This #GivingTuesday, Think of Fisheries (Donate here!)
Every year, people around the world designate a donation day. It’s called “Giving Tuesday.” It’s your chance to think about the organizations you care about and how much more they might be able to do with a gift from you. At the American Fisheries Society, we’re proud of the work we do together to advance the fisheries profession. Together we’re a part of a vibrant community that includes more than 8,000 fisheries professionals, scientists, and decision makers from around the world.
AFS takes our role in this community seriously and is thrilled to serve our field through convening Annual Meetings, hosting continuing education, publishing five of the world’s leading fisheries journals and a monthly magazine, and much more! This important work takes resources—both in hours of time and dollars. We value the contributions you make, and we’re making it easier for you to support AFS.
Become a Member of the 1870 Society
Participation in the 1870 Society is open to all individuals, regardless of membership in AFS. Membership in the 1870 Society is renewable annually (calendar year). Membership in the 1870 Society begins with your first annual gift above $150, and continues with ongoing annual support. This support is invested in areas such as education, training, professional development, and policy. In addition, funds raised through the 1870 Society are used to support improvements that will directly benefit the service we provide to our members and community.
Directly Online or via Mail
Make a donation of any amount online at Your donation can be secured in minutes. Online you have the option to support your Society as needed or designate a specific fund, such as awards, to receive your gift. Donate now at Donations can also be made through the mail—send a check to ATTN: Development, American Fisheries Society, 425 Barlow Place, Suite 110, Bethesda, MD 20814-2199.
While you renew, donate too!
Many of our members opt to make a donation in support of AFS while renewing their annual membership to AFS. This is a great opportunity to double your impact to fisheries and AFS.
Arrange a Planned Gift
Planned gifts enable you to integrate your charitable and financial goals and provide present or future support for AFS, or a specific AFS program that is important to you. Choosing the right planned gift depends on your personal circumstances and financial goals. The most common types of planned gifts are bequests and estate plan gifts or life income gifts. Some additional information to help you get started can be found here, Planned Giving at AFS.
Thank you for considering a donation to the American Fisheries Society!