Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress


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Jennifer Nielsen, Julian J. Dodson, Kevin Friedland, Troy R. Hamon, Jack Musick, and Eric Verspoor, editors

1,946 pages/2 volumes, Symposium 49

Published by the American Fisheries Society, 2008


Across the globe, in developed and developing countries, the conflict is clear. Economic and social issues involving fish and fisheries are at odds with conservation and sustainability. The Fourth World Fisheries Congress dedicated four days to scientific presentations addressing key questions covering the range of global fisheries issues in a diversity of aquatic ecosystems:

– What should we care about when attempting to reconcile fisheries with conservation?

– Who owns the fish and what are they worth to society?

– Can we get more fish or benefits from fish and still reconcile fisheries with conservation?

– How can we manage aquatic ecosystems to reconcile fisheries with conservation?

– How do we reconcile fisheries with conservation in marine waters?

– How do we reconcile fisheries with conservation in freshwater habitats?

Keynote speakers provide succinct coverage of each question as it addressed the theme, followed by multiple concurrent sessions that debated each issue in specific terms. Comprehensive coverage was provided for cutting-edge issues in management, human dimensions, economics, and ecosystem dynamics in attempting to reach reconciliation on these questions.

Contains 30 session summaries and 146 peer-reviewed papers in two volumes.


Grand Conference Keynote: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: The Challenge of Managing Aquatic Ecosystems (Daniel Pauly)

Question #1: What Should We Care About When Attempting to Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation?

Keynote: What Should We Care About When Attempting to Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation? (Kevern Cochrane)

Session Summary: Achieving Reconciliation of Fisheries with Conservation Through an Ethical Approach (Harold Coward and Melanie D. Power-Antweiler)

Ecosystem Justice as an Ethical Basis for Fisheries Management (Harold Coward, Conrad Brunk, and Melanie D. Power-Antweiler)

Social Resistance to the Obvious Good: A Review of Responses to a Proposal for Regulation of European Fisheries (Kenneth Patterson)

Making the Judge the Fall Guy: Reliance on the Court System When Processes for Allocation of Fisheries Resources Between User Groups Are Mismanaged or Nonmanaged (Kelly Crosthwaite)

Reconciling Fisheries and Allocation Using a Justice-Based Approach: Troll Fisheries Score Best (Melanie D. Power-Antweiler and Tony J. Pitcher)

Session Summary: The Human Dimension in Achieving the Reconciliation of Fisheries with Conservation (Evelyn Pinkerton)

Institutional Sustainability of Aquaculture and Fishing , A Case of the Archipelago Sea Region, Finland (Timo Mäkinen, Pekka Salmi, Juhani Salmi, and Juhani Kettunen)

A Pilot Program for Local Development of State Species Recovery Plans in California: The Shasta-Scott River Coho Salmon Recovery Team (Lisa C. Thompson)

Social Barriers to Sustainable Recreational Fisheries Management Under Quasicommon Property Fishing Rights Regime (Robert Arlinghaus)

Socioeconomic Factors in Fisheries Management: The Ocean Prawn Trawl Fishery in New South Wales, Australia (Ramana Rallapudi and Donald F. Gartside)

Building Capacity for 21st Century Fisheries Management: A Global Initiative (Laura W. Jodice, Gilbert Sylvia, Michael Harte, Susan Hanna, and Kevin Stokes)

A Participatory Approach to Identifying Research Needs for Community-Based Fishery Management (Melanie Wiber, Fikret Berkes, Anthony Charles, and John Kearney)

Compensable Property Interests and Takings: A Case Study of the Louisiana Oyster Industry (James G. Wilkins and Walter R. Keithly)

Incorporating Stakeholders into the Development of Fisheries Ecosystem Plans: A North Sea Case Study (Jenny Hatchard, Tim Gray, and Knut Mikalsen)

Bridging the Gap Between Social and Natural Fisheries Science: Why Is This Necessary and How Can It Be Done? (Rosemary E. Ommer, R. Ian Perry, and Barbara Neis)

Territorial Control as a Fisheries Management Instrument: The Case of Artisanal Fisheries in the Estuary of the Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil (Tiago Almudi, Daniela C. Kalikoski, and Jorge P. Castello)

Salmon Fishing, Genomics, and Ethics (Melanie D. Power-Antweiler)

