Science, Law, and Hudson River Power Plants


SKU: x52004xm Category:


L. W. Barnthouse, R. J. Klauda, D. S. Vaughan, and R. L. Kendall, editors

347 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society, 1988


Monograph 4

This retrospective on the Hudson River power plant case evolved from a symposium held at the 1982 American Fisheries annual meeting on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. This symposium represented another important demolition of the barriers between scientists for the Hudson River utilities and for U.S. federal agencies. Publication of this monograph attests to the collective conviction that lessons learned from this power plant case must be told in the open and in peer-reviewed literature.

Table of Contents

Preface List of Fish Species

Section 1: General Introduction

Introduction to the Monograph L. W. Barnthouse, R. J. Klauda, and D. S. Vaughan

Section 2: Study Area, Focal Fish Species, and Power Plants

Introduction R. J. Klauda

Overview of the Hudson River Estuary J. C. Cooper, F. R. Cantelmo, and C. E. Newton

Historical Perspective on Fish Species Composition and Distribution in the Hudson River Estuary C. A. Beebe and I. R. Savidge

Evaluation of the Hudson River Ecosystem in Relation to the Dynamics of Fish Populations J. B. Gladden, F. R. Cantelmo, J. M. Croom, and R. Shapot

Distributions of Early Life Stages of Striped Bass in the Hudson River Estuary, 1974-1979 J. Boreman and R. J. Klauda

Stock Characteristics of Hudson River Striped Bass T. B. Hoff, J. B. McLaren, and J. C. Cooper

Life History of White Perch in the Hudson River Estuary R. J. Klauda, J. B. McLaren, R. E. Schmidt, and W. P. Dey

Population Estimates for Juvenile Striped Bass and White Perch in the Hudson River Estuary J. R. Young, R. J. Klauda, and W. P. Dey

Biology of Atlantic Tomcod in the Hudson River Estuary J. B. McLaren, T. H. Peck, W. P. Dey, and M. Gardinier

Technical Descriptions of Hudson River Electricity Generating Stations J. B. Hutchison, Jr.

Section 3: Entrainment and Impingement Impacts

Introduction D. S. Vaughan

Advances in Field and Analytical Methods for Estimating Entrainment Mortality Factors P. H. Muessig, J. R. Young, D. S. Vaughan, and B. A. Smith

Historical Development of Entrainment Models for Hudson River Striped Bass S. W. Christensen and T. L. Englert

Historical Review of Entrainment Impact Estimates and the Factors Influencing Them T. L. Englert and J. Boreman

Estimates of Entrainment Mortality for Striped Bass and Other Fish Species Inhabiting the Hudson River Estuary J. Boreman and C. P. Goodyear

Reliability of Impingement Sampling Designs: An Example from the Indian Point Station M. T. Mattson, J. B. Waxman, and D. A. Watson

Survival of Fishes after Impingement on Traveling Screens at Hudson River Power Plants P. H. Muessig, J. B. Hutchinson, Jr., L. R. King, R. J. Ligotino, and M. Daley

Analysis of Impingement Impacts on Hudson River Fish Populations L. W. Barnthouse and W. Van Winkle

Development and Sensitivity Analysis of Impact Assessment Equations Based on Stock-Recruitment Theory I. R. Savidge, J. B. Gladden, K. P. Campbell, and J. S. Ziesenis

Some Considerations in Applying Stock-Recruitment Models to Multiple-Age Spawning Populations J. P. Lawler

Testing the Validity of Stock-Recruitment Curve Fits S. W. Christensen and C. P. Goodyear

Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Remarks on a Controversial Appeal to Spawner-Recruit Theory for Long-Term Impact Assessment R. I. Fletcher and R. B. Deriso

Implications of Power Plant Mortality for Management of the Hudson River Striped Bass Fishery C. P. Goodyear

Relative Contributions of Hudson River and Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Stocks to the Atlantic Coastal Population W. Van Winkle, K. D. Kumar, and D. S. Vaughan

Section 4: Negotiated Settlement Agreement and Beyond

Hudson River Settlement Agreement: Technical Rationale and Cost Considerations L. W. Barnthouse, J. Boreman, T. L. Englert, W. L. Kirk, and E. G. Horn

Plant Flow Reductions and Outages as Mitigative Measures T. L. Englert, J. Boreman, and H. Y. Chen

Evaluation of a Barrier Net Used to Mitigate Fish Impingement at a Hudson River Power Plant Intake J. B. Hutchison, Jr. and J. A. Matousek

Feasibility of Supplementary Stocking of Age-0 Striped Bass in the Hudson River J. R. McLaren, J. R. Young, T. B. Hoff, I. R. Savidge, and W. L. Kirk

Section 5: Closing Perspectives

Introduction L. W. Barnthouse

Science in the Courtroom T. B. Yost

The Hudson River Cooling Tower Proceeding: Interface between Science and Law G. S. P. Bergen

Two Scientists in the Courtroom: What They Didn’t Teach Us in Graduate School S. W. Christensen and R. J. Klauda

What we Learned About the Hudson River: Journey toward an Elusive Destination R. J. Klauda, L. W. Barnthouse, and D. S. Vaughan

What we Didn’t Learn About the Hudson River, Why, and What it Means for Environmental Assessment L. W. Barnthouse, R. J. Klauda, and D. S. Vaughan

List of Technical Personnel Associated with the Hudson River Power Plant Case, 1964-1980 Author Index