J. Brooke Shipley, editor
301 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, August 2004
Symposium 42
The third volume in the AFS–Sea Grant series of symposia intended to develop new approaches to practical fisheries management, this proceedings examines the highly discussed, studied, and debated topic of marine protected areas. Such protected areas are being looked upon as means to accomplish a variety of objectives including, but not restricted to, protection of fish stocks, control of fishing effort, protection of critical fish habitat, creation of spawning and recruitment refugia, and enhancement of species biodiversity.
In this volume, AFS and Sea Grant once again bring together stakeholders on an issue of vital importance for the future of fisheries, addressing questions such as How well do they work as management tools? What is the status of scientific knowledge? How do we plan for future such areas?
Table of Contents
Foreword Ronald C. Baird
A Summary and Overview of the Symposium
Stakeholder Perspectives on Aquatic Protected Areas Ronald C. Baird
Symbols and Abbreviations
Part I: Panelists
Extended Abstract: Area-Based Management and Sustainable Fisheries under the Purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) William T. Hogarth, Rebecca Lent, and Robert J. Brock
Synergy in Aquatic Protection: A Pragmatic Approach to Protection and Enhancement of Marine Ecosystems William Amaru
Nongovernmental Organization Views on Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquatic Protected Areas Tundi Agardy
How the Organized Recreational Fishing Community Views Aquatic Protected Areas Ryck Lydecker
Part II: Keynote Speakers
Marine Protected Areas: An Old Tool for New Circumstances Edward D. Houde and Susan J. Roberts
Marine Protected Areas in Fisheries: Design and Performance Issues Trevor J. Ward
Abstract: On the Need for a Global Network of Large Marine Reserves Daniel Pauly
Part III: Design and Selection
The No-Take Research Natural Area of Dry Tortugas National Park (Florida): Wishful Thinking or Responsible Planning? Robert J. Brock and Brien F. Culhane
Sustainability and Yield in Marine Reserve Policy Louis W. Botsford, David M. Kaplan, and Alan Hastings
Abstract: Laying the Scientific Foundation to Evaluate Ecological Recovery in California’s Cowcod Conservation Areas Mary Yoklavich and Milton Love
Marine Managed Areas Designated by NOAA Fisheries: A Characterization Study and Preliminary Assessment Lisa Wooninck and Carli Bertrand
The Importance of Retention Zones in the Dispersal of Larvae John Largier
Part IV: Evaluation
Harvest Benefits: Marine Reserves or Traditional Fishery Management Tools Robert L. Shipp
Effects of Marine Protected Areas on the Assessment of Marine Fisheries André E. Punt and Richard D. Methot
Marine Protected Areas as Biological Successes and Social Failures in Southeast Asia Patrick Christie
Part V: Case Studies
Spillover Effects from Temperate Marine Protected Areas Steven Murawski, Paul Rago, and Michael Fogarty
Why Have No-Take Marine Protected Areas? James A. Bohnsack, Jerald S. Ault, and Billy Causey
A Reexamination of Monitoring Projects of Southern Florida Adult Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus, 1973–2002: The Response of Local Spiny Lobster Populations, in Size Structure, Abundance, and Fecundity, to Different-Sized Sanctuaries Rodney D. Bertelsen, Carrollyn Cox, Richard Beaver, and John H. Hunt
The Emerald and Western Banks Closed Area Community: Changing Patterns and Their Comparison Jonathan A. D. Fisher
A Key Role for Marine Protected Areas in Sustaining a Regional Fishery for Barramundi Lates calcarifer in Mangrove-Dominated Estuaries? Evidence from Northern Australia Janet A. Ley and Ian A. Halliday
Abstract: Effects of Fishing on the Benthic Habitat and Fauna of Seamounts on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand Malcolm R. Clark, Ashley A. Rowden, and Steve O’Shea
Abstract: Evaluation of Areas Closed to Fishing on the Continental Shelf off Nova Scotia Kenneth T. Frank, James E. Simon, and Robert K. Mohn
Abstract: The Use of a Refuge Area in the Restoration of Lake Trout in Parry Sound, Lake Huron David M. Reid, David M. Anderson, and Bryan A. Henderson
Dramatic Increase in the Relative Abundance of Large Male Dungeness Crabs Cancer magister following Closure of Commercial Fishing in Glacier Bay, Alaska S. James Taggart, Thomas C. Shirley, Charles E. O’Clair, and Jennifer Mondragon
Part VI: Economic and Legal Issues
Abstract: Incorporating Information and Expectations in Fishermen’s Spatial Decisions Rita E. Curtis and Kenneth E. McConnell
The Economics of Protected Areas in Marine Fisheries Management: An Overview of the Issues Susan Hanna
Taking a Risk: Legal Challenges and Issues for No-Take Zones Kristen M. Fletcher
Appendix 1: Selected Bibliography
Appendix 2: Institutions and Organizations
Appendix 3:Aquatic Protected Areas Web Sites