2018 AFS Journal Impact Factors
Transactions, the North American Journal of Aquaculture, and Fisheries show increases in the newly released journal Impact Factors for 2018. AFS journals continue to be an effective and influential platform
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Transactions, the North American Journal of Aquaculture, and Fisheries show increases in the newly released journal Impact Factors for 2018. AFS journals continue to be an effective and influential platform
D. Derek Aday, Daniel J. Daugherty, Debra J. Murie In 2017, the American Fisheries Society (AFS) conducted a publications survey and convened a special committee in Reno, Nevada, (hereafter referred
We evaluated stakeholder engagement aspects of a statewide Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides regulation change in Florida. Staff from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) who worked on the project and
Offshore wind energy development is poised to rapidly expand in the United States, with the mid‐Atlantic region as the epicenter of development of this renewable energy resource. This provides the
We evaluated stakeholder engagement aspects of a statewide Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides regulation change in Florida. Staff from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) who worked on the project and
Despite increased focus on their ecology and conservation, freshwater mussels remain one of the most imperiled groups of aquatic organisms. We documented current management actions, resources, and challenges in managing
A new marine fisheries policy was approved by the AFS Governing Board Atlantic City in August to inform the proposed Congressional re‐authorization and amendment of the Magnuson‐Stevens Fisheries Conservation and
Salmon management has generally failed to rebuild depressed wild salmon populations or to manage many of them sustainably, despite a broad and growing scientific understanding of salmon ecology. We argue
When I began graduate school in 2012 at Kansas State University, I was excited to work with the highly endemic fishes of the Colorado River basin, particularly federally endangered Colorado
FishGen is a final repository for Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. and steelhead O. mykissgenetic data generated as part of the genetic stock identification and parentage‐based tagging projects in the Columbia River basin and
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