UPDATE on April 14, 2020: In light of the continuing challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, AFS is providing a final abstract submission deadline of May 18 for the AFS Annual Meeting in Columbus. We are closely following the virus situation and working with authorities in Ohio and nationwide to understand concerns about hosting the meeting. The health and safety of AFS members is clearly the primary concern with the Annual Meeting. Should the meeting be cancelled, AFS will be exploring all other options to allow for your fisheries science to be shared with others in an effective and engaging manner. Please submit your abstract so that we have a complete picture of potential participation if we need explore alternative plans.
AFS Members, Partners, Exhibitors, and Annual Meeting attendees:
Statement as of March 16, 2020
At the present time, the COVID-19 pandemic is having serious impacts on special events such as conferences around the world. We want to reassure you of several points regarding the AFS Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, August 30 – September 3, 2020.
- The Annual Meeting is still planned to go ahead as scheduled, as it is still almost six full months away.
- AFS staff, the Columbus planning committee, and AFS officers are all monitoring the situation very closely and take seriously the health and safety of our members, attendees, and guests.
- We will inform you immediately of any changes in the status of the conference or changes to deadlines.
- Abstract submission has been extended until May 18. All abstracts submitted by that deadline will be fully considered and likely incorporated into the program. We will notify speakers as soon as possible about the date and time of their presentation.
- Early Bird Registration rates will run from mid-April until June 26 as planned. We will reevaluate this deadline if needed.
- We will offer full registration refunds for attendees whose travel is canceled by their university, agency, or other employer, or due to health reasons, up until 7 days before the conference (Monday, August 24), due to our catering order deadline.
- Attendees can cancel hotel reservations without penalty in our room block.
- We are working with our exhibitor services companies to determine a fair cancellation policy under these unusual circumstances and will announce that as soon as it is resolved.
We urge presenters to go ahead and submit abstracts as usual for session planning purposes, and call upon our symposium organizers to be flexible and creative in dealing with the uncertainty some presenters may have about their travel arrangements.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation—we look forward to seeing you in Columbus this August!
AFS President
Doug Austen
AFS Executive Director
Curtis Wagner
Meeting General Co-Chair
Janice Kerns
Meeting General Co-Chair