04/16/2020 | 4 | Relative fitness of hatchery and natural Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound: two streams, three generations | Kyle Shedd | Alaska Department of Fish and Game |
04/16/2020 | 8 | Influence of maternally-transferred nitrogen and carbon on stable isotope ratios in juvenile Chinook salmon | Kevin Fraley | University of Canterbury |
04/16/2020 | 3 | Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Anglers may be exposed to harmful chemicals in their catch | Kevin Fraley | Wildlife Conservation Society |
04/16/2020 | 2 | Cod, Contaminants, and Collaboration: The Ecotoxicology of Burbot in Interior Alaska | Taylor Cubbage | AFS Alaska Chapter and Student Subunit |
04/16/2020 | 1 | Thoughts on Virtual Worlds | Donald Orth | Virginia Tech, Fish and Wildlife Conservation |
04/16/2020 | 6 | Yukon River Chinook salmon parental stress physiology and the effects on offspring survivorship | Petra Szekeres | Environmental Dynamics Inc. |
04/16/2020 | 7 | Evidence of prevalent heat stress in Yukon River Chinook salmon | Vanessa von Biela | U.S. Geololgical Survey, Alaska Science Center |
04/16/2020 | 5 | Fish Distribution, Movement, and Production in Coastal Arctic Drainages | Jason McFarland | Owl Ridge Natural Resource Consultants |
04/16/2020 | 9 | Testing for selective en route mortality in summer chum salmon returning to the Koyukuk River during 2019 | Peter Westley | University of Alaska Fairbanks |
04/16/2020 | 10 | Spatial trends of mercury and feeding ecology of select groundfish from the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands | Andrew Cyr | University of Alaska Fairbanks |
04/21/2020 | 3 | Invasive fishes in a protected inland water in South Africa: Conflicts, common ground and challenges for management | Josephine Pegg | South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity |
04/21/2020 | 2 | An Index of Oxbow Restoration Quality for Topeka Shiner | Dylan Osterhaus | Iowa State University |
04/21/2020 | 6 | Trends in Distribution of Plains Minnow (Hybognathus placitus) in Kansas from 1964 to 2017 | Dylan Osterhaus | Iowa State University, Emporia State University |
04/21/2020 | 1 | Status of the federally threatened Blue Shiner and Trispot Darter in the Conasauga River in Tennessee and Georgia | Bernie Kuhajda | Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute |
04/21/2020 | 5 | Evaluation of an automated 3-D printed sperm cryopreservation device for use with Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) | Victoria Byrd | LSU Undergraduate Researcher |
04/21/2020 | 4 | Setting and deploying hatchery-produced spat-on-shell on Louisiana public oyster reefs in Southeast Louisiana for oyster restoration | Emily Baukema | Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries |
04/23/2020 | 10 | Fish abundance trends indicate destabilized flows in the Potomac River | Nathaniel Hitt | US Geological Survey |
04/23/2020 | 7 | Effects of Domestication on Life History Traits in the Trinidadian Guppy Poecilia reticulata | Allison Durland Donahou | School of Natural Resources and Environment, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program, Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, University of Florida |
04/23/2020 | 2 | Hatchery Management: Allocating Resources to Maximize Stocking Success | Diana Perry | University of Florida |
04/23/2020 | 5 | Using complementary methods (seines and baited remote underwater video) to assess change in estuarine nekton communities subject to differing hydrological conditions and public access | Kerry Flaherty Walia | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
04/23/2020 | 1 | Integrating social science and fisheries management: new opportunities for collaboration | Matty Cleary | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
04/23/2020 | 3 | Shell Games: Managing Oyster Harvest when We Cannot See the Cliffs Coming | Edward Camp | University of Florida |
04/23/2020 | 6 | Investigating Drivers of Seasonal Change in Fish Abundance in the Homosassa River System | Taylor Dluzniewski | UF, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
04/23/2020 | 8 | Evaluating Largemouth Bass Dorsal Spine Aging Error Across Six Florida Waterbodies | Summer Lindelien | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
04/23/2020 | 4 | Fish eye lens isotope profiles show lifetime movement and diet | Julie Vecchio | University of South Florida College of marine Science |
04/23/2020 | 9 | Cultivating a Freshwater Fisheries Long-Term Monitoring Program: A Step-by-Step Approach | Kimberly Bonvechio | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
04/28/2020 | 11 | The Canadian Aquatic Barriers Database: a tool to support fish passage remediation | Nick Mazany-Wright | Canadian Wildlife Federation |
04/28/2020 | 6 | Estimating spatial dynamics and population abundance of upper Fraser watershed fluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). | Rachel Chudnow | University of British Columbia |
04/28/2020 | 3 | Effects of flow, water quality, and hypoxia on Threatened Salish sucker (Catostomus sp. cf. catostomus) and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) | Kaitlyn Zinn | University of British Columbia |
