
Catfish 2000: Proceedings of the International Ictalurid Symposium

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Elise R. Irwin, Wayne A. Hubert, Charles F. Rabeni, Harold L. Schramm, Jr., and Thomas Coon, editors

532 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society, March 2000


Symposium 24

Catfish 2000 integrates original new research and recent literature reviews into the first collective work describing the biology and management of catfish. Although catfish are increasingly popular in commercial and recreational fisheries and in aquaculture, research on this important family has not enjoyed the same level of effort afforded to more popular game fishes. Likewise, the history of management of catfish populations has been piecemeal, localized, ad hoc, and complicated by their multijurisdictional distribution. Much of the diversity of this important family is in the madtom genus, a growing number of whose species are appearing on state, provincial, and federal lists of endangered or threatened species. This volume seeks to serve as a milestone and catalyst for more effective management of ictalurids and preservation of diversity. It will be a major reference text for catfish biologists and managers. Topics include reviews of important species, biology and ecology (including life history, habitat use, movement, and genetics), and recent innovations in management (including collection methods, assessment techniques, stocks, human dimensions, regulation of harvest, effects of maintenance stocking, and nonnative introductions).

This book is intended for:

* researchers * ecologists * educators * managers * writers, and * all others concerned with the biology, ecology, and management of catfish.

Table of Contents

Preface Symposium Committees Reviewer Acknowledgments Symbols and Abbreviations

I. Biology and Management of Catfishes: Overviews of Important Species

Biology and Management of Channel Catfish Wayne A. Hubert

Flathead Catfish: Biology, Fisheries, and Management Donald C. Jackson

A Review of the Biology and Management of Blue Catfish Kim Graham

The Natural History of Madtoms (Genus Noturus), North America Diminutive Catfishes Brooks M. Burr and Joseph N. Stoeckel

II. New Insights into the Biology and Ecology of Catfishes

A. Life History

Sound Production and Locking of the Pectoral Spine of the Channel Catfish Michael L. Fine, Charles Brian King, John P. Friel, Kathryn E. Loesser, and Scott Newton

Relative Abundance, Age, Growth, and Food Habits of Channel and White Catfish from the Clermont Chain of Lakes, Florida Joe E. Crumpton

Growth of Flathead Catfish in the Lower Mississippi River Robert M. Mayo and Harold L. Schramm, Jr.

The Sixth Sense of Catfish: Anatomy, Physiology, and Behavioral Role of Electroreception John G. New

A Review of Key Reproductive Traits and Methods Used to Spawn Ictalurids Joseph N. Stoeckel and Brooks M. Burr

Effects of Contaminated Sediments on Brown Bullhead Age Structure, Growth, and Condition in a North Carolina Tidal Creek Joseph E. Hightower, W. James Fleming, and Mildred A. Hayman

Technical Chlordane Accumulation in Channel Catfish in an Urban Lake Jake Allman 173

B. Habitat Use and Movement

Movement of Channel Catfish in the Lower Wisconsin River and Pools Numbers 10 and 11 of the Mississippi River Using Radiotelemetry Don Fago

Movement and Exploitation of Blue and Channel Catfish in Kentucky Lake Tom J. Timmons

Movement of Tagged Catfishes in the Lower Mississippi River Lawrence L. Pugh and Harold L. Schramm, Jr.

Flathead Catfish Abundance and Movement in the Apalachicola River, Florida Daniel A. Dobbins, Richard L. Cailteux, and Jeffery J. Nordhaus

Summer Range and Movement of Channel Catfish in the Red River of the North Jamison L. Wendel and Steven W. Kelsch

Macrohabitat Use by Catfishes in a Southeastern United States Floodplain-River Ecosystem John R. Jackson and Donald C. Jackson

Habitat Use by Juvenile Channel Catfish and Flathead Catfish in Lotic Systems in Alabama Elise R. Irwin, Mary C. Freeman, and Kristin M. Costley

Relative Abundance of Catfishes in Main Channel and Secondary Channel Habitats in the Lower Mississippi River M. Todd Driscoll, Harold L. Schramm, Jr., and W. Richard Davis

Movements and Habitat Use of Channel Catfish and Blue Catfish in a Small Impoundment in Missouri Steven A. Fischer, Stephen Eder, and Elvessa D. Aragon

C. Genetics

Overview of Ictalurid Genomes: Nuclear DNA Content, Diploid Chromosome Features, and Physical Mapping of Genes Quiyang Zhang, Richard K. Cooper, and Terrence R. Tiersch

III. Recent Innovations in Management

A. Fishery Assessment

1. Evaluation of Collection Methods and Assessment Techniques

Evaluation of Three Gear Types for Sampling Channel Catfish in Small Impoundments Michael S. Robinson

Catfish Sampling in Rivers and Streams: A Review of Strategies, Gears, and Methods Jason C. Vokoun and Charles F. Rabeni

A Modified Procedure for Surgically Implanting Radio Transmitters in Channel Catfish Gary L. Siegwarth and John M. Pitlo, Jr.

