Stream Simulation Design Methodology: A design methodology for adapting road crossing infrastructure (bridges and culverts) to climate change Wednesday, September 9, 2020 2:00 pm Eastern Time Register Now Speaker: Robert Gubernick, R.G. Watershed Restoration Geologist USDA Forest Service National Stream and Aquatic Ecology Center In North America, Climate change has caused increases in frequency and intensity of large storm events which strain our existing transportation infrastructure which are typically undersized due to historical requirements from the hydraulic design method and to changes in hydrology. The research shows 25mm to 75mm storms have increased by 45 to 50% in the Eastern half of the United States. The US Forest Service manages ~612,000 kilometers of road across an extremely diversified landscape. Just in the last 8 years, the northeast region (13 national Forests) of the US Forest Service sustained over $52 million of damages from these large storms. Climate change adaptation of our infrastructure is imperative as we replace our road stream crossings and attempt to make society’s transportation system more flood resilient. The US Forest Service Stream Simulation Design methodology originally developed for Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) has been shown to survive extremely large flood events (>>Q100 to Q500+ ) without structure loss or AOP passability with only minor if any repairs necessary. Stream simulation is a geomorphic design methodology that creates a stream channel within the road crossing structure in sync with the natural stream channel. This methodology is flexible as opposed to rigid, allowing the structure to adjust to aggradation and degradation, essentially making a structure invisible to the stream and enables the structure to survive floods larger than the design flood (Q100). Presenter’s biosketch: Robert Gubernick is a Watershed Restoration Geologist for the USDA Forest Service National Stream and Aquatic Center. He provides technical assistance to national forests in across all regions on a variety of stream restoration and road management issues. Prior to joining NSAEC by on the Region 9 technical services team from 2011 to 2018 as the watershed restoration geologist. Previously from 1981 to 2010, Bob was the engineering geologist and the lead fish passage engineer for the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. In those positions, Bob also worked all over Region 9 and the state of Alaska as a geologist and project/design engineer for the all forests within R9, Tongass National Forest, Chugach National Forest, and the Bureau of Indian affairs on a variety of projects involving geomorphic, geologic, and hydrologic assessments of roads; hydraulic engineering (Fish Passage designs, stream restoration/stabilization, contract administration, inspections, training, and monitoring); remote sensing, and technical engineering input to regulatory agencies. He is also member of the FishXing development team and the National AOP and Restoration team. His involvement includes teaching workshops about site assessment and fish passage, developing technical guides for designing road-stream crossings, and providing technical assistance to national forests, federal agencies, state agencies, and non-government organizations on road-related issues.