David P. Philipp and Mark S. Ridgway, editors
740 pages, hardbound
9 color plates by Joseph Tomelleri
Published by American Fisheries Society, January 2003
Symposium 31
This book summarizes the proceedings of the symposium “Black Bass 2000: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Black Bass in North America” held at the AFS Annual Meeting in St. Louis. The symposium was the largest gathering to date of fisheries science and management professionals with responsibility for black bass fisheries. The book represents the majority of contributions made by keynote, invited, and regular session presenters covering the areas of ecology, conservation, and management. Issues such as population regulation and recruitment, conservation genetics and conservation of rare species, and new management approaches are all covered in this volume. The purpose of the book is to present a modern synthesis of knowledge in this area from scientists and managers who have been leading in some of the most recent advances in this field. This effort is long overdue considering the economic importance attached to this group of fish and the intense management issues associated with recreational fishing for bass.
This book is intended for:
* fisheries scientists * managers * agency personnel * undergraduate students in fisheries and ecology * graduate students in fisheries science and ecology * faculty and research scientists
Table of Contents Introduction
B2K: Taking Black Bass Biology and Management into the 21st Century David P. Philipp and Mark S. Ridgway
Exploring Ecological Mechanisms Underlying Largemouth Bass Recruitment along Environmental Gradients James E. Garvey, Roy A. Stein, Russell A. Wright, and Mary T. Bremigan
Towards an Understanding of Recruitment Mechanisms in Largemouth Bass Joseph J. Parkos III and David H. Wahl
Spatial Ecology and Density-Dependent Processes in Smallmouth Bass: The Juvenile Transition Hypothesis Mark S. Ridgway, Brian J. Shuter, Trevor A. Middel, and Mark L. Gross
A Reservoir Landscape for Age-0 Largemouth Bass Elise R. Irwin, James R. Jackson, and Richard L. Noble
Effects of Climate and Global Warming on Year-Class Strength and Relative Abundance of Smallmouth Bass in Eastern Lake Ontario John M. Casselman, David M. Brown, James A. Hoyle, and Thomas H. Eckert
Fall Abundance of Age-0 Largemouth Bass is More Important than Size in Determining Age-1 Year-Class Strength in Illinois Michael A. Fuhr, David H. Wahl, and David P. Philipp
The Effects of Stream Temperature and Velocity on First-Year Growth and Year-Class Abundance of Smallmouth Bass in the Upper Mississippi River William A. Swenson, Brian J. Shuter, Dan J. Orr, and G. David Heberling
Temperature Acclimation and Survival of Smallmouth Bass Fry in Flooded Warmwater Streams R. Weldon Larimore
Habitat Features Affecting Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu Nesting Success in Four Northern Wisconsin Lakes Rory Saunders, Michael A. Bozek, Clayton J. Edwards, Martin J. Jennings, and Steven P. Newman
Habitat Selection of Nesting Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu in Two North Temperate Lakes Michael A. Bozek, Patrick H. Short, Clayton J. Edwards, Martin J. Jennings, and Steven P. Newman
Seasonal Movements of Smallmouth Bass in Streams John Lyons and Paul Kanehl
Habitat Use and Movement of Spotted Bass in Otter Creek, Kansas Travis B. Horton and Christopher S. Guy
Food Web Perspectives on Studies of Bass in North-Temperate Lakes M. Jake Vander Zanden and Joseph B. Rasmussen
Lotic-Dwelling Age-0 Smallmouth Bass as Both Resource Specialists and Generalists: Reconciling Disparate Literature Reports Edmund J. Pert, Donald J. Orth, and Matthew J. Sabo
Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Smallmouth Bass to a Dynamic Thermal Environment Jason F. Scheer and Steven J. Cooke
Characterization of Annual Reproductive Cycles for Pond-Reared Florida Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides floridanus Timothy S. Gross, Carla M. Wieser, Maria S. Sepulveda, Jon J. Wiebe, Trenton R. Schoeb, and Nancy D. Denslow
Relationship Between Water Level Fluctuations and Largemouth Bass Spawning in a Puerto Rico Reservoir Ozcan Ozen and Richard L. Noble
Ecological Effects of Micropterus introductions: The Dark Side of Black Bass Donald A. Jackson
Bass in Time and Space: Operational Definitions of Risk Brian Shuter and Mark Ridgway
Certainties and Uncertainties in Defining Essential Habitats for Riverine Smallmouth Bass Donald J. Orth and Tammy J. Newcomb
Effects of a Large-Scale Habitat Enhancement Project on Habitat Quality for Age-0 Largemouth Bass at Lake Kissimmee, Florida Micheal S. Allen and Kimberly I. Tugend
Enhancing Largemouth Bass Spawning: Behavioral and Habitat Considerations Jodee Hunt, Nate Bacheler, Doug Wilson, Elaine Videan, and Cynthia A. Annett
Molecular and Morphological Analyses of the Black Basses: Implications for Taxonomy and Conservation Todd W. Kassler, Jeffry B. Koppelman, Thomas J. Near, Casey B. Dillman, Jeffrey M. Levengood, David L. Swofford, Jeffrey L. VanOrman, Julie E. Claussen, and David P. Philipp
Color Plates of Nine Black Bass Taxa Illustrations by Joseph R. Tomelleri
Distribution, Biology, and Conservation of the Rare Black Bass Species Jeffrey B. Koppelman and Gary P. Garrett