Session Summary: The Ecological Dimensions in Achieving the Reconciliation of Fisheries with Conservation (Doug S. Butterworth)

Temporal Trends in Age-Specific Recruitment of Sockeye Salmon: Implications for Forecasting (Carrie A. Holt and Randall M. Peterman)

Why Fisheries Reference Points Miss the Point (Doug S. Butterworth)

Evaluating Conservation Reference Points and Harvest Strategies in Pacific Herring and the Impact of Dispersal (Jake F. Schweigert, Caihong Fu, and Chris C. Wood)

Bycatch Reduction of Multispecies Bottom Trawl Fisheries: Some Approaches to Solve the Problem in the Northwest Pacific (Alexei M. Orlov)

Session Summary: Fisheries Trade and Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Mafuzuddin Ahmed and Roehlano Briones)

Canada’s International Marine Fish Trade Since 1950: Volume, Value, and Implications for Conservation (Dale Marsden and Ussif Rashid Sumaila)

Economic Loss of Pollution to Fisheries: An Economic Analysis of the Jakarta Bay Fisheries (Suzy Anna and Akhmad Fauzi)

The Effects of Trade Policies on the Philippine Fish Markets (U-Primo E. Rodriguez and Yolanda T. Garcia)

An Economic Analysis of the Southeast U.S. Shrimp Processing Industry Responses to an Increasing Import Base (Walter R. Keithly, Jr., Hamady Diop, Richard F. Kazmierczak, Jr., and Mike D. Travis)

Disaggregated Projections of Fish Supply, Demand, and Trade in India (Praduman Kumar and Madan Mohan Dey)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Lessons from History (Tony J. Pitcher)

Back to the Future in Northern British Columbia: Evaluating Historic Marine Ecosystems and Optimal Restorable Biomass as Restoration Goals for the Future (Cameron Ainsworth and Tony Pitcher)

Historical Policy Goals for Fish Management in Northern Continental Patagonia Argentina: A Structuring Force of Actual Fish Assemblages? (Patricio Jorge Macchi, Pablo Horacio Vigliano, Miguel Álberto Pascual, Marcelo Alonso, María Amalia Denegri, Daniela Milano, Martín Garcia Asorey, and Gustavo Lippolt)

Managing Biodiversity of Pacific Salmon: Lessons from the Skeena River Sockeye Salmon Fishery in British Columbia (Chris C. Wood)

Back to the Future: A Candidate Ecosystem-Based Solution to the Fisheries Problem (Tony J. Pitcher and Cameron H. Ainsworth)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation and Maintaining Biodiversity (Yvonne Sadovy)

Development of Methods to Evaluate Management Options for Achieving the Recovery of Endangered Salmon Stocks (Lynsey R. Pestes and Randall M. Peterman)

Canada’s Wild Pacific Salmon Policy and the Maintenance of Diversity (James R. Irvine and G. Alex Fraser)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conserving Biodiversity (Yvonne Sadovy)

Susceptibility in Exploited Marine Fishes and Invertebrates: Deconstructing Myths about Resilience to Extinction (Elodie J. Hudson and Amie Bräutigam)

Session: Jurisdictional Equity

Addressing Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing in the Philippines (Mary Ann Palma)

Session Summary: The Role of Sport Fishing in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Ian G. Cowx)

Evaluation of the Importance of Recreational Fisheries on a Mediterranean Island (Beatriz Morales-Nin, Joan Moranta, Cristina García, Pilar Tugores, and Antoni Maria Grau)

The Practical Application of Mark-Selective Fisheries (Annette Hoffmann and Patrick L. Pattillo)

Question #2: Who Owns the Fish and What Are They Worth to Society?

