Abstracts for oral symposium presentations, contributed papers, and posters are all due on August 16. Check out the broad list of symposia topics, including a variety of marine and freshwater fisheries, stock assessment, climate change, habitat, genetics and eDNA, fish culture, science communication, stakeholders and human dimensions, diversity and inclusion, and more.
There are only a few weeks left to save with early registration rates for the 2021 Annual Meeting in Baltimore. Save up to $150 on in-person rates by registering by August 31.
Now is the time to sign up for upcoming AFS committees! Lend your skills to AFS projects that benefit the entire profession, meet new people, and learn leadership skills through our volunteer positions.
Discard mortality can make fishing unsustainable, even in catch-and-release or highly regulated fisheries. However, fishing practices and gears that minimize hook injury, handling, and air exposure can considerably improve fitness and survival in released fish. This study tested whether modified hooks could allow anglers to successfully land and then release fish in the water and without handling.
The Fisheries Act (Act), a long-standing Act protecting fisheries in Canada, was changed in 2012 to redefine its central purpose to the management of fisheries in Canada. Along with this refocus were changes that appeared to reduce protections for habitat and all fish. After an outcry by scientists, Indigenous peoples, and environmental organizations, the Act was revised in 2019 to “restore lost protections” thought to have been lost in the 2012 changes.
Maximum economic yield (MEY) as derived from Schaefer’s (1957) bioeconomic model was potentially a major contribution to fishery management, but it has been hard to apply to fishery management in reality. Schaefer’s model with fixed catchability and associated linear CPUE does not match the variable nature of catchability resulting from technological progress and schooling behavior, leading to a biased estimation of MEY or economic optimal biomass. This study improves on Schaefer’s model by incorporating nonlinear CPUE, where MEY depends on biomass relationships with catchability and with CPUE.
Despite numerous examples of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) addressing tradeoffs between ecological and commercial fishery interests, local social and cultural concerns are less frequently considered. The authors illustrate how Indigenous fishery harvest goals and data from locally driven wildlife research can inform EBFM, guided by cultural values of respect for and reciprocity with wildlife. Grizzly bears Ursus arctos horribilis hold particular importance for the Wuikinuxv First Nation in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, where people and bears have coexisted as consumers of Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka for millennia.
Join us at 1 p.m. on August 23rd for our webinar, "Climate, Fire Regime, Geomorphology, and Conspecifics Influence the Spatial Distribution of Chinook Salmon Redds" with Greg Jacobs of the University of Georgia. Registration is free for AFS members.
The WFC2021 is now being delivered 100% virtually, giving delegates worldwide a streamlined and engaging Congress experience through the WFC2021’s virtual platform. Delegates who registered to attend in-person will be updated to a virtual registration. Don’t miss your chance to discover the latest research, key innovations and engage with the global fisheries community - early registration has been extended until August 16.
The Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) Program Committee invites proposals for symposia, pre-conference workshops and professional development courses, and integrated events which support the conference theme of "Rapid Changes ~ Collaborative Solutions." JASM2022 will bring together nine aquatic science societies in Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20, 2022. Session proposals are due by September 24, 2021.
CAREERS: For the latest JOBS postings from around the U.S. and Canada