The Suwannee Bass of the Wacissa and Ochlockonee Rivers, Florida Richard L. Cailteux, Jeffery J. Nordhaus, and Daniel A. Dobbins
Mixing Stocks of Largemouth Bass Reduces Fitness Through Outbreeding Depression David P. Philipp, Julie E. Claussen, Todd W. Kassler, and John M. Epifanio
A Comparison of First and Third Year Growth of Two Strains of Largemouth Bass in South Carolina Jean Leitner, James Bulak, and Rex Dunham
The Use of Sanctuaries for Protecting Nesting Black Bass from Angling Cory D. Suski, Frank J. S. Phelan, Mark F. Kubacki, and David P. Philipp
How Well Does a Closed Season Protect Spawning Bass in Ontario? Mark R. Kubacki, Frank J. S. Phelan, Julie E. Claussen, and David P. Philipp
Behavioral Modification of Angling Vulnerability in Largemouth Bass Through Selective Breeding Gary P. Garrett
Mass Production of Polyploid Florida Largemouth Bass for Stocking Public Waters in Texas Loraine T. Fries, Gerald L. Kurten, Jake Isaac, Jr., Ted Engelhardt, Dale Lyon, and Dennis G, Smith
Baseline Hematological Parameters and Organosomatic Indices of Florida Largemouth Bass Maria S. Sepulveda, Timothy S. Gross, Denise A. Gross, Carla M. Wieser, Jonathon J. Wiebe, and William E. Johnson
Largemouth Bass Virus: An Emerging Problem for Warmwater Fisheries? Tony L. Goldberg
Reflections on 25 Years of Progress in Black Bass Management Richard L. Noble
An Ecological Foundation for Black Bass Management L. Esteban Miranda and Eric D. Dibble
Status of Seasonal Restrictions on Black Bass Fisheries in Canada and the United States Steve Quinn
Development and Implementation of Connecticut’s Bass Management Plan – Alternative Length Limit Regulations with Exemptions for Catch-and-Release Bass Tournaments Robert P. Jacobs, Eileen B. O’Donnell, and William A. Hyatt
Livewell Operating Procedures to Reduce Mortality of Black Bass During Summer Tournaments Eugene R. Gilliland
Physiological Impacts of Catch-and-Release Angling Processes on Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass Steven J. Cooke, Jason F. Schreer, David H. Wahl, and David P. Philipp
Changes in the Largemouth Bass Fishery of Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota: Evidence from Tournament Monitoring Donald L. Pereira, Michael G. Halverson, Rodney E. Ramsell, and Melissa T. Drake
Movements, Home Range, and Survival Estimation of Largemouth Bass Following Displacement Mark S. Ridgway
Life History Characteristics of Smallmouth Bass Populations in Nova Scotia Based on Tournament Monitoring John L. MacMillan, Alan J. McNeill, Ralph G. Heighton, and Mark S. Ridgway
Mobility of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Related to Derby Displacement and Seasonal Habitat Use Christopher Bunt, Steven Cooke, and David P. Philipp
Exploitation of an Estuarine Largemouth Bass Population in Northwest Florida Richard A. Krause
Growth and Mortality of Largemouth Bass in Florida Waters: Implications for Use of Length Limits Micheal S. Allen, William Scheaffer, Wesley F. Porak, and Steve Crawford
Characteristics of Trophy Largemouth Bass Populations in Florida Steve Crawford, Wesley F. Porak, Dennis J. Renfro, and Richard L. Cailteux
Profile of a Trophy Largemouth Bass Fishery in Briery Creek Lake, Virginia Daniel M. Wilson and Victor J. Dicenzo
Use of GIS Generated Habitat Maps for Sampling Largemouth Bass in Maryland’s Tidal Rivers James L. Markham, Donald T. Cosden, and Richard K. Schaefer
Changes in the Smallmouth Bass Fishery of New York’s Portion of Lake Erie with Initiation of a Spring Black Bass Season Donald W. Einhouse, William J. Culligan, and Joshua Prey
Population Dynamics and Management of Largemouth Bass in South Carolina James S. Bulak and John S. Crane
Demographic Changes in a Largemouth Bass Population Following Closure of the Fishery William A. Swenson
Evaluation of Supplemental Stocking of Largemouth Bass Across Reservoirs: Effects of Predation, Prey Availability, and Natural Recruitment R. John H. Hoxmeier and David H. Wahl
Factors Affecting Survival of Largemouth Bass Raised on Artificial Diets and Stocked into Florida Lakes Wesley F. Porak, William E. Johnson, Steve Crawford, Dennis J. Renfro, Trenton R. Schoeb, Richard B. Stout, Richard A. Krause, and Robert A. DeMauro
Mortality and Dispersal of Stocked Fingerling Largemouth Bass and Effects on Cohort Abundance David L Buckmeier and Robert K. Betsill
Movements, Growth, and Survival of Individually-Marked Fingerling Largemouth Bass Supplementally Stocked into a North Carolina Reservoir James R. Jackson, Richard L. Noble, and John R. Copeland
Timing of Largemouth Bass Supplemental Stocking in a Tropical Reservoir: Impacts on Growth and Survival J. Wesley Neal, Richard L. Noble, and Timothy N. Churchill
Relative Contribution of Stocked Minnow-Fed and Pellet-Fed Advanced Fingerling Largemouth Bass to Year-Classes in Crab Orchard Lake, Illinois Roy C. Heidinger and Ronald C. Brooks
The B.A.S.S. Perspective on Bass Tournaments: A 21st Century Opportunity for Progressive Resource Managers Bruce D. Shupp
Final Remarks
Current Status and Future Directions for Research in the Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Black Bass in North America Mark S. Ridgway and David P. Philipp