News Bites – February 2017
“The Amazon Reef That Keeps Being Discovered” Will the amount of plastic in the ocean exceed that of fish? “Blanket of blue blubber jellyfish covers Queensland beach” Granddad: Australian lungfish
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“The Amazon Reef That Keeps Being Discovered” Will the amount of plastic in the ocean exceed that of fish? “Blanket of blue blubber jellyfish covers Queensland beach” Granddad: Australian lungfish
A short review is presented on the major factors contributing to recent precipitous declines in populations of wild Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar, with the approach of describing the major needs for stabilizing or enhancing factors to conserve and reverse the decline of salmon populations and incidentally of other salmonid species.
By David Deslauriers An alternative to the use of live predators in the context of predator–prey feeding relationships for educational purposes is presented here. A group of 18 students was
Currently, standardization is practiced mostly in North America and Europe. Participants described how standardization has been important for management of long-term data sets, promoting fundamental scientific understanding, and assessing efficacy of large spatial scale management strategies.
By Steven J. Cooke, Sean Wesch, Lisa A. Donaldson, Alexander D. M. Wilson, and Neal R. Haddaway Natural resource management agencies implement conservation policies with the presumption that they are
By Thomas E. Bigford, Policy Director. The Society’s interests in policy and advocacy date back to the organization’s early years in the 1870s. Over the decades, our interests have expanded
By Joe Margraf, AFS President Fisheries management and the science that supports it are all about sustaining fish populations for wise and long-term use by people. Without science-based fisheries management,
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