Keynote Abstract: Who Owns the Fish and What Are They Worth to Society? , Defining Ownership, Resolving Conflict, and Evaluating Costs and Benefits to Society While Reconciling Harvest Fisheries with Conservation (Steve Dunn, Douglas J. Chapman, and Steven J. Kennelly)

Session: Across Boundaries

Barriers to World Trade in Fisheries Products: Are Markets Fair? (Henri Motte and Daniel E. Lane)

Three Case Studies of Cooperative Research and Management of Shared Salmon Resources in Southeast Alaska and Northern British Columbia (Kathleen Jensen and Sandy R. A. C. Johnston)

Session Summary: Reconciling Aboriginal Fisheries with Conservation: Themes, Concepts, and Examples (Nigel Haggan and Klah-Kist-Ki_Is, Chief Simon Lucas)

Northern Australia Indigenous Fisheries Management (Rebecca Sheppard, John Beumer, and Scott McKinnon)

Everything is One (Klah-Kist-Ki_Is, Chief Simon Lucas)

Session Summary: Roles of Small-Scale Fisheries in Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (Ratana Chuenpagdee and Lisa Liguori)

Livelihood Strategies and Survival of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Finnish Archipelago Sea (Pekka Salmi, Juhani Salmi, and Timo Mäkinen)

The Socioeconomic Structure of Fishermen of Iznik Lake (Meral Soylu, M. Selcuk Uzmanoglu, Ünal Erdem, Ayse Çinar, and Z. AysunAltikardes)

Artisanal Small-Scale Fishery and Community-Based Fisheries Management by Jangadeiros in Northeastern Brazil (René Schärer and Michelle T. Schärer)

The Conservation-Exploitation Paradox in a Mexican Coral Reef Protected Area (Lourdes Jiménez-Badillo, Virgilio Arenas Fuentes, and Horacio Pérez España)

Allocation Issues and the Management of a Mexican Shrimp Fishery (Jose Ignacio Fernandez-Mendez)

Turning the Tide: Toward Community-Based Fishery Management in Canada’s Maritimes (Anthony Charles)

Small is Beautiful? A Database Approach for Global Assessment of Small-Scale Fisheries: Preliminary Results and Hypotheses (Ratana Chuenpagdee and Daniel Pauly)

Handling the Legacy of the Blue Revolution in India, Social Justice and Small-Scale Fisheries in a Negative Growth Scenario (Maarten Bavinck and Derek Johnson)

Reconciling Ghanaian Fisheries with Conservation by Minimizing Impacts of Continuous Overfishing in the Country’s Waters through Science-Based Participatory Management (Francis K. E. Nunoo and Ayaa K. Armah)

Reef amd Lagoon Fish Prices: The Transition from Tradition to Cash-Based Economic Systems, Case Studies from the Pacific Islands (Mecki Kronen, Samasoni Sauni, and Joeli Veitayaki)

Session Summary: Can Fair Allocation Impact the Reconciliation of Fisheries with Conservation? (Serge Garcia)

Allocation and Conservation of Ocean Fishery Resources: Connecting Rights and Responsibilities (Serge M. Garcia and Jean Boncoeur)

Socially Optimal Allocation of Fish Resources Among Competing Uses (Paul McLeod, John Nicholls, and Robert Lindner)

Alaskan Sablefish and Patagonian Toothfish: A Study of Allocation and Conservation (Mark Lundsten)

Estimating Bycatch Survival in a Mark-Selective Fishery (Charmane E. Ashbrook, James F. Dixon, K. W. Hassel, Erik A. Schwartz, and John R. Skalski)

Transformation in the South African Fishing Industry and Its Ability to Redistribute Fishing Rights (Moenieba Isaacs and Mafaniso Hara)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation and the Valuation of Fishes (Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Gakuski Ishimura, Yajie Liu, and Dale Marsden)

Getting Values and Valuation Right: A Must for Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Ussif Rashid Sumaila)

Subsidies, Decommissioning Schemes, and Their Implication for Effective Fisheries Management (Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Gordon Munro, and Colin W. Clark)

Question #3: Can We Get More Fish or Benefit from Fisheries and Still Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation?

Keynote: Can We Get More Fish or Benefits from Fish and Still Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation? (Yingqi Zhou)

Session Summary: Food Web Constraints on Getting More Fish (Hiroyuki Matsuda)

Can We Say Goodbye to the Maximum Sustainable Yield Theory? Reflections on Trophic Level Fishing in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Hiroyuki Matsuda and Peter A. Abrams)

The Role of Predation in the Shrimp Stock Collapse in the Southern Gulf of Mexico (Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, and Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation and the Ecological Footprint of Aquaculture (John P. Volpe)

The Influence of a Bivalve Farming System on the Water Quality in Coastal Waters of Korea (Shinya Otake, Shingo Hiroshi, Ryuji Kondo, Takashi Yoshida, Moon Ock Lee, YangHo Yoon, Hyeon-Seo Cho, and Il Huem Park)

