are actually managed. This is an unparalleled overview of global fisheries management issues.

This book is intended for:

* managers, * researchers, * and anyone interested in the larger picture.

Table of Contents

Status and Trends in World Fisheries

Current Situation, Trends, and Prospects in World Capture Fisheries S. Garcia and S. Newton

Economic Waste in Fisheries: Impediments to Change and Conditions for Improvement F. Christy

Small-Scale Fisheries in the Tropics: Marginality, Marginalization, and Some Implications for Fisheries Management D. Pauly

Trends in International Law for High-Seas Fisheries Management W. Burke

The European Common Fisheries Policy and Its Evolution A. Laurec and D. Armb

Fisheries Management in Canada: The Case of Atlantic Groundfish L. S. Parsons and J. Beckett

Approaches to Management Decision Making

Management Procedures: A Better Way to Manage Fisheries?-The South African Experience D. Butterworth, K. Cochrane, and J. DeOliveira

The Revised Management Procedure of the International Whaling Commission G. Kirkwood

Uncertainty, Risk, and the Precautionary Principle R. Hilborn

Experimental Management of an Australian Multispecies Fishery: Examining the Possibility of Trawl-Induced Habitat Modification K. Sainsbury, R. Campbell, R. Lindholm, and A. Whitelaw

Multiple Species and Ecosystem Considerations

Global Assessment of Fisheries Bycatch and Discards: A Summary Overview D. Alverson

Multispecies Assessment Issues for the North Sea N. Daan

The Effects of Future Consumption by Seals on Catches of Cape Hake off South Africa A. Punt

Bycatch Management in Alaska Groundfish Fisheries S. Pennoyer

Trends in World Aquaculture

World Aquaculture Review: Performance and Perspectives W. Allsopp

Sea Ranching of Atlantic Salmon with Special Reference to Private Ranching in Iceland A. Isaksson

The Growth of Salmon Aquaculture and the Emerging New World Order of the Salmon Industry J. Anderson

Aquaculture in China and Its Effect on Global Markets X. Lu

Sustainability of World Shrimp Farming G. Chamberlain

Allocating Fishing Rights

Efficiency and Distribution Issues During the Transition to an ITQ Program L. Anderson

The Icelandic Individual Transferable Quota System: Motivation, Structure, and Performance R. Arnason

The Political Economy of ITSs R. Hannesson

Allocation of Fishing Rights: Implementation Issues in Australia M. Exel and B. Kaufmann

Unraveling Rent Losses in Modern Fisheries: Production, Market, or Regulatory Inefficiencies J. Wilen and F. Homans

A Government Perspective on New Zealand’s Experience with ITQs P. Major

An Industry Perspective on New Zealand’s Experience with ITQs A. Branson

Summing Up: What Can the United States Learn? E. Pikitch, M. Sissenwine, D. Huppert, and M. Duke