The Electronic Services Advisory Board (ESAB) provides oversight and coordination for electronic membership services, including those pertaining to AFS communications, publications, meetings, unit functions, and the content and structure of the AFS web site. Its goal is to maintain high standards of technical content and presentation, ease and continuity of membership access, and review of new electronic tools for membership services according to policies set forth in the current Strategic Plan of the Society.
The ESAB is composed of the AFS President-elect, a representative from each Division, representatives from the Education Section and Fisheries Information & Technology Section, representatives from other committees, and appointed AFS staff. Each AFS President designates a Chair from within this Committee other than the AFS President-Elect. All members of this Advisory Board are voting members with the exception of the AFS staff.
2018-2019 ESAB Members

Amberle Jones
Email: [email protected]
Northeastern Division
North Central Division
Ted Treska
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Southern Division
Doug Darr
Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division
Western Division
Amberle Jones
Arizona Game and Fish
Leadership Representative (AFS President-Elect)
Ron Essig
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Education Section
Melissa Wuellner
Partners on Staff
Additional Partners for Current Projects
These energetic folks serve on the ad hoc website committee, which overlaps greatly with ESAB.
Julie Claussen
Illinois Natural History Survey
Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey
University of Colorado, Boulder
Fisheries Information & Technology Section
Thom Litts, Andy Loftus, Julie Defilippi
Current Projects
- Reviewing and reporting feedback from members regarding the new website (Lead: Rebecca)
- Identifying a Governing Board reporting tool (Lead: Amberle)
- Identifying better meeting app (in place of DoubleDutch)
- Identifying a new job board technology
- Long-term evaluation of membership service options
Past Projects
- Consultation on the new AFS website, including navigability, format, content, and professionalism (Lead: Rebecca)
- Developing award submission forms to enable online nomination/application and review (Lead: Rebecca)
Past Members
- Jim Armstrong (Northeastern Division, 2015-2016)
- Jeff Kopaska (Former chair)
- Travis Neebling (Western Division)
- Cassandra May (Education Section)