Rural-Based Aquaculture in Kenya: Wise Use of Indigenous Practices and Knowledge for Fish Feeding Purposes (Daniel O. Okeyo and John F. Omollo)

Integrated Systems Analysis for Coastal Aquaculture (Yanlai Zhao, Daniel E. Lane, Wojtek Michalowski, Robert L. Stephenson, and Fred H. Page)

Session: Freshwater Habitat Improvement

Restoration of Atlantic Salmon and Other Diadromous Fishes in the Rhine River System (Frank Molls and Armin Nemitz)

Local Riverine Fish Communities as Promoters for Habitat Restoration in the Floodplain Area of the Lower Rhine (Jost Borcherding and Stefan Staas)

Water Quality Improvements Following Political Changes, Enhanced Fish Communities, and Fisheries in the Czech Republic (Pavel Jurajda, Milan Penáz, Martin Reichard, and Ilja Bernardová)

Watershed Restoration to Reconcile Fisheries and Habitat Impacts at the Keogh River in Coastal British Columbia (Bruce R. Ward, Patrick A. Slaney, and Donald J. F. McCubbing)

Riparian Habitat Restoration and Native Southwestern USA Fish Assemblages: A Tale of Two Rivers (John N. Rinne and Dennis Miller)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation Through Marine Habitat Improvement (William Seaman)

Fishery Conservation and Habitat Improvement in Marine Ecosystems (William Seaman and Margaret Miller)

Fisheries and Their Management Using Artificial Reefs in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea and Southern Portugal (Giulio Relini, Gianna Fabi, Miguel Neves dos Santos, Isable Moreno, and Eric Charbonnel)

Artificial Reefs as Fishery Conservation Tools: Contrasting the Roles of Offshore Structures Between the Gulf of Mexico and the Southern California Bight (Ann Scarborough-Bull, Milton S. Love, and Donna M. Schroeder)

Coupling Fisheries with Ecology through Marine Artificial Reef Deployments (Stephen A. Bortone)

Artificial Shelters for Clawed and Spiny Lobsters: A Critical Review of Enhancement Efforts (William F. Herrnkind and J. Stanley Cobb)

Design of Artificial Reefs and Their Effectiveness in the Fisheries of Eastern Asia (Chang Gil Kim, Ho Sang Kim, Chul in Baik, Hiroshi Kakimoto, and William Seaman)

Session: Stock Enhancement

What Makes Fishery Enhancements Responsible (Devin M. Bartley and A. R. Kapuscinski)

Supplementation of an ESA-Listed Spring Chinook Population with Management Limitations (Michael P. Gallinat, Joseph D. Bumgarner, Mark L. Schuck, and Glen W. Mendel)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation and Constraints of Climate Change (Manuel Barange)

Evaluation of Methods to Reliably Track Changes in Productivity of Fish Populations that Arise from Climactic Change (Randall M. Peterman, Zhenming Su, Steven L. Haeseker, Brian J. Pyper, Brice W. MacGregor, Jeff A. Grout, and Brigitte Dorner)

Question #4: How Can We Manage Aquatic Ecosystems to Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation?

Presentation Abstract: How Can We Manage Aquatic Ecosystems to Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation (Keith J. Sainsbury, Tony D. Smith, and Alistair Hobday)

Session Summary: The Role of Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators and Objectives for Fisheries Management in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Philippe Cury)

Predictive Model for Estimating Maximum Sustainable Yield from Growth Parameters (Ernesto A. Chávez and Jesús Emilio Michel-Morfín)

Climate and Fisheries: Forecasting Contextual Changes, Instead of Hindcasting from Meaningless Means (Gary D. Sharp, Leonid Klyashtorin, and George Taylor)

Session: Ecosystem Modeling

Ecosystem Modeling Approaches for South African Fisheries Management (Lynne J. Shannon, Coleen L. Moloney, Philippe M. Cury, Carl D. van der Lingen, Robert J. M. Crawford, Pierre Fréon, and Kevern L. Cochrane)

A Framework for Aquatic Habitat Classification and Quantification for Large Northern Ecosystems: Application to the Proposed Churchill River Power Project, Churchill River, Labrador, Canada (James McCarthy, Bevin R. LeDrew, and Lawrence J. LeDrew)

