M. J. Dadswell, R. J. Klauda, C. M. Moffitt, and R. L. Saunders, editors
Compact Disc (561 pages)
Published by American Fisheries Society
Original print publication date: 1987, reissued on CD July 2006
Symposium 1
This is a CD version of the out-of-print 1987 book.
Diadromous fishes migrate between marine and fresh waters to feed or breed. They are biologically fascinating, and many of them support important sport or commercial fisheries. The phenomenon of diadromy was the focus of a 1986 symposium sponsored by the AFS Northeastern Division. These proceedings present the peer-reviewed papers of experts from 10 countries.
The publication is organized into a keynote and four topical sections. The keynote section reviews the occurrence of diadromy and explores the possible evolutionary processes. The topical sections deal with possible critical life cycle periods and mechanisms—utilization of freshwater, transition to and from the sea, migration, and recruitment.
Authors were encouraged to exchange ideas and discuss topic coverage before the symposium and manuscripts were available for reference following the meeting. The editors think this approach fostered an exceptional degree of recognition and cooperation, resulting in a cohesive final publication. Interested participants also presented their ideas and findings in a poster session, the abstracts from which have been included here. An evening workshop was held to discuss future directions for research into diadromy, and it is summarized in these proceedings.
Table of Contents
Preface Introduction Michael J. Dadswell
Evolution and Importance of Diadromy
The Occurrence and Distribution of Diadromy among Fishes Robert M. McDowall
Evolution of Diadromy in Fishes Mart R. Gross
Utlization of the Freshwater Habitat
Preamble Christine M. Moffitt
Variability in Length of Freshwater Residence of Salmon, Trout, and Char Robert G. Randall, Michael C. Healey, and J. Brian Thompson
Reproductive Ecology of the American Eel Gene S. Helfman, Douglas E. Facey, L. Stanton Hales, Jr., and Earl L. Bozeman, Jr.
Biology of Pink Salmon in the North American Great Lakes W. Kwain
American Shad and Striped Bass in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin River System Donald E. Stevens, Harold K. Chadwick, and Richard E. Painter
Increased Spawning by American Shad Coincident with Improved Dissolved Oxygen in the Tidal Delaware River Keith R. Maurice, Robert W. Blye, and Paul L. Harmon
Overview of Life History Aspects of Anadromous Alewife and Blueback Herring in Freshwater Habitats Joseph G. Loesch
Life History Styles of Diadromous Fishes in Inland Waters of Southern Africa Michael N. Bruton, Anton H. Bok, and Martin T. T. Davies
Fishways—Historical Assessment of Design Practices John F. Orsborn
Use of Hatcheries in the Management of Pacific Anadromous Salmonids James A. Lichatowich and John D. Mcintyre
Transition to and from the Marine Environment
Preamble Richard L. Saunders
Behavioral Aspects of Selective Tidal Stream Transport in Juvenile American Eels James D. McCleave and Gail S. Wippelhauser
The Reproductive Ecology of Threespine Sticklebacks Breeding in Fresh and Brackish Water G. I. Kennedy, V. Boule, and G. J. Fitzgerald
Oocyte Development in Striped Bass: Factors Influencing Estimates of Age at Maturity Jennifer L. Specker, David L. Berlinsky, Harold D. Bibb, and John F. O’Brien
Osmoregulatory and Ionoregulatory Changes and Associated Moralities during the Transition of Maturing American Eels to a Marine Environment J.-D. Dutil, M. Besner, and S. D. McCormick
Osmoregulation in White Sturgeon: Life History Aspects Maryann McEnroe and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
Involvement of the Thyroid Gland in Smoltification, with Special Reference to Metabolic and Development Processes Walton W. Dickoff and Craig V. Sullivan
Prepatory Physiological Adaptations for Marine Life of Salmonids: Osmoregulation, Growth, and Metabolism Stephen D. McCormick and Richard L. Saunders
Changes in Hepatic Mitochondrial Proteins of Steelhead during the Parr Smolt Transformation Terence M. Bradley
Adaptive Flexibility in Life History Tactics of Mature Male Baltic Salmon Parr in Relation to Body Size and Environment T. Eriksson, L.-O. Erikkson, and H. Lundqvist
Smolting Versus Residency: Developmental Conflicts in Salmonids J. E. Thorpe
Ocean Migrations
Preamble Michael J. Dadswell
Hydromechanics of Fish Migration in Variable Environments Daniel Weihs
Sea-Surface Temperature and Distribution of Atlantic Salmon in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean D. G. Reddin and W. M. Shearer
Review of the Marine Life History of Australasian Temperate Species of Anguilla D. J. Jellyman
Reproductive Sympatry of American and European Eels and Implications for Migration and Taxonomy James D. McCleave, Robert C. Kleckner, and Martin Castonguay
Marine Migration and Orientation of Ocean-Type Chinook and Sockeye Salmon M. C. Healey and C. Groot
Influences of Origin, Life History, and Chance on the Atlantic Coast Migration of American Shad Michael J. Dadswell, Gary D. Melvin, P. James Williams, and Daphne E. Themelis