04/28/2020 | 2 | Are there systematic biases that contribute to the under-estimation of summer low flow requirements using PHABSIM modelling approaches? | Jordan Rosenfeld | B.C. Ministry of Environment |
04/28/2020 | 7 | Estimating Salmonid Genetic Diversity from Pacific Northwest Streams using Multi-gene eDNA Metabarcoding | Kevin Weitemier | Oregon State University |
04/28/2020 | 4 | Net energy intake models to evaluate stream salmonid habitat quality: predation risk and temperature effects | Sean Naman | Simon Fraser University |
04/28/2020 | 10 | An automated system for fish counting, data collection and decision making | Steve Dearden | Whooshh Innovations |
04/28/2020 | 9 | Sockeye Future: Integrating Technology into Monitoring and Fish Passage Options | Janine Bryan | Whooshh Innovations |
04/28/2020 | 1 | Steady flows, unsteady habitat: the role of watershed disturbance and dynamic channel morphology in varying salmon habitat through time at Carnation Creek. B.C. | David Reid | University of British Columbia |
04/28/2020 | 5 | White Sturgeon spawning site characteristics in the Lower Fraser River | Adam Goodwin | Triton Environmental Consultants |
04/28/2020 | 8 | Search for the Smoking Gun: Evaluation of Postrelease Morbidity and Mortality of Hatchery-reared Snake River Sockeye Salmon Smolts | Eric Johnson | Idaho Fish and Game |
04/30/2020 | 9 | Ocean ecology of eulachon: developing a model for abundance | Sarah Montgomery | University of Washington |
04/30/2020 | 4 | Juvenile Salmonid Response to Large Woody Debris Placement: An Analysis of Long-Term Monitoring Data | Caroline Walls | Western Washington University |
04/30/2020 | 3 | Drone Assisted Stream Habitat (DASH) Protocol: increasing the accuracy and efficiency of habitat data collection for large spatial scales | Sarah Hoffmann | Biomark Inc. |
04/30/2020 | 2 | Effectiveness of the riparian management prescriptions for perennial headwater streams in western Washington State: tree mortality, shade and wood recruitment ten years post-harves | Dave Schuett-Hames | Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission- retired |
04/30/2020 | 7 | Size-dependent estuary use by juvenile salmon: Implications for linkages across life stages | Alexandra Sawyer | Simon Fraser University |
04/30/2020 | 6 | Effects of Tide Gates on Juvenile Coho Salmon Passage and Estuarine Habitat Use | Guillermo Giannico | Department of FIsheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University |
04/30/2020 | 5 | The Starry Flounder (Platichthys stellatus) in the Fraser River Estuary | Colin Levings | Retired DFO Scientist |
04/30/2020 | 1 | The Science Selfie: How to reframe your elevator speech to address social stereotypes | Natasha Wingerter | University of Idaho |
04/30/2020 | 8 | Understanding variation in estuary reliance and habitat use by juvenile salmon in a highly degraded estuary, The Fraser River estuary, BC | David Scott | University of British Columbia |
05/05/2020 | 2 | Beale Dam removal | Mark Gard | CDFW |
05/05/2020 | 4 | Development of Habitat Suitability Criteria for Juvenile Salmonids in the South Fork Eel River Watershed | Nikki Gephart | California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
05/05/2020 | 8 | Every Fish That Dies Gets Eaten | J.D. Wikert | USFWS |
05/05/2020 | 3 | Insights in Mokelumne River Hatchery Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Program Structure from Nonlethal Genetic Samples | Laura Goetz | NMFS |
05/05/2020 | 1 | Survey like a BOSS: Use of a Stereo Video Lander to Survey Rocky Habitats in California | Kathleen Cieri | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories |
05/05/2020 | 10 | Influence of Data Aggregation on Performance of Stream Temperature Models | Halil Ibrahim Dertli | M.S. Student, Michigan State University |
05/05/2020 | 6 | Nutritional Stress and Hormone Regulation of Growth in Fish: Fasting Modulates GH Stimulation of Liver IGF-1 in a Pacific Rockfish | Theresa Bersin | Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo |
05/05/2020 | 5 | Relationships of normalized biomass spectra of State and Federal fish salvage data to export and outflow | Walter Griffiths | California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
05/05/2020 | 9 | Jumpstarting Recovery of the Threatened Santa Ana Sucker: Step 1: Translocation Plan | Craig Seltenrich | Dudek |
05/05/2020 | 7 | Mysids and Zooplankton in Lake Tahoe: How a Species Introduced to Supplement Salmonids Affects an Ecosystem | Zachary Bess | University of Nevada, Reno |
05/06/2020 | 9 | POSTER: Examination of reproductive metrics for Black Drum from Louisiana coastal waters (Pogonias cromis) | Paige O'Malley | Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries |
05/06/2020 | 12 | POSTER: Current Distribution and Status of Blackbanded Sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon in Florida | Jason O'Connor | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