A Comparison of Channel Catfish Catch Rates, Size Distributions, and Mortalities Using Three Different Gears in a Missouri Impoundment Kevin P. Sullivan and Craig M. Gale

Sampling Strategies for Blue Catfish and Channel Catfish in the Harry S Truman Dam Tailwater, Missouri Craig M. Gale, Kim Graham, Katherine DeiSanti, and John S. Stanovick

Use of Otoliths versus Pectoral Spines for Aging Adult Flathead Catfish Melissa K. Nash and Elise R. Irwin

Efficiency and Selectivity of Sampling Methods Used to Collect Channel Catfish in Impoundments Victor J. Santucci, Jr., David H. Wahl, and David F. Clapp

Comparison of Methods for Sampling Flathead Catfish in the Minnesota River Kevin W. Stauffer and Bradley D. Koenen

2. Stocks

Trends in Catfish Abundance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California Determined from Salvage at the Tracy Fish Collection Facility: 1957–1996 Louis A. Helfrich, Charles Liston, and Diana L. Weigmann

Characteristics of Channel Catfish in Kansas State Fishing Lakes: Effects of Watershed on Growth Thomas D. Mosher

The Population and Fishery of Blue Catfish and Channel Catfish in the Harry S Truman Dam Tailwater, Missouri Kim Graham and Katherine DeiSanti

Ictalurids in South Dakota Ryan Doorenbos, Charles R. Berry, and Gerald Wickstrom

3. Human Dimensions

A Comparison of Daytime and Nighttime Channel Catfish Fisheries at Two Ohio Impoundments Timothy P. Parrett, James A. Marshall, and David J. Bright

Differences in Attitudes and Fishing Motives among Texas Catfish Anglers Gene R. Wilde and Robert B. Ditton

Environmental Attitudes of Mississippi Catfish Anglers Duane A. Gill, Harold L. Schramm, Jr., John T. Forbes, and Gregory S. Bray

Fishing Environment Preferences and Attitudes Toward Overharvest: Are Catfish Anglers Unique? Harold L. Schramm, Jr., John T. Forbes, Duane A. Gill, and Walter D. Hubbard

Diversity among Anglers in Kansas: A Focus on Channel Catfish Anglers Matthew N. Burlingame and Christopher S. Guy

Angler Attitudes Concerning the Management of the Introduced Flathead Catfish in the Altamaha River System, Georgia Robert R. Weller and Michael R. Geihsler

Recreational Harvest Rates, Release Rates, and Average Length of Catfish on the Missouri River, Missouri before and after the Commercial Catfishing Ban John S. Stanovick

B. Regulation of Harvest

An Investigation in the Applicability of Length Limits on the Channel Catfish Populations in Two Small Ohio Reservoirs Timothy P. Parrett, James A. Marshall, and David J. Bright

Changes in Missouri River Channel Catfish Populations after Closing Commercial Fishing Gerald Mestl

C. Effects of Maintenance Stocking and Nonnative Introductions

Evaluation of Different Sizes of Advanced Channel Catfish Fingerlings Stocked in Small Texas Impoundments Mark H. Howell and Robert K. Betsill

Assessment of Maintenance-Stocked Channel Catfish Populations in Iowa Lakes Larry Mitzner

Response of a Brown Bullhead Population to Flathead Catfish Introduction in a Small Virginia Impoundment John Odenkirk, Ed Steinkoenig, and Frank Spuchesi

Effects of Nonindigenous Ictalurids and Recreational Electrofishing on the Ictalurid Community of the Cape Fear River Drainage, North Carolina Mary L. Moser and Steven B. Roberts

Evaluation of Stocking Three Sizes of Channel Catfish in Nebraska Small Impoundments Jeffrey J. Jackson and Jay M. Francis

IV. Summary

Biology and Management of Ictalurids: A Summary of the Proceedings of the International Catfish Symposium Elise R. Irwin and Wayne A. Hubert

V. Abstracts

VI. Poster Abstracts