Jean Munro, Daniel Hatin, Joseph E. Hightower, Kim McKown, Kenneth J. Sulak, Andrew W. Kahnle, and François Caron, editors.
420 pages, Symposium 56
Publication date: June 2007
ISBN-13: 978-1-888569-91-9
Because of their threatened status, sturgeons have been the focus of broad scientific interest. This book provides new information on freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats of anadromous sturgeons; examines threats to habitats and populations; and reviews management and population trends in light of progress on recovery of U.S. Atlantic sturgeon populations since fishing was banned.
Anadromous Sturgeons: Habitats, Threats, and Management. Synthesis and Summary (Jean Munro, Randy E. Edwards, and Andrew W. Kahnle)
Part I Habitats
Seasonal Refugia and Trophic Dormancy in Gulf Sturgeon: Test and Refutation of the Thermal Barrier Hypothesis (Kenneth J. Sulak, R. Allen Brooks, and Michael T. Randall)
Seasonal Movements of Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon in the Suwannee River and Estuary (Daryl C. Parkyn, Debra J. Murie, Julianne E. Harris, Douglas E. Colle, and James D. Holloway)
Relationship between Recruitment of Gulf Sturgeon and Water Flow in the Suwannee River, Florida (Michael T. Randall and Kenneth J. Sulak)
Feeding Ecology of Atlantic Sturgeon and Lake Sturgeon Co-Occurring in the St. Lawrence Estuarine Transition Zone (Frédéric Guilbard, Jean Munro, Pierre Dumont, Daniel Hatin, and Réjean Fortin)
Macrobenthos Assemblages in the St. Lawrence Estuarine Transition Zone and Their Potential as Food for Atlantic Sturgeon and Lake Sturgeon (Pierre Nellis, Jean Munro, Daniel Hatin, Gaston Desrosiers, Rachel D. Simons, and Frédéric Guilbard)
Movements, Home Range Size, and Habitat Use and Selection of Early Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon in the St. Lawrence Estuarine Transition Zone (Daniel Hatin, Jean Munro, François Caron, and Rachel D. Simons)
Prey Eaten by Atlantic Sturgeon in Connecticut Waters (Thomas Savoy)
Distribution, Habitat Use, and Size of Atlantic Sturgeon Captured during Cooperative Winter Tagging Cruises, 1988–2006 (R. Wilson Laney, Joseph E. Hightower, Beth R. Versak, Michael F. Mangold, W. W. Cole, Jr., and Sara E. Winslow)
New Insights into Marine Migration and Winter Habitat of Gulf Sturgeon (Randy E. Edwards, Frank M. Parauka, and Kenneth J. Sulak)
Oceanic Distribution and Behavior of Green Sturgeon (Daniel L. Erickson and Joseph E. Hightower)
Part II Threats and Restoration
Tracking the Dumping and Bed Load Transport of Dredged Sediment in the St. Lawrence Estuarine Transition Zone and Assessing Their Impacts on Macrobenthos in Atlantic Sturgeon Habitat (Pierre Nellis, Simon Senneville, Jean Munro, Georges Drapeau, Daniel Hatin, Gaston Desrosiers, and François J. Saucier)
Effect of Dredged Sediment Deposition on Use by Atlantic Sturgeon and Lake Sturgeon at an Open-Water Disposal Site in the St. Lawrence Estuarine Transition Zone (Daniel Hatin, Stephanie Lachance, and Denis Fournier)
An Acoustic-Trawl Survey of Middle St. Lawrence Estuary Demersal Fishes to Investigate the Effects of Dredged Sediment Disposal on Atlantic Sturgeon and Lake Sturgeon Distribution (Ian H. McQuinn and Pierre Nellis)
Status of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Neuse River, North Carolina (Nathaniel Corey Oakley and Joseph E. Hightower)
What Makes the Difference? Sea Sturgeon on Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean (Arne Ludwig and Jörn Gessner)
Remediation of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Baltic Sea: Background, Status, and Perspectives (Jörn Gessner, Gerd-Michael Arndt, Arne Ludwig, and Frank Kirschbaum)
Evaluation of Reconnection Options for White Sturgeon in the Snake River Using a Population Viability Model (Henrietta I. Jager, Mark S. Bevelhimer, Ken B. Lepla, James A. Chandler, and Webb Van Winkle)
Part III Management and Population Trends
U.S. Management of Atlantic Sturgeon (Braddock J. Spear)
Status of Atlantic Sturgeon of the Hudson River Estuary, New York, USA (Andrew W. Kahnle, Kathryn A. Hattala, and Kim A. McKown)
Population Assessment of the Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon in the Yellow River, Florida (James J. Berg, Micheal S. Allen, and Kenneth J. Sulak)
Population Growth and Demography of White Sturgeon in the Lower Fraser River (William A. Nelson, Colin D. Levings, and Andrew J. Paul)
Attempts to Develop an Index of Abundance for Age-1 Atlantic Sturgeon in South Carolina, USA (John W. McCord, Mark R. Collins, William C. Post, and Theodore I. J. Smith)
Feasibility Assessment of Split-Beam Hydroacoustic Techniques for Monitoring Adult Shortnose Sturgeon in the Delaware River (Patrick A. Nealson and Harold M. Brundage, III)