Exploring Catch Trophic Spectrum Analysis: A Method to Estimate Fishing Rates and Biomass at the Ecosystem Level (Didier Gascuel and Emmanuel Chassot)

Competition Between Marine Mammals and Fisheries, Can We Successfully Model This Using ECOPATH and ECOSIM? (Éva E. Plagányi and Doug S. Butterworth)

Interacting Industrial and Artisanal Fisheries and Their Impact on the Ecosystem of the Continental Shelf on the Central Pacific Coasts of Mexico (Víctor Hugo Galván-Piña and Francisco Arreguín-Sanchez)

Session Summary: The Role of Data Quality in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Ana M. Parma)

Quality Data versus Analysis? Abundance Indices from a Mediterranean Trawl Fishery as Case Study (Sara Adlerstein, Federico Alvarez, and Raqual Goñi)

The Potential Effects of Panel Data Attrition and Refreshment on Effort Analysis in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery (Richard F. Kazmierczak, Walter R. Keithly, Jr., Hamady Diop, and James M. Nance)

Alternative Data Sources for Learning About Groundfish Resources and Their Fisheries (Jim Ianelli)

Session Summary: Decision Frameworks and Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Ellen Pikitch and Christine Santora)

Reorganization of the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, to Improve the Quality and Responsiveness of Scientific Advice for Management and Conservation Under the Ecosystem Approach (Ole Arve Misund, Ole Torrissen, Åsmund Bjordal, Erlend Moksness, Ole Jørgen Lønne, and Kari Østervold Toft)

Evaluation of Strategic Policies for Fisheries Systems (Lingyun Xue and Daniel E. Lane)

Moving Towards Sustainable Bycatch Populations in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery (David T. Brewer, Don S. Heales, Shane P. Griffiths, Michael Haywood, David A. Milton, Stephen J. M. Blaber, Peter N. Jones, and Ilona C. Stobutski)

New Frameworks for Reconciling Conservation with Fisheries: Incorporating Uncertainty and Ecosystem Processes into Fisheries Management (Ellen K. Pikitch, Christine Santora, and Elizabeth A. Babcock)

Session Summary: Overcapacity and Effort Management in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Case Studies of Effort Reduction (Pamela Mace)

Individual Transferable Effort: A Fishery Management Tool for Achieving Sustainability and Conservation Objectives (Lindsay Joll)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation and Protected Areas/Times (Daniela Kalikoski)

Marine Protected Areas and Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Insights from the Common Property Theory (Daniela Kalikoski and Marcelo Vasconcellos)

Modelling Marine Protected Areas in British Columbia (Jeff A. Ardron)

A Multiple-Use Marine Planning Framework that Informs Ecologically Sustainable Development Outcomes for Marine Resource Use (Lindsay Best, Val Day, and William Zacharin)

Management and Conservation of a Short-Lived Fishery Resource: Loligo gahi Around the Falkland Islands (Alexander I. Arkhipkin, David A. Middleton, and John Barton)

The Use of Protected Areas for Biodiversity and Stock Conservation in an East African Lake (Sabrina L. Drill)

An Adaptive Harvest Strategy for Data-Poor Fisheries on Sedentary Species: Application to the Giant Red Sea Cucumber Parastichopus californicus Fishery in British Columbia (Sylvia R. Humble and William de la Mare)

Siting Marine Reserves: Stakeholder-Based Versus Science-Driven Approaches (Natalie Ban)

Session Summary: Bycatch Reduction and Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (John Stewart and Steven J. Kennelly)

Reconciling Fisheries Activities with the Conservation of Seals Throughout the Development of New Fishing Gear: A Case Study from the Baltic Fishery-Gray Seal Conflict (Håkan Westerberg, Sven-Gunnar Lunneryd, Arne Fjålling, and Magnus Wahlberg)

Mesh Selectivity of Sweeping Trammel Nets for Dominant Nontarget Species (Amoy Croaker and Moustached Thryssa) in the Northern Coast of Central Java (Ari Purbayanto, Muhammad Imron, Mulyono S. Baskoro, Beni Pramono, Sarminto Hadi, and Takafumi Arimoto)

Working Laterally Towards Perfect Selectivity in Fishing Gears (Matt Broadhurst, Steven J. Kennelly, and Charles Gray)

