Urban and Community Fisheries Programs: Development, Management, and Evaluation

Influence of Fishing Derbies on Angling Activity at Derby Locations

Thomas J. Lang, J. Wesley Neal, and Clifford P. Hutt

doi: https://doi.org/10.47886/9781934874042.ch33

Abstract.—The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission currently supports fishing derbies, which are special fishing events for youth, senior, and disabled anglers, by stocking channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus for derby events. This study evaluated angling activity at derby locations before and after the events and whether these effects were influenced by type (urban or rural; open or closed). Angler effort, demographics, license history of adults accompanying youth anglers, advertising, and angler satisfaction ratings were analyzed for derby events. Creel surveys were conducted the week before, during, and the week after 32 derby events stratified into derby types from 2005 to 2007. Angling effort and channel catfish catch were both significantly higher following derbies for all types, indicating the impact of derby stocking extends beyond the event itself. Participants were generally satisfied with both their angling success and the overall derby experience. Seventy-five percent of derby chaperones possessed a current fishing license, although about one-half fished five or fewer times per year, indicating a high risk of attrition. Derbies promote near-home fishing opportunities for these anglers, likely improving retention while providing a potential recruitment mechanism for new anglers.