05/06/2020 | 6 | POSTER: Hickory Shad (Alosa mediocris) vs. American Shad (Alosa sapidissima): Comparing Aging Techniques for Congeneric Species | Samantha Dowiarz | East Carolina University |
05/06/2020 | 1 | POSTER: Projected Changes Of The Distribution Of Nassau Grouper Spawning Habitat And Its Management Implications | Brian Bartlett | East Carolina University |
05/06/2020 | 7 | POSTER: Comparing larval and juvenile fish assemblages between newly created marsh terraces and existing marsh habitat | April Simmons | Nicholls State University |
05/06/2020 | 17 | POSTER: Characterizing the life history of Hickory Shad using otolith microchemistry | Christopher Hill | East Carolina University Department of Biology |
05/06/2020 | 5 | POSTER: Phenology in a Changing Environment: Ecological Forecasts of Albemarle Sound/Roanoke River Striped Bass Stock Migration | Quentin Nichols | East Carolina University |
05/06/2020 | 16 | POSTER: At First Glance: TWRA Winter Trout Stocking at Bicentennial Greenbelt Park, Maryville, TN | Jeff Stevens | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
05/06/2020 | 2 | POSTER: Seasonality and relative abundance of elasmobranchs near the northern boundary of a biogeographic break | Grace Roskar | Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 3431 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557, USA |
05/06/2020 | 11 | POSTER: Seasonal Movements of Sunshine Bass in the St. Johns River, FL | Andrew Marbury | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
05/06/2020 | 15 | POSTER: The Ingestion of Microplastics by Benthic Aquatic Invertebrates in the Upper Tennessee River Basin | Lilah von Gruenigen | Powell Middle School, Powell, TN |
05/06/2020 | 3 | POSTER: Striped Marlin, Kajikia audax, in the Central North Pacific Ocean: One Stock or Two? | Jackson Martinez | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
05/06/2020 | 8 | POSTER: Custom design of low-cost environmental sensing for oyster aquaculture | Nikolas Zuchowicz | Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA |
05/06/2020 | 4 | POSTER: Spawning Population Size Comparison of River Herring in Potomac Tributaries | Katherine (Katie ) Russell | George Mason University - Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center |
05/06/2020 | 14 | POSTER: Using isotopes and trace elements as a tool to uncover White Sturgeon life history complexities and habitat use | Jamie Sweeney | Cramer Fish Sciences |
05/06/2020 | 10 | POSTER: Developing a Germplasm Repository Framework for Aquaculture Species | Sarah Bodenstein | LSU AgCenter |
05/06/2020 | 13 | POSTER: Assessing spatial and temporal variation in the growth rates of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) from the central coast of California using a growth rate biomarker | Ellie Brauer | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo |
05/07/2020 | 1 | Assessing the Reliability of Species Distribution Model Projections in the Face of Climate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts: Small Pelagic Fishes in the California Current Ecosystem | Rebecca Asch | East Carolina University |
05/07/2020 | 7 | Biogeographic Diversity of Fish-Infecting Digenean Trematodes in Estuaries Dominated by Non-native Macroalga | Timothy Lee | East Carolina University |
05/07/2020 | 3 | Hickory Shad Otolith Development as Viewed using Scanning Electron Microscopy | Roger Rulifson | East Carolina University |
05/07/2020 | 2 | Decadal trends in stock mixing of Northwest Atlantic mackerel from otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotopes | Kohma Arai | Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science |
05/07/2020 | 5 | Signatures of Selection and Phenotypic Plasticity of An Estuarine-Dependent Teleost, Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) | JINGWEI SONG | VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE |
05/07/2020 | 6 | Global Conservation Status of the Family Sciaenidae (Croaker and Drum) | Claire Gorman | Old Dominion University |
05/07/2020 | 10 | Molecular Markers for Mercenaria mercenaria: Addressing Wild Population Structure in the Hard Clam | Ann Ropp | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
05/07/2020 | 12 | Snowbirds of the Sea: Environmental Associations of Migratory Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) Presence in their Summer and Winter Habitats along the U.S. Atlantic Coast | Charles Bangley | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center |
05/07/2020 | 11 | The Long and Short of Clearnose Skate Morphometric and Meristic Comparisons | Lindsey Nelson | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
05/07/2020 | 4 | Modeling variable first-year growth in juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) | Spencer Gardner | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
05/07/2020 | 9 | Population genetic structure of Channeled Whelk: Implications for management in the mid-Atlantic | Sam Askin | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
05/07/2020 | 8 | Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Crassostrea virginica Spat and Fouling Organisms in the Maryland Coastal Bays | Maddie Farmer | University of Maryland Eastern Shore |