Effectiveness and Applicabililty of Technical Measures in Bycatch Management (Petri Suuronen)

Muscle Physiology in Escape Response of Kuruma Shrimp (Taweekiet Amornpiyakrit and Takafumi Arimoto)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation Through Programs to Develop Improved Fishing Technologies (John W. Watson)

Session: Stock Assessment and Adaptive Management

Growth of Male Dungeness Crabs in Southeast Alaska (Gretchen H. Bishop, M. S. M. Siddeek, and Janet M. Rumble)

Reference Points and Decision Rules in U.S. Federal Fisheries: West Coast Groundfish Experiences (Andre E. Punt, Jason M. Cope, and Melissa A. Haltuch)

Life History, Fishery, and Stock Conservation of the Patagonian Toothfish Around the Falkland Islands (Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Alexander Arkhipkin, and Paul Brickle)

Cancer johngarthi in the Southwest Region off the Baja California Peninsula Mexico: A Potential New Fishery (Maurico Ramírez-Rodríguez, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, Jorge López-Rocha, César López-Ferreira, and Eduardo Balart-Páez)

Does Classic Stock Assessment Have a Role in a Failed Case of Reconciliation of Fisheries with Conservation? (Éva E. Plagányi and Doug S. Butterworth)

Spatial-Temporal Stock Assessment: In-Season Repeated Measures and Virtual Population Analysis (Li Lei and Daniel E. Lane)

Relationship Between Early Life Stages of Louisiana White Shrimp and Subsequent Landings (Walter R. Keithly, Hamady Diop, Jr., Richard F. Shaw, and Richard F. Kazmierczak, Jr.)

Evaluation of Chum Salmon Fishery Performance Using Ricker and Beverton-Holt Stock Recruitment Approaches in a Bayesian Framework (Lyse Godbout, Caihong Fu, and James R. Irvine)

Question #5: How Do We Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation in Marine Habitats? Keynote: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation on Coral Reefs: The World as an Onion (Amanda C. J. Vincent)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in the Open Ocean (Marcelo Vasconcellos)

Fisheries Ecosystem Impacts and Management in the Mediterranean: Seabirds Point of View (José Manuel Arcos, Maite Louzao, and Daniel Oro)

Life History Characteristics of Blue Marlin, White Marlin, and Sailfish from the Eastern Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Waters (Freddy Arocha and Luis A. Marcano)

Managing Conflicts Between Fisheries and Conservation in the Open Ocean: An Overview of the Measures Adopted by Regional Fisheries Bodies (Marcelo Vasconcellos)

Legal Challenges to the Establishment of High-Seas Marine Protected Areas (Joanna Mossop)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Coastal Zones (Erland Moskness)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in the Coastal Zones, The Norwegian Experience and Status (Einar Dahl, Arne Ervik, Svein A. Iversen, Erlend Moksness, and Roald Sætre)

New Management Strategies for Balancing Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Fisheries in Southeast Australia (Philip Gibbs)

Decadal-Scale Stable Oxygen Isotopic Variations in Seawater and Implications for Otolith Thermometer Studies (Yongwen Gao)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Estuaries (Lynnath E. Beckley)

Fisheries Management and Conservation in Tropical Estuaries, Is a Balance Possible (Stephen J. M. Blaber)

Oceans Apart? Estuarine Fisheries and Conservation in Southeastern Africa and Southwestern Australia (Lynnath E. Beckley and Suzanne G. Ayvazian)

A Scientific Assessment Program to Test the Reconciliation of an Estuarine Commercial Fishery with Conservation (Charles A. Gray)

Scaling Salmonid Life History by Habitat Area: A Conceptual Approach to Estimating Estuarine Conservation Needs (Colin Levings and Dan Bouillon)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in the Deep Sea (Malcolm Clark)

Conservation Aspects of Deep-Water Fishing in the Northeastern Atlantic, Within Exclusive Economic Zones and on the High Seas (John D. M. Gordon)

Deep Sea 2003: Shaping the Way Ahead: An Interim Conference Report (Eidre Sharp)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation on Seamounts (Telmo Morato and Tony J. Pitcher)

Session: Coral Reefs

Reconciling the Needs of Fisheries and Conservation in Coral Reefs (Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, John Parks, and Robert Pomeroy)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Enclosed Seas (Georgi M. Daskalov)

