Early Life History of Fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed


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Frederick Feyrer, Larry R. Brown, Randall L. Brown, and James J. Orsi, editors

296 pages

Published by American Fisheries Society

Publication date: February 2004

doi: https://doi.org/10.47886/9781888569599


Symposium 39

This book is the primary source of information on the early life history of fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and its watershed. There has been a large body of research and monitoring conducted in the system; however, very little of it has been published. This book contains more papers on fish early life history in the system than all previous publications combined. There is a great deal of interest in the system itself, as it is the largest estuary on the Pacific coast of the United States. In addition to providing a resource for people generally interested in the system, original papers on feeding ecology, growth, environmental requirements of species, community ecology, emerging modeling techniques, development, and toxicology will benefit scientists specializing in a variety of disciplines.

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgments Reviewer Acknowledgments

Part I San Francisco Estuary Pacific Herring

Pacific Herring Spawning Grounds in San Francisco Bay: 1973-2000 Diana L. Watters, Heather M. Brown, Frederick J. Griffin, Eric J. Larson, and Gary N. Cherri

Ecology of Larval Pacific Herring Larvae in the San Francisco Estuary: Seasonal and Interannual Abundance, Distribution, Diet, and Condition Stephen M. Bollens and Alison M. Sanders

Survival of Pacific Herring Larvae Is a Function of External Salinity Frederick J. Griffin, Melissa R. Brenner, Heather M. Brown, Edmund H. Smith, Carol A. Vines, and Gary N. Cherr

Part II San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Larval Fish Assemblage Dynamics and Distribution

Effect of Outflow on Spring and Summertime Distribution and Abundance of Larval and Juvenile Fishes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary Michael Dege and Larry R. Brown

Ecological Segregation of Native and Alien Larval Fish Assemblages in the Southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Frederick Feyrer

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Native and Alien Ichthyoplankton in Three Habitat Types of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Lenny F. Grimaldo, Robert E. Miller, Christopher M. Peregrin, and Zachary P. Hymanson

Vertical Distribution of Larval Delta Smelt and Striped Bass near the Confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Andrew K. Rockriver

Part III San Francisco Estuary Watershed Fish Assemblage Dynamics

Ecological Patterns of Early Life Stages of Fishes in a Large River-Floodplain of the San Francisco Estuary Ted R. Sommer, William C. Harrell, Ryon Kurth, Frederick Feyrer, Steven C. Zeug, and Gavin O’Leary

Use of a Restored Central California Floodplain by Larvae of Native and Alien Fishes Patrick K. Crain, Keith Whitener, and Peter B. Moyle

Juvenile Fishes of the Lower Feather River: Distribution, Emigration Patterns, and Associations with Environmental Variables Alicia Seesholtz, Bradley J. Cavallo, Jason Kindopp, and Ryon Kurth

Part IV Early Life Stages and Ecology of Fishes

Early Life Stages of Delta Smelt Randall C. Mager, Serge I. Doroshov, Joel P. Van Eenennaam, and Randall L. Brown

Use of Otolith Microstructure to Estimate Growth Rates of Juvenile Chinook Salmon from a Central Valley, California Stock Robert G. Titus, Martha C. Volkoff, and William M. Snider

Growth and Growth Rate Variability of Larval Striped Bass in the San Francisco Estuary, California Stephen F. Foss and Lee W. Miller

The Effect of Light Intensity, Alga Concentration, and Prey Density on the Feeding Behavior of Delta Smelt Larvae Bradd Baskerville-Bridges, Joan C. Lindberg, and Serge I. Doroshov

Potential Exposure of Larval and Juvenile Delta Smelt to Dissolved Pesticides in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California Kathryn M. Kuivila and G. Edward Moon

Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Esfenvalerate and Diazinon on Splittail Larvae Swee J. Teh, Guo H. Zang, Tom Kimball, and Foo C. Teh

Part V Modeling, Methodology, and Management Considerations

Sensitivity of Larval Fish Transport to Location, Timing, and Behavior Using a Particle Tracking Model in Suisun Marsh, California Steven D. Culberson, Callie B. Harrison, Christopher Enright, and Matthew L. Nobriga

Evaluating Aspects of Larval Light Trap Bias and Specificity in the Northern Sacramento River System: Do Size and Color Matter? Michael P. Marchetti, Elaine Esteban, Michael Limm, and Ryon Kurth

Evaluating Entrainment Vulnerability to Agricultural Irrigation Diversions: A Comparison among Open-Water Fishes Matthew L. Nobriga, Zoltan Matica, and Zachary P. Hymanson