Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems


doi: https://doi.org/10.47886/9781888569735.fmatter

During the 2002 Annual Business meeting of the Water Quality Section (WQS) of the American Fisheries Society (AFS), Larry Brown proposed that WQS sponsor a symposium at the 2003 Annual AFS Meeting in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on the effects of urbanization on aquatic ecosystems. The proposal was supported and Bob Hughes suggested that WQS sponsor the production of a symposium volume. Bob Gray and Mike Meador subsequently volunteered to join the project as coeditors. The symposium “The Effects of Urbanization on Aquatic Ecosystems” was well attended and covered a wide array of topics related to urbanization. This book contains chapters by many of the speakers, although some speakers chose not to contribute to the book and other authors were invited to contribute to the book after the symposium was over. As authors, we often wonder why it seems to take so long to get a book to press. As editors, we find that busy lives, long field seasons, and other aspects of the publication process all conspire to ruin the most well-planned production schedule. We thank all of the authors, the reviewers, and Aaron Lerner and Debby Lehman at AFS books for their help and persistence in producing this volume. We hope you, the reader, enjoy the book and find it useful in your professional endeavors.