Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fishery Ecosystems

Developing a Specialized Marine Action Assessment and Response Team for Posthurricane Response and Recovery

Michael S. Spranger and Donald L. Jackson


Abstract.—Between 2004 and 2005, eight major hurricanes hit the Gulf of Mexico coast. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama while six hurricanes over this period impacted Florida. In the aftermath of these storms, it was discovered that assessments of, and assistance to, the marine and fishing communities were not being met. Steps were taken to bring more aid to these communities in the future. In January 2006, a training workshop was developed and held for Sea Grant personnel in the Gulf of Mexico to develop the specialized marine action assessment response team (SMART) concept. SMART is an ad hoc group of trained Sea Grant professionals dedicated to assisting the marine industries in preparation and recovery efforts related to emergencies and disasters. A primary objective for SMART is to assist the marine community in coping with the impacts of hurricanes and other storm events. A second purpose is to conduct cause-and-effect research on storm-related damage to marine facilities, boats, and waterfront areas. Such research can be used for future education efforts within the industry and for the public.