Time is running out to submit your comment to EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the proposed repeal of the Waters of the U.S. Rule (WOTUS). The comment period will close on September 27, 2017. Make your voice heard! Comment here.
AFS and 11 other science societies submitted a joint comment letter to oppose the repeal. The organizations, representing over 200,000 scientists, urged the agencies to consider the critical functions of our nation’s wetlands and headwater streams, in providing a broad suite of ecosystem services to society. They asked that the agencies reaffirm WOTUS or develop a revised rule that is as scientifically, legally, and ecologically robust as WOTUS, taking into consideration costs associated with replacing those ecosystem services, the far-reaching implications for fish, wildlife, and their habitat from rescinding WOTUS, and the robust public participation that went into developing the safeguards.
Read more here on the administration’s plan to roll back protections for our nation’s critical wetlands and headwater streams.