Case Studies in Fisheries Conservation and Management: Applied Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


SKU: 55062P Category:



Brian R. Murphy, David W. Willis, Michelle D. Klopfer, and Brian D. S. Graeb

252 pages

Published by the American Fisheries Society

Publication date: September 2010

ISBN: 978-1-934874-18-9



Through more than 30 original case studies related to contemporary conservation and management issues in fisheries, this new book challenges students to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that will serve them as future natural resource professionals. Intended to encourage students to go beyond the information level of many science texts, these case studies have no right answers. Many of the cases are presented in a dilemma format, where students are asked to assess information from a variety of sources, find additional information as needed, and propose and evaluate alternative solutions. Cases are approached from a variety of dimensions (biological, ecological, political, cultural, and socioeconomic) and stakeholder perspectives. Spiral binding allows the book to lie flat for easy reference during classroom discussions and activities.

To read the Introductory Chapter see:

See companion Instructor’s Guide


List of Scientific Names

Introduction: A Message to Students – This Book can Help You Get a Job

Case 1. A Tale of Two Oceans: The Demise of Bluefin Tuna

Case 2. What’s for Dinner?-Environmentally Conscious Seafood Choices

Case 3. A Float Trip on the Bad River, South Dakota: How Will Cyprinid Distributions Change from Headwaters to Mouth?

Case 4. Effects of Angling on a Previously Unexploited Fish Community

Case 5. Communism Meets the Tragedy of the Commons: A Fisheries Management Conflict in Rural China

Case 6. What Factors are Related to Condition of Flannelmouth Suckers in the Colorado River?

Case 7. Evaluating the Population Status of Black Sea Bass: One Step at a Time

Case 8. Predators Eat Prey: Effects of an Inadvertent Introduction of Northern Pike on an Established Fish Community

Case 9. Misapplication of a Minimum Length Limit for Crappie Populations: Could the Mistake Have Been Avoided?

Case 10. CSI Fisheries: The Case of the Dead Trout

Case 11. To Stock or Not to Stock: That is the Question — for High Elevation Wilderness Lakes

Case 12. A Protected Slot Length Limit for Largemouth Bass in a Small Impoundment: Will the Improved Size Structure Persist?

Case 13. Horseshoe Crabs: A Struggle among User Groups

Case 14. Interpreting the Size Structure of a Fish Population Sample: What Can We Infer about the Dynamic Rate Functions?

Case 15. The Debate Over Shark Abundance

Case 16. Sampling Gear Biases: Size Structure of Bluegills Collected from the Same Population with Different Gears

Case 17. Managing Lake Oahe Walleye in the Face of an Imbalanced Food Web

Case 18. Sea Lions: A New Kind of Nuisance

Case 19. Size-Structure Assessment for Pallid Sturgeon

Case 20. Standardized Sampling: Lake Meredith, Texas

Case 21. Northern Pike Reproduction and Early Life History: Ties to Recruitment Patterns

Case 22. Successful Use of a Protected Slot Length Limit to Improve Largemouth Bass Size Structure: But What Happens to the Panfish?

Case 23. Why Does it Look Like That? How Morphology is Related to Ecology and Management

Case 24. Developing a Pond Management Plan

Case 25. Dear Old Dad: Fisheries Meets the Stock Market

Case 26. Exotic Species, Economic Development, and Native Fish Restoration: Are All Possible?

Case 27. Managing a Small-Scale Trophy Largemouth Bass Fishery for Tourism Development

Case 28. Managing Prey Resources in Colorado Reservoirs

Case 29. Can We Make Overfishing Less Prevalent around the World?

Case 30. Should We Eliminate Catch-and-Release Angling?

Case 31. Rehabilitation Project Assessment for Lentic Habitat Improvement

Case 32. Effects of Freshwater Fish Translocations and Stocking Programs, Including the Role of State Natural Resource Agencies

Figure Credits

(Authors’ proceeds from this textbook will be placed into the John E. Skinner Memorial Travel Award endowment to support student travel to annual American Fisheries Society meetings).