The Black Sea Fisheries and Ecosystem Change: Discriminating Between Natural Variability and Human-Related Effects (Georgi M. Daskalov, Kamen Prodanov, and Mustafa Zengin)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Polar Seas (Roger P. Hewitt)

Fisheries Management and Conservation in the Antarctic: National and International Regimes and the Problem of Implementation (David J. Agnew)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Three Examples from the Southern Ocean (Roger P. Hewitt, Christopher D. Jones, and Inigo Everson)

Question #6: How Do We Reconcile Fisheries with Conservation in Freshwater Habitats

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Large Rivers (Robin L. Welcomme)

Conservation of Fish and Fisheries in Large River Systems (Robin L. Welcomme)

Changes in Fish Assemblages in the United States: Extent, Causes, and Conservation (John N. Rinne, R. M. Hughes, Bob Calamusso, Leo Nico, David L. Galat, Edward Peters, Blaine Snyder, Robert A. Daniels, and Terry Maret)

Session: Lakes

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: The Laurentian Great Lakes Case Study (Roy A. Stein and Chris I. Goddard)

Gill Net and Hydroacoustic Fish Resource Evaluation of an Ultraoligotrophic Lake of Northern Patagonia Argentina (Pablo Horacio Vigliano, Patricio Jorge Macchi, Marcelo Alonso, María Amalia Denegri, Martín Garcia Asorey, and Gustavo Lippolt)

Session: Streams

Growth and Condition of Endemic Trout Salmothymus obtusirostris in Jadro, a Dalmatian River (Tomislav Treer, Ivica Anicic, Roman Safner, Tea Odak, and Marina Piria)

Restoring Geomorphic Stability and Biodiversity in Streams of the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA (Barry P. Baldigo, Anne S. Gallagher Ernst, Walter Keller, Dana R. Warren, Sarah J. Miller, Daniel Davis, Thomas P. Baudanza, Douglas DeKoskie, and Jake R. Buchanan)

Effects of Small Dams on Coldwater Stream Fish Communities (Daniel B. Hayes, Hope Dodd, and JoAnna Lessard)

The Vigor-Organization-Resilience Concept of Ecological Health: Lessons from Temperate Warmwater Stream Fish Communities (Jo A. Latimore and Daniel B. Hayes)

The Quest for a Biological Optimum Escapement for Sockeye Salmon (Ole A. Mathisen and Renate R. Riffe)

The Use of River Water and the Protection of Fluvial Ecosystems: Current Scenario and Future Trends in Piedmont Region (Italy) (Claudio Comoglio and Alberto Quaglino)

Session Summary: The Role of Watersheds in Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation (Peter A. Bisson)

The Impact of Water Security on Freshwater Fisheries Management: A Multinational Perspective (William W. Taylor, Shauna Oh, Nancy J. Leonard, Jianguo Liu, Tracy Dobson, Zhiyun Ouyang, and Rebecca M. Bratspies)

Six Fish and 600,000 Thirsty Folks, A Fishing Moratorium on American Shad Thwarts a Controversial Municipal Reservoir Project in Virginia, USA (J. E. Olney, D. M. Bilkovic, C. H. Hershner, L. M. Varnell, H. Wang, and R. L. Mann)

Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Watersheds: Tools for Informed Decisions (Peter A. Bisson, Timothy J. Beechie, and George R. Pess)

Reconciling Fisheries and Forestry Interactions in Watersheds: A Worldwide (Thomas G. Northcote and Gordon F. Hartman)

Session Summary: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation in Floodplains (Wolfgang J. Junk)

Evaluation of Fisheries in Middle Amazon (Victoria J. Isaac and Mauro L. Ruffino)

The Scope of the Flood Pulse Concept Regarding Riverine Fish and Fisheries, Given Geographic and Man-Made Differences Among Systems (Wolfgang J. Junk and Peter B. Bayley)

Realities of Fish Habitat Improvements in a Developed River (Robert C. Wissmar)

Endnote: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Any Progress Here? (Paul J. B. Hart, Peter Bisson, Kevern L. Cochrane, Steven Kenelly, Jennifer L. Nielsen, Tony J. Pitcher, Yvonne Sadovy, Dana Schmidt, Bruce R. Ward, and Paul J. Wingate)