T. F. Waters, editor
251 pages
Published by American Fisheries Society, 1995
Monograph 7
Anthropogenic sediment chiefly from agriculture but also from forestry, mining, and urban development is the most serious pollutant of streams today. The book combines an applied fisheries viewpoint with a basic perspective of biotic integrity to show how stream communities are damaged by this ubiquitous contaminant. The human sources and biological effects of suspended and deposited sediment are thoroughly reviewed. So too are the methods of controlling sedimentation by preventing or detaining erosion and the means of removing excess sediment from streams when control is unsuccessful.
This book is intended for:
* fish biologists
* fisheries managers
* students of biomonitoring
Table of Contents:
Common and Scientific Names of Fish Species
Conversion Factors for Units Used in this Volume
Physical Characteristics of Stream Sediment
Sources of Sediment
Effects of Suspended Sediment
Effects of Deposited Sediment on Benthic Invertebrates
Effects of Sediment on Fish
Control of Sediment