Atlantic Coastal Migration of Striped Bass John Boreman and R. Rhett Lewis
Spatial and Temporal Aspects of the Ocean Migration of Anadromous Arctic Char J. B. Dempson and A. H. Kristofferson
Life History, Distribution, and Seasonal Migration of Barramundi in the Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia Roland K. Griffin
Marine Migrations of Atlantic Salmon from Rivers in Ungava Bay, Quebec G. Power, M. V. Power, R. Dumas, and A. Gordon
Perspectives on the Marine Migrations of Diadromous Fishes Thomas P. Quinn and William C. Leggert
Recruitment Mechanisms
Preamble Ronald J. Klauda
Causes of Variable Recruitment in a Small Atlantic Salmon Stock E. Michael P. Chadwick
Recruitment Mechanisms of Striped Bass and Atlantic Salmon: Comparative Liabilities of Alternative Life Histories Paul J. Rago and C. Phillip Goodyear
Review of the Components of Recruitment of Pacific Salmon Randall M. Peterman
Effect of Fall and Winter Instream Flow on Year-Class Strength of Pacific Salmon Evolutionarily Adapted to Early Fry Outmigration: A Great Lakes Perspective John F. Kocik and William W. Taylor
Effect of Winter Severity on Steelhead Smolt Yield in Michigan: An Example of the Importance of Environmental Factors in Determining Smolt Yield Paul W. Seelbach
Parent-Progeny Relationship for an Established Population of Anadromous Alewives in a Maine Lake Clement J. Walton
Review of Recruitment Mechanisms of the American Shad: The Critical Period and Match-Mismatch Hypotheses Reexamined Victor A. Crecco and Thomas Savoy
Stock-Recruitment Relationship and Compensatory Morality of American Shad in the Connecticut River Ernest Lorda and Victor A. Crecco
Factors Influencing Recruitment of the Atlantic Species of Anguillid Eels Christopher Moriarty
Switching Size and Migratory Pattern in Successive Generations of Landlocked Ayu Katsumi Tsukamoto, Rikizo Ishida, Kenji Naka, and Takeshi Kajihara
Factors Influencing Recruitment and Survival of Mugilids in Estuaries and Coastal Waters of Southeastern Africa Stephen J. M. Blaber
Speculations on the Evolution of Life History Tactics of the Australian Grayling Tim M. Berra
Comparisons of Recruitment Variability and Life History Data among Marine and Anadromous Fishes B. J. Rothschild and Gerard T. DiNardo
Future Directions
Perspectives and New Directions for Research on Diadromous Fishes Roger A. Rulifson
Abstracts of Poster Papers
Development of Nursery Systems for Rearing Shortnose Sturgeons T. I. J. Smith, W. E. Jenkins, W. D. Oldland, and R. D. Hamilton
How are Anadromous Salmonid Life Histories Linked to Freshwater Residency? J. A. Hutchings and D. W. Morris
Wilder Fish Ladder with a Hydroturbine as a Fish-Attracting Water System A. J. Millette
Larval Migration of Amphidromous Ayu: Application of Otolith Tagging to a Mark-Recapture Study on Eggs and Larvae K. Tsukamoto, K. Mochizuki, T. Otake, T. Yamazaki, M. Okiyama, and T. Kajihara
Life History Aspects of the South African Catadromous Mullet A. H. Bok
Intermediate Salinities Stimulate Growth in a Wild Population of Anadromous Brook Trout P. O. Steele and A. M. Steele
Thermal Adaptations in Alaskan Chinook and Sockeye Salmon C. V. Burger
Time-Series Analysis of Discharge, Turbidity, and Juvenile Salmon Outmigration in the Susitna River, Alaska S. S. Hale
Habitat Suitability Index Curves for Anadromous Fishes J. H. Crance
Extended Freshwater Residence Prior to Spawning: The Influence of Water Velocity and Temperature on Swimming Capacity and Its Role in Controlling the Upstream Migration of Anadromous Coregonines of James Bay, Quebec L. Bernatchez and J. J. Dodson
Biochemical and Genetic Analysis of American Shad Migrating into the Chesapeake Bay E. N. Sismour and R. S. Birdsong
Behavior of Adult Blueback Herring Migrating Upstream through Lock 2 of the Erie Canal W. A. Karp, P. Nealson, D. J. Lispi, and Q. Ross
Why Do So Few Anadromous Populations Minimize the Energetic Cost of Their Upstream Migrations L. Bernatchez and J. J. Dodson
Variation in Life History, Ecology, and Resource Utilization by Arctic Char in Scotland S. E. Barbour
Preliminary Analysis of Life History Strategies in Northern Fishes with Special Reference to Three Species of Ciscoes R. E. Dillinger, Jr., J. M. Green, and T. P. Birt
Pigmentation, Size, and Upstream Migration of Elvers and Young American Eels in a Coastal Rhode Island Stream A. J. Haro
The Return of Migration of Adult Atlantic Salmon to the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland A. D. Hawkins
Human Impact on the Diadromous Fish Fauna in the Meuse River Basin: A Historical and Geographical Analysis G. T. Houvenaghel
Blood Coagulation Is Inhibited in Cold-Adapted Anadromous Brook Trout P. O. Steele and A. M. Steele
Time of Migration and Growth of Two Introduced Strains of Atlantic Salmon in a Southern New England Stream R. D. Orciari, D. Mysling, and G. Leonard
Effects of Dietary Hormone Treatments in Reducing Large Variances in Growth Rates of American Eels G. Degani and M. L. Gallagher